Thursday, July 2, 2009

UPDATE: Michael Jackson

Hold on to your boots babies because the disturbingly pallid and suspendered tee-vee talking head that is Larry King will be taking viewers on a tour of Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch. Tonight! Nine p.m. Eastern Standard. That's six pee-em for all the west coast children.

He will be joined by Jermaine Jackson and other "close friends." Pleeze jeezis let Lizzie Taylor be there along with the dee-voon Miss Ross, Uri Geller and that Dr. Tohme R. Tohme fellow who is, apparently, not actually a medical doctor of any kind but likes to be referred to as one anyway.

As we mentioned the other day, a little birdie snitched to Your Mama that this shadowy Tohme Tohme person, who was once described as Michael Jackson's manager, is in escrow to buy a big house on Bel Air's Stone Canyon Boulevard.

Now then...Your Mama thinks we've done flooded the damn car. Unless there is something real estate related that our little pea brain declares is vitally important or excessively inneresting, there will be no more discussing Michael Jackson, or as we liked to call him The White Lady. May he and all his wacky ways rest in peace.


  1. Thanks Mama. I've come to admire Mr. King's interviewing capabilities and in-depth specials. He deserves every cent he makes. This ought to be good.

  2. As tired as I already am of all of this chaos about MJ, I'm going to have to watch Larry King tonight just to see what kind of bad joo-joo we might see at Neverland. As always, thanks Mama for keeping all of your children abreast of the most recent "news".

  3. I've seen pictures of the inside of the house , it is really nice dark woods, quite masculine.. I will be watching tonite..

  4. Ofcourse the place has been stripped of all Wacko Jacko's stuff and all the circus stuff outside is gone. May not be as exciting as everyone things and/or hopes.

  5. Matt Lauer already toured it on the Today Show this morning and interviewed Jermaine at the ranch. I used to think Jermaine was the sane Jackson (besides Janet). Not so much anymore. What self respecting 54 year old parades around in what appears to be a 4th graders little league uniform, except the "team" is J5. Maybe Allah told him to wear it.

  6. PEDOPHILE. And I ain't talkin about Mr Suspenders.

  7. So much for the 1 note wonder.

    Back to regularly scheduled programming...

  8. I usually don't watch Mr King. I did tonight while he was at Neverland with MJ's brother. it us not a crazy kid drawing place. it is a calming, open, land with near areas. Jermain is clear about what did not happen there, and how it hurt MJ. MJ had talent, kindness, and did so much for children who had serious Heath issues, dark lives, he created aspot for those kids to go. I see him differently. I think the more he heard bad things being said ,may have contributed to his drug increase and need/ addiction.

    so sad.

  9. The estate is gorgeous. I saw the Matt Lauer tour earlier in the day too, and the TMZ photos don't do the main house justice. TMZ's are dark and drab, making the woodwork look foreboding and interior brick look fugly when they're not at all like that. I love how the twisting, old oak trees frame and shade the home's exterior, and the views are to die for. The whole estate is really quite something.

  10. You're right...I watched too. it's a beautiful location...all of the SY Valley is.

    But of course, all the "kid drawing" things about Neverland have been removed...the carnival is gone, the zoo, teepee village all that stuff, the house has been emptied of all it's contents including what is usually called "toy rooms." Have a look at the Julien Auctions site to see what things he had. All his stuff was taken away because Jackson abandoned the place and Colony was preparing the place to be sold (they even changed the name back to it's original Sycamore Valley Ranch). Who knows what will happen with it now.

    I don't think the beauty of Neverland (and that is a beautiful location) has anything to do with what did or did not happen there. Horrible things happen in beautiful locations all the time. The fact that Neverland is peaceful years after Jacksonmoved out has nothing to do with what may or may not have come down there.

  11. Colony Capital have stored away all of Michael's belongings from inside the house and the exterior. They plan to put it all back into the house as it was. That is a fabulous location. The grounds are so beautiful and serene. I see why MJ loved it so much.

  12. IS 696 Stone Canyon the house he's buying? It's disgusting.

  13. Colony Capital wasn't "storing" the belongings. They removed them to SELL them in an auction. MJ had to sue to stop the auction.

    Make no mistake about it. Colony Capital stepped in because they saw an opportunity to pick up the ranch at a bargain. They will sell it to whomever is willing to pay the most.

