Friday, August 1, 2008

UPDATE: Ed McMahon

Your Mama hears from a little birdie who would know that the deal that we discussed yesterday for the possible sale of Ed McMahon's Beverly Hills mansion is dead in the water. Fih-nee-toe.

Which means, of course, that should they choose, the loan holder for the heavily mortgaged property located in the guard gated Summit community can proceed with a foreclosure that would put the 80 something year old man and his credit card wielding wifey out on the street.

And let's not even go into the many other creditors breathing down the May-December couple's in debt necks or the various lawsuits the couple have filed against Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and the homeowner where Mister McMahon slipped and screwed up his neck claiming negligence, battery, elder abuse and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Egads.

As Your Mama's pal Fiona Trambeau often says, "This can only end in tears."


  1. Like I said on the last post, who wants to by a moldy house from a moldy old man? Won't be surprised if this house winds up a short sale due to it's historical mold problem...

  2. Oh boy. This saga has a life of it's own. On a sidenote, I used to get the impression that Johnny Carson considered his sidekick a bit of a numbskull and attributed it to arrogance. Well, clearly I was wrong. He IS a numbskull, but at least he's making for interesting reading for an octogenarian, in a morbidly curious kind of way.

  3. Seriously, this country is screwed up when you can sue someone for slipping in their home, the home they invited you into! It's ridiculous & would make you think twice before inviting anyone through the front door!

  4. Anon@4:23 - what do you think homeowner's liability insurance is for? You're prejudging facts that frankly neither of us knows in implying EM's is a frivolous suit. Homeowners do have a responsibility to avoid dangerous conditions that injure guests, ESPECIALLY BECAUSE they invited them in.

  5. anon 8:38, I'm not buying McMahon either. He's an old man with a well documented drinking problem.

    He desperately needs money + filed a half dozen lawsuits = trying to cash in.

    He fell, period, imo.

  6. I would bet my Karnak turban that anon. 8:38 is a personal injury attorney....the...".something bad happens and I can get you money" mentality is evident.

  7. What a charm-free property! Whatever aspect you wish to comment upon - windows, roofline, facades, layout, or landscaping, it has no class or appeal. I can't see anyone wanting to buy it at any price, even without its mouldy past, unless they intend to raze it. What is the land value of the plot?

  8. Nobody has enough "Homeowners Insurance" when you are dealing with this kind of Plaintiff. Even if you have 1-2 million in umbrella coverage, this type of plaintiff asserts damages in excess of whatever your policy limit is....

    If you have are a target

  9. Well Bob Day is a very very rich man and Eddieboy is desperate for money. So what's friendship worth in a sitchyashion like that? One might wonder why Day would invite such a numbskull to dinner in the first place. Fascinating conversation? Go on!

  10. FYI, the price of his house has been lowered to $4,600,000

  11. It’s amazing how dumb Ed and his wife can be, someone who has worked as long as he has and made the type of money he has should be able to easily afford a $7.7mm house. Welcome to America… he paid $2.6mm for the house in ‘92 and owe over $4.8mm on the house now! Not to mention he recieved a $7.2mm settlement for the mold issue!

    Of course he’s upside down because he did such a terrible renovation job that the house is dated and a gut job. Its on quite possibly the worst lot in the entire Summit neighborhood (right next to the gate house with the gate on the south, noise & polluted Mulholland Drive out the back and the street the house is on out the front.

    The house will sell for around $4mm and the new buyer will gut it top to bottom.


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