Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Last October, Your Mama discussed the Coral Gables Crib of professional baseballer Alex "A-Rod" Rodriguez who–at that time–had dumped his wifey Cynthia and taken up with the man-armed and man-eating force of nature known as Madonna Louise Ciccone Penn Ritchie. Since then the Kabbalah Kween has moved on to a Brazilian born male model named Jesus–that's hay-soos, puppies, not gee-zuss–who is sta-acked and about half her damn age, and A-Rod has turned his ladee lovin' attentions to Kate Hudson, another famous man eater who has had at least four boyfriends and two additional flings since splitting from her Black Crows ex-huzband Chris Robinson in 2007.

Mister Rodriguez and Miz Gets Around Hudson seem to have gotten very serious very fast. In fact, they were reported to be house hunting in Pacific Palisades and Malee-boo in late September and in early October the love birds were seen shopping around for new digs in New York City. Lo-ward have mercy. Your Mama just hopes neither of these two are foolish enough to start shacking up together after five months of dating and doing it because–let's be honest children–this story of celebrity love and high profile romance has star crossed lovers painted all over it.

Anyhoo, let's get back to the real estate. Mister Rodriguez, whose team recently won the World Series which really ain't the world series since only team from the U-nited States get to play in it, has also gotten serious about selling his one time happy home in Florida. At the end of October of 2008, the 8,310 square foot water front Mediterranean was listed with an asking price of $14,876,000. Since then, the price tag has plummeted to $9,999,999. As if that nearly five million clam cut doesn't sting quite enough, keep in mind that Mister and Missus ex-A-Rod paid $12,000,000 big ones for the 6 bedroom and 8 terlit mansion on E. Sunrise Avenue back in December of 2004. Oh, ouch. That's gotta hurt the financial pride even if you are A-Rod and bringing home bazillions of dollars every year for swinging a wood stick and catching balls in a leather glove.

Not only has price been chopped, thanks to Lipsmacking Leonard we've also learned that A-Rod has put the property up for auction on the BillionaireXchange with no minimum bid suggested. No minimum bid? Pleeze. Your Mama is not saying Mister A-Rod is getting desperate to sell his Floridian white elephant but it certainly looks like he's had a real estate reality check and realized that he's going to lose several if not many millions of dollars. All the price of celebrity dee-vorce chickens, all the price of celebrity dee-vorce.

As far as we know, Mister A-Rod spends a small fortune leasing an apartment at the over-hyped and insanely high priced 15 Central Park West building in New York City. Miz Gets Around Hudson owns a home in Pacific Palisades, CA where she's lived ever since being married to that Black Crows fellow and she recently vacated–or is soon to vacate–the King Street townhouse she's been leasing in downtown Manhattan.


  1. What about the Toronto Blue Jays? I know they suck and probably shouldn't count, but last time I checked they weren't in the U-nited States.

    B to the...

  2. Okay dolly, you right. But one team from Canada still don't make it a "world" series. It barely makes it a North American series.

  3. Hey, Mama, do you know if Castillo del Lago was sold to anyone ? 'cause it's out of the market once again...

  4. I can't help noticing that many of the pictures of Madonna to which Mama links show the Kaballah Queen in the act of SMOKING CIGARETTES!

    Look, don't get me wrong, I think Madge has the right to suck on cancer sticks as much and as often as anyone else. But isn't it a little odd that the coverage of the reasons for her divorce from Ritchie included a rather long list of intense "health related" obsessions, but she still SUCKS CIGS? How will she be able to taste her tofu or Jesus's presumably delicious, tender and caipirinha-flavored wangy?

    I mean, we're not talking "moderate exercise" and "eat-your-vegetable" stuff here. Madonna's personal Ritchie-era habits included (1) a live-in trainer, (2) working out to the point that Ritchie said she "looked like a granny" next to her back-up dancers and was like "cuddling up to a piece of gristle," (3) going to sleep slathered in $800 cream and wrapped in plastic, and (4) enforcing a strict dairy-free policy that allowed Ritchie only rarely to eat meat and when he did, his wife would leave the table in disgust). Madge never denied any of this, as far as I know.

    And she SMOKES?


    Still, I'd kiss her gristle any day! She's so wonderfully PEVERTO! Jesus, too!

  5. Chris Robinson was the lead for THE BLACK CROWS, not the Counting Crows.

  6. Chris Robinson is the front man for "The Black Crows" not "Counting Crows". That's the dredlocked, unlikely lothario Adam Duritz.

  7. Oh laword, y'all are correct. Turns out Your Mama don't know one crow band from another, partick after a long night of gin and tonics. We've fixed our error. Thanks dollies.

  8. The dirt I heard was the A-Rod was checking out pads at 15 CPW.

  9. Mama, did you mean to say that A-Rod swings a "big" stick? My word verification is "penis."

  10. Sorry Mama but you're confusing Spanish with Portuguese. Jesus is Brazilian and thus his name is pronounced Zhay-zoosh. An initial J is not aspirated in Portuguese and the s in the middle is given a z sound and the final s has a sh sound.

  11. Kissy - I doubt Madonna really smokes. It's just part of the fantasy world Steven Klein cooked up for them that day. In his "Domestic Bliss" W shoot with Brad and Ange, I don't think anybody imagined that Angie was passing out drunk every night and being carried to bed by Brad, as was depicted in that spread.

  12. Wow the folks are all about correcting Mama! Back in the day you got the wooden spoon for doing that <---hiding behind Mama's apron

  13. Yikes! Those pics of Madonna and her toy ... so Barbara Hutton ....

  14. This woman has played her hand well and taken full advantage of the foibles of American and European culture to become well known and wealthy. What astonishes me is how good she doesn't look in Mama's photo collection. With all of her assets, and the miracles of digital manipulation, she should look better in these shots. She is only fifty but appears hagged out beyond the powers of the photoshop wizards.


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