  14. That interview was awful. Larry King is senile. Jermaine is a functional idiot. The estate is gorgeous though. I saw the pictures linked here earlier on TMZ, and at the time I didn't realize that Jackson bought the estate and kept the main house. So, it wasn't his floor plan, etc., and it does have a ranch/lodge feel to it, which works in that setting. And the views from all the rooms are amazing. I can see why he would want a retreat such as that.

    After watching that interview and some of the Jackson coverage today on CNN, I also realize why I don't watch cable news, or TV news in general. It is godawful.

  15. I understand that Michael Jackson bought the ranch with the house already completed. From the interior shots I saw, I thought it was a very mediocre house with a floorplan and interior finishes that scream the dreaded McMansion. Of course, the site is magnificent. They should raze the house, let them bury the poor man in an unmarked spot and turn the place into a state park...........meh........I guess California's cash flow problems blow that idea out of the water. OK then, you win, go ahead and subdivide for tract housing. The whole inevitable fate of this estate reminds me of Don Henley's "Inside Job"

  16. Larry conducted a fine interview under the circumstances. He treated Jermaine with kid gloves because it was pretty apparent he's still in shock and deeply grieving. It's called empathy.

  17. You can heard MJ singing, seen dancing and he appears energetic and strong performing the last few moments of They Don’t Care About Us, from the HISTory album.

  18. 9:04 - my sentiments exactly. Not much of an interview.

    And sorry, 11:26; I didn't get the impression that Jermaine was grieving, but I DID get the impression that he and a few other family members are looking for an eternal paycheck.

    The grounds are quite lovely and the house interiors, though dated, aren't depressing like the TMZ photos led everyone to believe.

    Either the power of television changed my mind, or it was the Jesus Juice I sampled prior to viewing the special.

  19. Sure he looked fit for a geezer..........but intravenous diprovan can take down a rhinoceros. Next someone will report having seen Dr. Evil fleeing Holmby Hills with an empty syringe...

  20. ahhhh America...the only country where a poor black man can become a rich white lady! (sorry kids....couldn't resist)

  21. Colony Capital ARE storing MJ's belongings whether those belongings were slated for auction or not, asshole anon 8:55

    The auction never took place, knowitall.

  22. All this petty grousing is making me want to diddle my merkin.

  23. Oui, tristement il est clair que seulement ceux avec de la glace dans des leurs veines soient vraiment bienvenus ici.

  24. For those who don't understand french, allow me to translate the illustrious truth above:

    Yes, sadly it is clear that only those with ice in their veins are truly welcome here.


  25. Surprising coming from you Madeline, who joined me in defending Dee from the "hyenas out for blood" the other day, but no matter. I'm through with the comments on this blog.

  26. anon 8:56......pas de tout mon cher, tout le monde est bienvenu chez Maman!

  27. Whether you do on don't like MJ, I still find it almost sinful the family wants to bury him at Neverland since he stated numersous times before he passed away that he never wanted to return to Neverland--so for the family to want to bury him their for eternity seems mean to me. On another note, since Colony Capital owns (or whatever) Neverland, how can Jermaine and the rest of the Jackson clan have access to it?

  28. Jackson and Colony Capital are/were co-owners of Neverland now, as part of his bailout arrangements with them.

  29. It has been confirmed that Diprivan (propofol)the anesthesia used for surgery that isn't available by prescription for anyone was found in Jackson's home. What a coincidence that the doctor Jackson insisted on for his tour against AIG Live's wishes just happened to walk into his room during the short interval of time between when breathing stops and death occurs.

  30. Not sure what you mean anon 9:38. Surprised I know french or what? I was merely translating the comment above for shits n giggles. Other than that, I'm still in Dee's corner.

  31. The interview was horrible. Larry is so out-of-it ("Diana Sands"). Jermaine talking about Michael writing "We are the World" in the tree -- he didn't even own Neverland when that song was written! Geez, Miko Brando knew more info than Jermaine did. Will be interesting to see what happens with the property. I heard there was an offer for $100MM....just a rumor.

  32. The Neverland Ranch is beautiful but I have a problem with why Michael needed 8 dead bolts on his bedroom door, I just see something unusual with that.

  33. The California Attorney General has joined the investigation into Michael's death to assist in tracking down doctors who supplied him with drugs. I can't see why they'd do that at this point unless they already have more information about what was in his system when he died than they're letting on.

