Friday, July 3, 2009

Your Mama Hears...

...from a woman we'll call Wendy Windbag that word on the Westchester County real estate gossip grapevine is that political power pair Bill and Hillary Clinton might soon have some property news to announce.

There have already been many rumors and multiple reports that Bill and Hill have been house hunting in Westchester County and some reports say they also peeped at a property just outside hippy-dippy and world famous Woodstock, NY in upstate New York.

We know nothing about the Demo duo shopping for a hideway in upstate New York, but according to Miss Windbag, the ex-President and current Secretary of State have made an offer on a new primary residence in Westchester County. Unfortunately, that's all the 411 Miss Windbag would reveal to Your Mama at this time but earlier reports indicate they want something bigger where they will be more comfortable entertaining.

When in Washington D.C., where Hill spends most of her time sans Bill, the former first couple shack up in a pretty brick Georgian number on Whitehaven Street NW and when in Chappaqua–that's in Westchester Country puppies, where Bill spends most of his time sans Hill, the Clintons own a 5 bedroom house on Old House Lane they scooped up in 1999 for $1,700,000.


  1. Bill lives in NY and his mistress lives nearby, and Hill lives in DC.

  2. It was recently reported that it's over with the neighbor in Chappaqua, but who knows? As for Bill and Hill needing more room for "entertaining" in Westchester, that's pretty funny. If they need more room, it's so that Bill can have more "privacy" to carry on. However, fundamentally, they have just risen above the relatively modest, very country suburban digs they presently have. That's all they could afford at that point in the early post presidency. Very different story now.

  3. Yeah, their house is on a pretty crap block for costing that much 10 years ago... it's all vertical sided split contemporaries

  4. Umm, shouldn't her primary residence be in D.C.? Where is she living over there? It seems I remember them having a townhouse or something while she was Senator, but Senators don't have to live there full time like Cabinet members. In fact, they are expected to spend quite a lot of time with their constituents when Congress isn't in session. But now, doesn't she have to be in the Capitol to receive those 3 a.m. phone calls?

  5. Hillary's had a big 'ol house in DC near Embassy Row for nearly a decade. She lives in DC mostly. Bill lives in Manhattan mostly. Together, they live in Chappaqua...but not for long.

    Who knows, who cares, they're good people.

  6. Ahhh, thnx. Found a pic and a price.

  7. Did you say vertical sided split contemporaries? If so, pass me the diprovan!

  8. That's not correct Snowman. I think some of our esteemed 'experts' are overdue for an eye exam. Judge for yourself: LINK

  9. does anybody know about bill clinton's brother buying the old carlo gambino house in Massapequa, Long Island a few years back? I had heard a rumour. Thanks and I hope all the children have a good safe Fourth.

  10. The Clinton's Washington D.C. Georgian: LINK

  11. If Bill has a place in Manhattan, it will be big news to everyone related to real estate in this town. He has an office in Harlem but when he's around he commutes back and forth from Chappaqua. Maybe Mama can weigh in on this one. . .

  12. The VC link to the Chappaqua house supports the above claim that in Chappaqua terms it's not a great street. Their house is the original old house on a large parcel of land that was subdivided. The old driveway became a cul de sac. A mixture of contractor spec houses, etc were built on the subdivided lots.

  13. 8:25 I don't know of and can't find any information on a Clinton Manhattan residence either.

    8:17 Bill's brother is not the owner of the old Gambino summer home on Club Drive in Massapequa.

    8:32 they aren't the "vertical sided split contemporaries" as reported.

    Happy 4th to all and be safe.

  14. just want to say i love your blog,
    keeps me "chucklin" mama!!!
    oh so insightful and so funny
    best pesonal regards

  15. Bill Clinton does not live in NYC... he travels back to Westchester every day, and it takes about 25 minutes, as I've seen him in his dual black Yukons that speed about 100 mph up the Saw Mill Parkway, about 5 feet apart from one another.

  16. I live nearby and posted that, how are they not vertical sided contemporaries? They look like they were built on a budget in 1982. It's that "modern" look everyone was going for. Theirs is one of the few older homes.

    Remember when their neighbor killed someone?

  17. The homes on that street look pretty traditional to me, and you've morphed from calling them contemporary to modern now. I think the disconnect lies in your loosely held personal notions about what constitutes a particular architectural style.

  18. just as long as either of them arent'in illinois....
    it's all good.
    stay on the east coast!!!!!!

  19. are you talking about the houses.......or the Clintons? Personally I wish they would all stay on the east coast. He really should have his lower lids done in honor of The Pale Lady's passing.

  20. new post already

  21. You're trash who could never afford westchester anyway and I'm glad for that!

  22. And what does your mirror say back when you make that statement Anon 4:05?

  23. Poor Mama, you have such nasty people showing up here now and then.

  24. Great..Now Eurotrash.....

  25. You cannot be Eurotrash if you have a legitimate title.........Just look in the Countess deLesseps book and she will set you straight. You can only be Eurotrash if it's someone like that poor Sunny Buelow's killer and husband.


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