Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Are Madge and A-Rod Moving in Together?

Hold on to your britches bitches because the real estate gossip about soon to be dee-vorced superstar Madonna has already begun. According to the folks at Page Six the Kaballah Kween and her heavy hitting major league man-friend Alex "A-Rod" Rodriguez have been spotted discreetly touring townhouses on the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

According to the gossip column's source, both of the soon to be dee-vorced lovebirds are "discreetly looking at properties between Fifth and Park Avenues, from just above 60th Street through the 80s." and are hoping to perhaps pick up a double wide townhouse with a private garage in the $30-60,000,000 range.

Come on! Really?

Additional sources whispered to Page Sixers that the superstar pair are also hunting for a home in the Hamptons.


We're not saying that the good folks at Page Six have bogus sources, but does anyone really think that Madge the Shrewd is stoopid enough to purchase and cohabitate in a $30,000,000+ mansion with her well muscled rebound boyfriend? Really?

It's certainly possible that the material mommy had a look-see at this impressive Georgian style double wide monster on East 81st Street that includes 26 rooms, 13 bedrooms, 14 terlits, 9 fireplaces, and a private two car garage with interior access (she does seem to like looking at big houses in NYC after all), but we find it difficult to believe she'd ever move her Latin lover into any house she owns. But then again, what do we know about the real estate machinations of the rich and famous?

Anyhoo, Mister A-Rod continues to try to unload the Park Avenue digs where he lived with his ex-wife and baby momma Cynthia (price slashed to $10,000,000 from $14,000,000 or for lease at fifty grand a month) as well as trying to sell the couple's colossal Coral Gables, FL crib currently on the market with an asking price of $14,876,000.

In the aftermath of Madonna's impending (and allegedly bitter) dee-vorce, it remains to be seen what will become of her Beverly Hills estate (on Sunset Boulevard) and her side by side townhouses in the Marylebone area of London. It is presumed she will keep her longtime coop on Central Park West and it has been reported (but not confirmed) that ex-Mister Madonna Guy Ritchie will get to keep Ashcombe House, the couple's 1,200 acre estate in the English countryside.


  1. Marylebone isn't half as posh as most punters would think. I so hope GR does get the country pile, he is so LUSH and so deserves it. In spades. Ah well, as u say Mama, who really knows the ins and outs of mega-rich real estate. It is just so sad that the ink aint dry on one sheet of blotting paper B4 she goes a-spoiling another. Full Marks for La Isla Bonita but a thumbs down for the rest.....

  2. Holy shit Mama! You have been on a roll the last couple of days. Keep it up! We love it!

  3. Jehesuz, Mary and Johosephat, this is one seriously sublime OUTBURST of real estate gossip! Mama, it is so good to have you back - please do not leave the children for so long again !!!!!!

  4. Jehesuz, Mary and Johosephat, this is one seriously sublime OUTBURST of real estate gossip! Mama, it is so good to have you back - please do not leave the children for so long again !!!!!!

  5. Jehesuz, Mary and Johosephat, this is one seriously sublime OUTBURST of real estate gossip! Mama, it is so good to have you back - please do not leave the children for so long again !!!!!!

  6. Saw her on a recent interview what happened to her face? It WAS beautiful. Now she looks like every other streched out face in the hwood. NOT COOl!!

    A-Rod is hotttt. Let's see if they make a cute couple (Karen hopes so).

  7. While I usta love Madge, I've grown so tired of her.

    Too preachey.

    Too rich.

    Too clueless of reality.

  8. 2:47, too true about alot of superstars. With rare exception, most become parodies of themselves eventually, and that's just sad. When I stop to think back on what attracted me to them initially and what attracts (?) me now, there's usually no comparison.

  9. Anybody else notice the left third of the TH is not attached to the right 2/3 of the TH. It's two residences that have never been combined, at least not in these floor plans.

  10. I have been in the East 81st townhouse you mentioned Mama. It's beautiful but needs to be fully combined. Also, the location may not be as ideal as she would want, it's between Lexington and Third but still a wonderful neighborhood. I have lived on this blocked for 10 years and I will stay here forever.

  11. I hope Guy sells the country estate, I want it, it's beautiful!

  12. Madge is disgusting. I remember how she said she would never move to Westchester County in Redbook magazine, because she wanted her kids to grow up in a more "diverse" neighborhood like CPW, Sunset Blvd, and the English COuntryside.

    Ummm, ok.... Then she goes and screws her married bf the whole summer in Westchester, but that's ok.

  13. What a beat up hoe Madonna is. Why anyone would want to date such a diva is beyond me.

  14. Anyone know which house on Sunset? That's such a busy street. I am surprised she is on that noisy part of Bev Hills.

  15. Hey - give Madge a break! She's working her ass off & making money - much more than can be said of her pasty white soon to be ex whose movies aren't exactly breaking any records. Two years with no nookie according to Mr. Ritchie - she deserves a romp with a hot guy.

    Of course what A-Rod did to his wife in unexcusable, but let's hope Karma works in NYC.

  16. no nookie with Ritchie perhaps. But we know better!

  17. Why anybody would get involved with Madge is beyond me, especially after her soon to be ex said making love to her was like "cuddling up to a piece of gristle."

  18. i guess pp's that are 17 years younger than you can make you do crazy things.

  19. p.s. i do love her in all her forms, but the fact that she's running around in Goddamn Ed Hardy speaks volumes.

  20. Yeah, the least she could have the decency to do would be to only be in Ed Hardy in the privacy of one of her fancy houses. I've always thought strap-ons were tacky anyway.

  21. I love the East 80's over there. I, too, have been in the Georgian, and it is just about perfect. I would kill for the garage alone.

  22. Madge is at 9425 Sunset, you cannot see the house from the road. She has two huge gated driveways at either end of the property.

  23. i thought her deevorce was already over....


  24. Not sure how things work across the pond, but I think there was a 'preliminary decree' granted with a 'final decree' in a few weeks.

    Love those Brits - even the tawdriest of things sounds elegant.

  25. I forgot to weigh in on this...

    Do I see them possibly moving in together? Yes! Do I see both of their names going on the deed? Never!

    They may have been seeing each other longer than they've been spotted together...although I don't see how that could happen with the media scrutiny.

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