Friday, December 14, 2007

Who Doesn't Love A Blind Item?

From today's Page Six column in the NY Post:

WHICH jet-setting performer is stingy with the holiday cheer? The doormen and porters at her posh Central Park West building pad are left with empty pockets when it comes to Christmas tips

WHICH legendary actor's wife recently sold their luxurious Manhattan condo to a couple who later found hidden closed-circuit cameras in the guest bedroom and guest bathroom during a gut renovation of the apartment?


  1. 1. Madonna??
    2. DeNiro's wife??

  2. 1] Def Madonna but she's fighting the building so it's no great surprise

    2] I'm stumped!

  3. Kevin Spacey had the Cameras, the CC Monitors were in the closet where he spends much of his life.

  4. Madonna


    Tony Randall's wife!!!

  5. 1: Madonna or Mariah Carey (although I can't recall for certain if Ms Carey lives on the Upper West side)

    2: Good one with DeNiro's wife.

  6. 1. Not a clue. but could be a real career breaker for the doorman.

    2. This one's just plain creepy.

  7. 1. Either Madonna or Streisand

    Mariah lives in TriBeCa, not UWS.

    2. No idea!

  8. i vote tony randall on #2, he could have been nuts enough

  9. ^

    yeah, but her husband is protestant & i'm pretty sure they celebrate christmas for the kids.

  10. 1. Madonna

    2. Gotta be some old dude and dudette that was pretty unnoticed.
    You know the quiet type....

    HOW DO WE FIND THE ANSWER??? Can't gooogle it!!!

  11. Kabbalah is a profoundly deep cosmology not available to the understanding of most people. I wouldn't call it a religion either. I highly recommend Let There Be Light: Modern Cosmology and Kabbalah by Howard Smith. Hey, don't hammer me, I'm only responding to a previous post. I've always been curious about the material girl's interest in the subject, as she doesn't seem like she'd have the time for much navel gazing. But maybe there's a Kabbalah Lite, that I'm not aware of. The red strings and all that. But it's for real and hugely appealing to me.

    On the riddles, I don't have a clue, but you can't stiff the help and get away with it.

  12. #1: Moe Donna is said to have forgotten what its like to be overworked and underpaid, so her sense of an appropriate gratuity is about as bad as they come. I'm guessing it was her. Although, that's no excuse as to why my X, Guy Richie, couldn't cough up a few hundred for the DM.

    #2: Oh for heaven sakes, what's wrong with a little clandestine filming? Bathroom clips make awfully funny gifts for friends, shortly before a birthday or, say, a few weeks before the holidays hit. Sure enough, it never fails to prompt the recepient to give generously. But guest room filming is just a complete waste of time! No guest ever leaves the light on. And just try to find a reasonably priced camera that's both small enough for the A/C vent, and gets good shots in the dark. You end up with a lot of shadowy movements, and glimpses of erectile function like some bad video on dudetube. My guess is the Candid Camera equipment was found in the apartment of De Niro. I would have agreed with Caveman and other on Tony Randal, except that I heard he & his wife did not enterain much, so I can't imagine they would have had overnight guests.

  13. # 1 : Mad donna

    # 2 : ??? Do tell

  14. 1. Could be Madonna

    2. Has to be Tony Randall's apartment

  15. It's all just a cryin' shame; parsimonious entertainers and peeping Toms?

    And who said New York wasn't Fun City?

  16. 1. Beyonce?

    2. First of all, ew. Second, does the husband have to be dead?

  17. Stormy, you may be on to something. Could be a trick question. Mama's riddle doesn't say he is dead. Could be a divorce where the wife got the condo and is now selling.

  18. Stormy my dear Beyonce is over at the new Bloomberg tower on the East side.
    I'm shocked that only one other person said Babs,but you know it's got to be her!

  19. I have no doubt that it's Ms Barbara up at the Ardsley.

  20. Well funny some one should mention Beyonce. I hear she and Jay-Z with whom she shares her PH also dont think christmas tipping is such a great idea despite the fact the buidling staff are virtually monopolised by the sheer volume of packages and the like constantly coming and going.

  21. "Kabbalah is a profoundly deep cosmology not available to the understanding of most people."

    Funny, they think the same thing over at Scientology. Puh-lease!

  22. 1) I don't know that Madonna's CPW building is considered posh, it's a 2nd tier place isn't it, so I vote (out of left field) Demi Moore at the San Remo! (since the article says she's a jet setter, which I don't know that Babs really is anymore but Demi definitely still is....)

    2) If they at least told us what neighborhood, I'd venture a guess, but somehow, I don't think it's Tony Randall, since it said wife and not widow, so I'll go with the votes for DeNiro, since I can't think of any other living actor who's wife has sold real estate in Manhattan lately off the top of my head...

  23. @ bigdaddyj

    It can't be Demi. She's surprisingly generous to the "little people" in her life.

  24. Doorman doesn't get tipped! Scandal Erupts!!

    God, service personnel are so needy and demanding.

    Actually, I've known two different people who've worked with babs (and that's barbra, not barbara), and by all accounts, totally generous, accessible and a little wacky. according to one, much more like she is in the movies as opposed to how she comes across in interviews and her self-monumental comments.

    and she likes getting high!

  25. Mama, this teaser cruel to us children.

    I don't know who would short the building's staff, but that's downright sad, coop politics aside. Penny pinching famous person: we all walk on this earth for a brief time. Make good of it.

    As for the creepy circuit camera thing, the answer could be really mucky. These units easily go under radar as pocket listings. If it does prove out to be Hightower, I would hope the reason for cameras is more closely tied to suspicion (justified or imagined) of house staff, rather than some kinky voyer-induced motivation.

  26. ... oh, and even so, that's still creepy.

  27. @. Michael dOUGLASS


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