Saturday, December 15, 2007

Yout Gotta Be Rich To Be The President of the USA

clockwise from top left: John Edwards' $6,000,000 farm in in Chapel Hill, NC; John McCain's 7,000 sq. foot condo in Phoenix, AZ; Mitt Romney's $10,000,000 vacation house in New Hampshire; the $1,650,000 Obama house in South Chicago, IL; and the $1,700,000 Clinton casa in Chappaqua, NY.

Since the always shocking and entertaining parade of Presidential politics has already begun with dozens of "debates," name calling candidates and deep discussions of non-issue issues, Your Mama thought we might add to the fun. Because as anyone who knows Your Mama knows, we just love the upsetting and disturbing spectacle of a Presidential campaign.

Earlier this week, mainstream news outlet Newsweek posted an interesting and unnerving article on their website about some of the homes of the current crop of Presidential hopefuls.

Lawhd children, as most people in this country struggle to pay their mortgages, feed their babies and figure out a way to afford the outrageous premiums for their meager medical benefits, it will not likely bouy y'all to know that just about every candidate on the dais lives up in a multi-million dollar home, and in most cases they own more than one multi million dollar home. So when those conservative suited and glossy haired candidates start tossing around the "I know the plight of the common person" bullshit that they seem to like so much, just remember puppies, that ev-er-ee single one of them goes home to a plush and posh crib and more than likely do not worry, fret or even think about going belly up bankrupt because little buck toothed Tina busted up her bones tripping over a damn crack in the sidewalk.

Now children, do not think Your Mama begrudges the candidates' behemoth bank accounts or simply covets the residential spoils of their financial successes. We don't. This is the American dream after all: work hard, make boo-coo coin, buy a big house with more bedrooms than you need and get a few gas guzzling SUVs for the garage.

All we're saying is that when Miz Clinton and Mister Obama cat fight over universal health care coverage and Mister Edwards yaks on about ending poverty in America and Misters Guiliani and Romney bicker over tax reform and privatizing Social Security, just remember, they are not the average American looking to find some sense of financial security in an insecure world. Your Mama recommends you squint your eyes with skepticism (don't let anyone tell you it's not good to question your public servants), educate yourself on what these rich people really have planned for the little people, and vote your conscience.

(Photos (clockwise from top left): via, Don Carrington ,, AP (3))


  1. Mama,

    I'd love to find out about Dennis Kucinich's crib! Hovel or tricked out manse. Enquiring minds want to know. lol.

  2. Mama!! Love this post. Our current crop of candidates really have no idea how the rest of America really lives. I'd love to see where Ron Paul lives, should your impeccable sources be able to dig that up...

  3. Bravo!!! Very smart posting. Lost none of your clever wit in the translation.

  4. Mama don't know her counter clockwise from clockwise.

  5. My parents live in Chapel Hill. The Edwards' home is in a rural area of the county to the west of CH which is starting to get built up. Some neighbors are annoyed at their presence, others are happy the took 100+ acres off the market and away from housing developers.

  6. Things are getting veerrrrryyy interesting out there on the campaign trail. What a huge impact the internets have had on this campaign compared to four years ago. Online contributions (I've done that), every cell phone has video capacity the better to download to youtube a candidates every faux pas(I haven't done that), bloggers of every stripe sharing their own and their readers opinions. Information is more accesssible and moves so fast candidates have less control over spin. I'm loving it. Thanks for pictures of the candidates houses. Obama's is a fairly modest and typical Chicago house right on the streeet. The Edwards' place has had a lot of coverage and he's taken a lot of criticism for the size of the place. I like the Romney and Clinton houses for hominess. McCain's is boring. Thanks mama for the change of scenery!

  7. Hmmm, let's see - the Edwards spread looks like they set off a damn nuclear blast to clear the land, McCain is living in a God-awful office building, Romney overpaid by about 5 mil for that house on Winnepasaukee, Obama's house looks like a frat house (How's those drugs?) and the Clinton residence bears an eerie resemblance to the Amityville Horror (been there).

    'Nuff said?

  8. No sane person in America goes into politics,they go into business.All of them are crazy and none of them will help you or me.

  9. Mama thank you for your insightful and clever commentary on our candidates. Your advice is good too. I live in San Jose in an 1100sf condo, very nice for what it is but we had to pay $500,000 clams and it was about the cheapest thing on the market. We do o.k., but we aren't rich. We moved here 3 years ago from Indiana where we sold 18 acres and a 3000sf house for $175,000. I originally come from the Wash, DC area, where things are just about as expensive as here. We are better off than the average Joe but we are always a traumatic event away from having nothing. Something's not right for most of us Mama, and I don't think there is a candidate out there that's gonna help any of us. Thanks for the post.

