Monday, May 24, 2010

Conan O'Brien Snags a Deal for his Doo-plex Digs

According to former New York Times celebrity real estate gossip turned Walls Street Journal celebrity real estate gossip Josh Barbanel, ousted late night talk show host Conan O'Brien has found a buyer for his sprawling doo-plex digs at the magical Majestic building on New York City's Central Park West.

In March of 2007, the ginger haired "comedian" and his wife Liza–that's Liza with a "z" but not that Liza and a "z"–spent about $10,000,000 for an 18th floor apartment in the twin towered Art Deco dowager that they combined with the 17th floor apartment they already owned. Their newly combined, south facing super-sized doo-plex digs includes 7 bedrooms, 8.5 poopers, 2 libraries, and 3 terraces according to reports. The gigantic apartment was never on the open market but rumors put the asking price as high as $35,000,000. According to Mister Barbanel, a man likely to know the real poop, the asking price was $29,500,000 and the current deal is for "at or close" to the asking price. According to Vanity Fair, the big bucks buyer is the same "distinguished New York society fixture Anonymous Buyer" who recently paid $106,500,000 for Picasso's Nude, Green Leaves and Bust and $32,600,000 for a self portrait by Andy Warhol.

Some of the Majestic's most famous (and infamous) former residents include cross dressing comedian Milton Berle, actor Zero Mostel, and a number of big time mafioso. Several heads of the Luciano/Genovese crime syndicate called the Majestic home including Meyer Lansky, Lucky Luciano and Frank Costello who was shot–but not killed–in in the lobby of the Majestic by Vincent "The Chin" Gigante in 1957.

Back in early 2008, in anticipation of a move to the west coast where Mister O'Brien was contracted to take over the hosting duties of Los Angeles based The Tonight Show from the depressingly unfunny Jay Leno, Mister and Missus O'Brien plunked down $10,750,000 for a newly completed 6 bedroom and 8.5 pooper mansion in the quietly swanky Brentwood area of Los Angeles.

But alas, due to lackluster ratings and amid controversy and an avalanche of hoo-haw in the press, Mister O'Brien was ousted from his hosting duties in early 2010, a humiliation that earned him a reported $33,000,000 payout plus another $12,000,000 for staff members. In April of 2010, it was announced that Mister O'Brien will host a new late night show on TBS, a late night program Your Mama can assure the children we will never lay eyes on.

photo: Property Shark


  1. I have never been able to decide who is the more "un-funny", Conan or Leno. It's a neck and neck contest.

  2. I have never been able to decide who is the more "un-funny", Conan or Leno. It's a neck and neck contest.

  3. If Jay Leno is "depressingly unfunny" then we need a whole new category for Coco. His combination of nervous, puerile and lame makes us wince. Have no idea why he's so popular. Or how he got this rich.

  4. You are never going to watch Conan's new show? I for one cannot STAND what Jay leno did and NBC did and I am going to give it a chance. I think you are a genius and I wish you woudl reconsider! Conan is the bEST!!!

  5. Conan sucks, long live Jay.

    And for all of "Coco's" fans out there, he hates you and disdains you all. You are only as useful to him as the check you can bring him. You never see him hang out, talk or interact with his fans. Cold and soulless.
    Jay is always out and about talking to everyone. A real man of the people.

    If "Coco" could not beat Letterman when he only had him to compete with, what do you think is going to happen to him now with Jay in the mix also. And George Lopez can sing and dance like a monkey and claim he was ok with Conan coming there, but the reality is, Conan bumped him just like Jay bumped him.

  6. Mama:
    Welcome back from fun in the sun! Your readers, if interested, may read about Meyer Lansky and his Majestic exploits in "Jewish Gangsters: But They Were Nice to Their Mothers!" By the way, Mr. Lansky was born in Grodno, Poland as Meyer Suchowljanski, and just try saying that three times fast!

  7. they're off and running with out even mentioning the property! Oh these chirren! Anyway, Mama, is or was there a listing? I looked at BHS and saw nada.

  8. Possibly the only interesting thing about Conan is his former relationship with Lisa Kudrow. However the world owes him a huge debt of gratitude for enabling the career of Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog.

  9. Oh, anonymous, you clueless twit. When people are hanging out at the stage door after his live tour shows, he always talks with them, signs autographs, and takes pictures.

  10. Conan is very talented...he'll definitely bounce back in some way, shape or form.

  11. Cara, you dumb as a box of rocks ox.
    Signing a few autographs and chit chatting for a few seconds is the least he can do after people pump tens of millions of dollars into his hands for sitting at a desk and telling lame jokes.

    I watched him whine incessantly about the nickname Coco given to him by the same fans that were trying to save his show and watched him constantly keep saying how he did not like the name and we could stop calling him that anytime now. If you truly are a Conan lap dog, you can verify that.

  12. Wish there was some floorplan porn to look at on this one...and anyone who thinks Jay Leno is funny and Conan isn't needs their sense of humor examined, or must be over the age of 60...

  13. i'm so sorry! I thought I was on the real estate blog! Seems as if I wound up on the Co-co blog instead.

  14. Jumpin' Jejosephat in LAMay 25, 2010 at 12:11 AM

    @MarkyMark- Here, here. I second that remark. "Which button do I push to have your parents come pick you up?" As for the real estate portion of our programme, I cannot make much comment without visuals, but for that much cash, my domicile better not b**** when I tell it to roll over and go to sleep because I have to get up early in the morning.

  15. I watched him whine incessantly about the nickname Coco given to him by the same fans that were trying to save his show and watched him constantly keep saying how he did not like the name and we could stop calling him that anytime now. If you truly are a Conan lap dog, you can verify that.

  16. Mama, please remove that disgusting Pam Anderson ad on your site. Thank you!

  17. Can we see Craig Ferguson's property? He's the only one who makes me laugh.

  18. Mama they all done ignored the apartment! WTF?

  19. Juanita (and others), how can we talk about the apartment when there's no floorplan, and no photos? All we know is the building and the ballpark price range...not really much to go on, whereas Conan vs. Jay is still an area where a lot of people have an opinion...and Juanita, noticed you didn't mention the apartment, either. (P.S. - please stop trying to talk/write just like your mama. it's kind've sad, unoriginal, and, quite frankly, you don't do it nearly as well...)

  20. Marky is right on the money. Triumph the Insult Comic dog is laugh out loud and pee in your pants funny. Something none of the guys can claim.

    And anon 10:41 - I would also watch Craig Ferguson before tuning into either Leno or Conan.


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