Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Wee Monday Morning Mish Mash

Your Mama is frequently asked about the current 411 on much maligned, publicly pilloried and indicted on multiple counts real estate agents Joe Babajian and Kyle Grasso. But you know what children? We don't know nuthin'. Well almost nothing anyway.

What we do know is that property records reveal that in March of 2008 ol' Joe-babs sold his personal residence on Carla Ridge in the Trousdale Estates for $6,510,000 and he appears to have finally sold another more modest property he owned on Warner Avenue in the Little Holmby section of Los Angeles that was last on the market for $1,695,000, reduced from its original asking price of $1,995,000.

A recent article in the Los Angeles Times reported that the former Realtors to the rich and famous who, natch, both pleaded not guilty to the salacious charges of fraud and money laundering, continue to await their as yet unscheduled trials.

Some of the swanky real estate agents with whom Your Mama chit chats and gossips think the charges are trumped up and the pair will be exonerated. Other scuttlebutters we whisper with think the once super successful pair are white collar crooks who got caught with their greedy hands in the cookie jar and are headed to the big house.

High Tech titan Halsey Minor has some real estate woes. Or at least that what we hear. Not only is he still trying to unload a broken down modern monstrosity in Bel Air for many millions less than he paid, he's also got folks in the better neighborhoods of San Francisco whispering and reporting.

Not only does Mister Minor own a huge house in Sea Cliff, San Francisco's undisputed celebrity ghetto, he also owns the massive mansion on Washington Street known as Le Petit Trianon that he picked up in July of 2007. According to the swells at SFLuxe, Mister Minor is planning on spending $15,000,000 to renovate the 17,895 square foot behemoth and has hired Santa Monica based dee-ziner Michael S. Smith to work his decorator magic.

One of Your Mama's sources, a Presidio Heights princess whom we'll call Frisco Fannie, tells us that she wishes Mister Minor would get on the stick because the lavish (and somewhat garish) house, "has fallen into disrepair, the yard is overgrown and nobody has lived in it for at least two years... sad."

Did the first showings of the $24,000,000 Goldwyn mansion not go so well? Your Mama hears from Our Fairy Godmother in Beverly Hills that the 6 bedroom and 5 bathroom historical sprawler was taken off the market after only just a few days in order to have "a little work done" on the old gurl. Given that any new owner is likely to dump bazillions on upscale upgrades and high-fallutin' overhauls, it seem a little odd the Mister Goldwyn would feel compelled to fix the place up. But then again, who are we to understand the real estate machinations of really rich Tinseltown titans?

Despite its slightly off putting smack you in the kisser "I'm way richer than you are" opulence, there still seems to be considerable interest by the children in the buying and selling of the lavish and leviathan properties in Beverly Park. Well, on that note...

In addition to the unfinished 27,000 square foot gigantor that was recently scooped up for $36,700,000 by contractor Robert Tutor, as far as Your Mama knows there are 5 other properties currently up for sale in the glitzy guard gated community. There may be more, but five is all we currently know about (in order of descending asking price).

The asking price of the newly built and never lived in faux-chateau at Number 40 was recently ka-rah-tay chopped from forty-five million clams to a still staggering $39,900,000; The property known as the Great 78 located at, you guessed it, Number 78, has been up for grabs with no takers for quite some time and currently carries an asking price of $34,000,000; Next door to wrinkled rock star Rod Stewart's mega-mansion is Indonesian biznessman Han Moeljadi's mammoth manse at Number 27 which has been on the market for-freaking-e-vah with an asking price of $29,000,000 (reduced from its original asking price of $35,000,000); Number 14, a cosmetic fixer last listed at $23,000,000 and owned by media mogul Michael Solomon and his one-time Bond bombshell wifey Luciana Paluzzi, recently went to contract; And super producer Mike Medavoy and his Botox battling wifey Irena are so eager enough to sell their 6 bedroom and 10 terlit Hamptons-style habitat that they recently gave the asking price of their property a two million dollar hair cut from $23,500,000 to $21,500,000.

Back in August of 2007, letter turner Vanna White's ex-huzband George Santo Pietro had speck-built Number 77 on the market with a faint worthy $50,000,000. It was widely whispered, rumored and reported that the diminutive Prince signed a short term lease of the 9 bedroom and 15 bathroom behemoth for an eye popping $200,000 per month. Property records show the property has not transferred ownership recently, but to be honest, we're not sure of the status of this (approx.) 27,000 square foot palace of excess.

And, drum roll please, Your Mama hears (but can not yet confirm) that another Beverly Park estate is quietly on the market, and this one belongs to one of the rich and famous folks who reside in this community of hotel sized houses.


  1. "it seem a little odd the Mister Goldwyn would feel compelled to fix the place up."

    Maybe they'll call Big Boi Roger from Sell This House to come spruce up with some pea green paint, bedsheet window treatments and buckets of lawn weeds....

    te he te he!!!

