Thursday, August 16, 2007

And P.S...

...Your Mama has nothing to do with the Mark David Real Estate company in New York City, so babies, leave those folks alone.


  1. How weird is the internet. You think you have a sense of someone and whammo! NOT, lol.. Nice to 'meet you Mama' :)

  2. You are Mark David Real Estate.. I am sad now that I know who you are...Not that I know you anyway, but it was more fun when you were a mystery and 'Your Momma'. Now you're not 'My Momma' you're Mark David. :-(

  3. Hate to burst your bubble wwhhaaaa, but if you look at into Mark David Real Estate, you will find that the founder and president of the company is "Mark David Fromm". Then google him and you will find news articles with his photo. Not the same person that appeared on VH1 today.

  4. Geeze wwhhaaaaa, it's all in good fun. Lighten up & enjoy the ride or your it's loss my friend :)

    On a side note, when I saw the grapefruit red mansion in Miami and it's interiors on the show, I immediately thought of Lance Bass and how he'd probably sell his soul for that place, hehe ;)

  5. I thought that Fleur de Lys looked pretty good last night. That was quite a closet!

  6. as someone who as has known Your Mama for many, many years, let me assure you that in many ways he is indeed the love child of Dionne Warwick and Merv Griffin, as well as a sassy large "lady."

    but mostly he's a kick ass stand up guy who's great to have a few drinks with and crank up some old school Dusty Springfield or Nina Simone while musing about good times, bad times and the *absurdity* of life as we know it.

    or even better, get into an argument with!

    good times.

    you know we love you markie!

  7. Not what I was expecting Mama,you had most of us fooled,but you still rule with taste,wit & the bitter truth about the mostly untasteful world of celebrity real estate.
    As a side note,most "entertaineres" are from the lower classes.They are the ones who grow up in a trailer in a shit town in an unimportant State or country just dreaming about Hollywood and fame.It makes perfect sense that when they get it they spend it on mostly trashy and predictable over the top taste!

  8. can someone post the youtube clip of the show.

  9. Momma you are just so darn cute! You are sitting proof that a nice dobbie on a shady lanai is as good for soothing the old wrinkles as botox. Keep up the good work.


  10. oops....that should be doobie.


  11. Oh my god I have a crush on Mama!!!!!!!


  13. Hmmm Fiona called mama Markie but interviews state that Mark David is a pseudonym. So is the name real or what?

  14. I totally missed it. I want to see it. Someone have a clip of Mama???

  15. mama on youtube..

  16. My Mama taught me manners, so thank you, thank you for the nice video. :-)

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