  34. Because they found an illegal anesthesia used to induce a surgical coma in his home.

  35. No we don't induce a surgical coma, that would be a neurosurgical procedure. Diprovan is an intravenous agent used in a very controlled setting to induce and maintain the anesthetized state.

  36. Doctors on TV are using the word 'coma' also to describe Diprivan's effects on the human system in a way non-medical professionals can easily grasp.

  37. Anon 5:41....always typical of the violent to hide behind the anonymous sobriquet. So interesting to be condemned because of a typo. Guess how close i and o are on the keyboard. At least you were smart enough not to question the substance of my comment.

  38. Dr Z, always the way. I am 6:40 and appreciate the clarification. Mama needs to do something about the personal attacks. This is the only blog I know of where it's tolerated and it inevitably chases people who actually have something to say away. I'm continuing to comment here on borrowed time myself.

  39. Use a chat name for comments intended to include addressing Mama, and post everything else anonymously, because for some strange reason, the negative nellies who frequent this blog love nothing better than finding fault with or proving wrong those who don't feel the need to hide.

  40. Your post reads very much like an attack on others ("negative nellies") while you sign with an anon yourself.

    Did your mother name you "Anonymous" or are you just a hypocrite?

  41. Question. What has come of Rabbi Boteach Schmuley So and So? I haven't heard a peep from him.

  42. J.Jameson, I don't play games, and won't allow myself to be sucked onto one. I didn't single anyone out. You did single me out because you saw yourself in my comments and the truth rubbed you the wrong way. The seriousness with which you and a few others seek to demean others is scary, and depressing. You are the straw that finally broke this camel's back, and have succeeded in chasing me away, not because I fear your type, but because you make me sick.

  43. I checked back in the comments going back a full week and a J.Jameson hasn't commented on anything during that time until now. Speaks for itself.

  44. Gee "Anonymous" - Your last two comments are a directed attack at J.Jameson.

    And since you post as "Anonymous" we can't tell how often you post or how often your posts are personal attacks.

    THAT speaks for itself.

  45. Who cares? All this ridiculous bickering about Michael Jackson.

    It's juvenile and petty and completely useless not to mention annoying and vapid.

    Let's just move on please because I don't think anyone has said anything remotely intelligent in this comment section in a few days.

    I'm keeping my opinion of MJ to myself.

  46. Enid:

    You could not read the comments.

    But no worries. It will be over soon enough. Mama has moved on. The fans will too.

  47. The courts just ruled the 2002 will stands. Hopefully that will keep the family from doing batsh*t crazy investment schemes like a Neverland amusement park and preserve the estate for the children.

  48. I enjoy your blog but was disappointed at the snarky tone of what you said about MJ's passing. It's very easy to believe rumors and gossip, which is what the media thrives on. Viewers love smut and weirdness, whether it's fabricated or not, and the media loves the ratings. It's a win/win for everyone but the celebrity they are pillorying at the moment. I have done extensive research into plenty of these rumors about MJ, and also into the charges that were brought against him. There is no question in my mind that MJ was innocent. He was was a big target for extortionists. What man who believes his child was molested would ask for tens of millions of dollars (instead of justice for his child, meaning a court trial and the molester put in jail)? Why wasn't any evidence found to support the Ariviso's family's claims? I mean, the prosecution called more than 300 witnesses, including 30 children. And take a look at the Arviso family history...winning 100 grand from J.C. Penny's in a civil lawsuit, defrauding California's welfare system, and hiring the same lawyer/psychologist who helped the first family bring charges against MJ. Sounds like a racket to me, or hired guns! I feel so sorry that so many of you just believe gossip and rumors. Take some time to watch all the inteviews posted online, or visit MJ's charitable foundation, heal the world, if you want to know what the man was really about. He had a vision of love and peace and healing the world. Shame on all of the haters here.

  49. And to Tim... I think you seriously underestimate the staying power of Michael Jackson's fans. This story will be with us for a long time. We lost a kind pure soul and a musical genius. At least where he is now, he will no longer have to endure the ridicule and lies that tormented him while living.

  50. Michael was a kind gentle soul. It's terrible to read some of the things that the Anon posters have written about him here. These are people who have never met the man and yet they pass such condemning judgment. MJ was an iconoclastic talent the likes of which will probably never be seen again. He was our national treasure. Too bad that wasn't recognized while he was still alive in this world.


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