Friday, December 14, 2007

UPDATE: Stevie Nicks

Following up on our earlier discussion about Miz Stevie Nicks, Your Mama just received word from a gentleman we'll call The Cactus Pusher who informed us that the tambourine shaking singer's Paradise Valley house has been sold for $3,000,000

The Cactus Pusher was kind enough to send along paper work that clearly shows the property was originally priced at $3,800,000, later reduced to $3,300,000 and that the sale closed on December 12, just two days ago. Lawhd children, the money has probably not even hit Miz Nicks' bank account yet.


  1. Lord, Mama, one look at that picture and I thought you were going to tell us that Stevie had died and this is her final resting place.

  2. Oh Luke220, you are so right - at first I thought it was a pet cemetery.

    Mama, another nerve pill, please.

  3. Miss Nicks' house is haunted? By the ghost of Jack Daniels, no doubt.

  4. Miss Nicks' house is haunted? By the ghost of Jack Daniels, no doubt.

  5. JD nuthin', she was a brandy girl...with a bunch of blow on da 70s!


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