  10. $10 million for a vacation house? No wonder none of them can fathom how Americans struggle.

  11. good post & advice, i'm not going out on a limb here when i say they're all a bunch of lying dikheds who put their party b/s over the countries welfare.
    love that lakehouse on one of my favorite lakes though.
    clinton house is cool, although i hear its a bachelor pad.

  12. I always liked the Clinton's house. A lovely Dutch Colonial.

    I hate the Edwards 'nuclear farm'...what a dump!

    Obama and McCain's are 'meh'...although I'm certain the McCain penthouse was courtesy of his wife Cindy's jazzy taste.

    I like Mit Romney's lakeside home. It's a shame that I hate the man.

  13. I always liked the Clinton's house. A lovely Dutch Colonial.

    I hate the Edwards 'nuclear farm'...what a dump!

    Obama and McCain's are 'meh'...although I'm certain the McCain penthouse was courtesy of his wife Cindy's jazzy taste.

    I like Mit Romney's lakeside home. It's a shame that I hate the man.

  14. LOL Edwards' place looks like a great place for a nascar parking lot.

    McCain is just a plain old fool for buying a con-doh! in Arizona.

    I too would like to see what RP lives in.

  15. If you like Romney's lakeside home you'd love his primary residence, the one where they hired the illegal aliens to do yardwork.

  16. I don't know what Mitt Romney's platforms are, and I don't care. As a Michigan native, his dad, George W. Romney, was MI's governor [1963-1969]; and was defeated by Nixon for president in 1968.

    Shortly before Mitt's father's death, former Gov. Romney, and his wife, Lenore, stopped me to ask for directions. They were deeply disoriented, confused and anxious. I tried to explain they were only a short distance from their described destination. They were angry, and proceeding to scould my ability to provide concise direction, as I could not recall if it was the 2nd or 3rd left. The former governor appeared to be incoherent, and had large chunks of hair falling into his eyes. The Mrs. was treating me like help about to be terminated. I recall asking myself, how can their kids let this happen. These seniors were in danger. And, why doesn't this couple have a driver. If you can't care for your parents, can you care for the country? Kids don't miss this signals.

  17. Mama, what building is Rudy's NYC pad in???

  18. Great post, Mama. I like the Romney place. I agree about the Clinton place resembling the Amityville horror house, it really does from that angle. I have seen interiors of Edwards' place and it really is a beautiful home on the ground level and inside, but they could use a landscaper.

  19. Sandpiper, that's a sad story. But in fairness to the family we don't know what they were up against. Short of having them declared incompetent, some elderly won't be told what to do. Just look here in these pages at the trouble Old Hag is giving her family! Or me, for that matter! This is in no particular defense of Romney who I know nothing about and intend to keep it that way. I have my candidate all picked out. At least as of this minute.

  20. $1.7m for Hil's place? She doesn't even live there. And that was year 2000 pricing. Try $4m now. The secret service paid more for their house next door.

  21. You were just on VH1 Fabulous Life Presents!!

  22. MaaaaMAAAAA!!!

    Get out of bed - chilruns want their real estate fix.

  23. Hi Aunt Mary,

    Point well taken. Same thought occured to me as I was writing it. But the man really shouldn't have been driving. It was a very unpleasant experience. And with that, I turn the floor over to Old Hag.

    Group hugs. Should be an interesting race.

  24. I thought we were living in a capitalist society? These people worked hard and made money. Regardless of their political affiliation, they achieved the American dream. Isn't that what this site celebrates? Well, other than bad decorating. Say it in the voting booth kids by choosing someone you can live with after you've researched them AND the agenda of their opponents. You owe it to yourself and your fellow citizens. Basing your vote on whether or not someone got impatient with you because you suck at giving directions and hate old people. Sounds crazy but give it a try.

  25. I respect freedom of speech in Mama's territory, even 3:38's. Seriously, I do know the platforms. Religion, taxes and politics are always controversial. Sibling 3:38, let's shift over to a political blog. Tell me where and I'll catch up with you. Game? I'm all for insights on the american dream. It's what makes this country great.

  26. AMEN MAMA!! Politicians remind me of religious evangelists--who claim to represent the masses while living over the top. Keep up the great work!

  27. None of them is is as big as the Whitehouse!

  28. The Chappaqua place is not in the same category as some of these places. Just the location in Westchester. The Clintons are not at the same level as a Romney.

  29. The Edwards place is a farm. The photo is obviously taken in the early spring when the fields had been plowed and seeded.

    How many staplers did Romney have to sell to buy a $10 mill vacation home. Corporate raiding at it's finest.


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