  2. I'm guessing this is in the comments on the original thread, but I recall the Goldwyn mansion being featured in Architectural Digest at least 10 or 12 years ago (and possibly even longer than that). If I recall the photos were contemporary showing the house as it looked then. Sadly I can't remember what it looked like. Does anyone have that old Arch Di?

  3. I didn't know the Great 78 s for sale, it's not on any LA MLS systems... but Maurico appears to still bave the listing, obviously the seller isn't too serious about unloadining it.

    Tell us who mama! Who is quietly shopping what house? I'm salivating.

  4. Financial markets implode.High end real estate is over.
    The high end re market is about to get chopped in half.There is a global meltdown in financial assets and commodities.Cher's house was the last hurrah-as i mentioned in the comment section of the article here a few weeks ago.
    All those international buyers-you can kiss goodbye as european,russian,canadian financial markets implode.
    Russia has suffered a major meltdown and panic-they have even been shutting down the stock market there...
    Oil has plummetted...There will be a major buyer drought from saudi arabia as well.

  5. The problem is simple

    If you put your estate up for sale at a 1500% markup it will no longer sell in todays market

    any beverly park home is worth 5MM tops

    in a year or 2 we will see this as a reality

    even after you buy a beverly park home for 5MM it will still cost you about a million a year to keep it

    instead of chopping 5% off at a time they need to do a 50% chop to start then they may and I say may get an offer

    agents fee was 6% for a reason not more than 10 years ago the highest price for an estate was around 5MM

  6. btw cher's home did not sell yet I heard the buyer backed out

    and yes oil will plummet as we are now buying hybrids or converting our existing exotics and luxury auto's to hybirds

    I can afford to pay 100 a gallon all year

    but I cannot afford to drive for 200 miles to find gas

    so I am having my fleet of cars converted to hybrid, electrical technology

  7. thanks for posting as yourself this time average joe instead of anon 9:26

    now go put a gun to your head and pull the trigger

  8. I was wondering why the Goldwyn place disappeared from the MLS so quickly...I saw in the Wall Street Journal that the contemporary across the street from the Spelling Manor is also on the market for around $25-million, but must be so quietly, as I haven't seen it pop up on the MLS either...;-)

  9. anon 10 03

    why would I want to do that ?

    I have been right about everthing so far

    dow is heading to 8000 it is at 9000 now

    and like it or not RE market is headed for a 90% decline

    so who is the moron eh ?

  10. I am content with everything except for the fact that I may have to drive for 20 miles to get gas in the future

    so what if I have to shell out a million to convert my collection of cars ?

    it will be so worth it

    and anon

    you are still a broke in denial re agent and I am still a rich in the know captain of industry

    ha ha ha

    loooooser !!!!!!!!!!

  11. I call bullshit you can't convert existing gasoline cars to hybrid. What fleet and what do you need a fleet for? Are you a taxi driver?

  12. I have a little treat for all the children. It is the unpublished virtual tour of 27 Beverly Park... Like I said in the last post I put on the Ron Tutor article, very tacky but it has a sick treehouse. Enjoy kiddies!

  13. Actually the house has not been lived in for 30 years so I wouldn't rely too much on the Princess. Also the yard is in the same shape as when i bought it, complete with same gardener. If Princess is just dying for construction then construction is what Princess will get.

    I think she will wish I didn't mow the yard instead. Be careful what you ask for. You just might get it.

  14. so chic

    I have a fleet of cars, exotics, suvs ect

    the conversions I am talking about are all over the news that is why oil is tanking

    are you that retarded ?

    oh yea from what I read on your last post you most likely are


  15. I love you "Good Samaritan" !!! That link was awesome. I watched it 3 times. Good night nurse. All I could think about was the poor cleaning person!!

    Thanks again.

  16. Re: Halsey Minor's place in SF.

    I live around the corner from his house. While it is ghastly-ugly, it is IN NO WAY fallen to disrepair. The gardens are fine and beautiful. Frisco Fannie is full of it.

    All that said, we neighbors do hope for the best, and hope than Michael Smith will create something beautiful out of this over-done monster.

  17. Oh my... 27 Beverly Park! I now understand why it hasn't sold, it's disgusting on the inside.

  18. Re: Mama's Run Down with virtual tours

    40 Beverly Park - $39,900,000

    78 Beverly Park - $34,000,000

    27 Beverly Park - $29,000,000

    14 Beverly Park - $23,000,000

    65 Beverly Park - $21,500,000

  19. anon 1 23

    but I am right

    how can you deny what happened today ?

    dow tanked another 500 points it is below 10,000

    the storm has started

    so say what you want

    I could care less

  20. anon 1 23

    you should stop telling us about yourself

    how you live

    it is really pathetic

    oh and the one thing I do miss from my conversions are the loud rumbling of the engines

    these cars are whisper quiet now

    all I did was take the tesla technology and have put into them

    at least I will not have to worry about gas anytime soon

  21. no one is disputing that the market is in a state of chaos, and that select real estate markets around the country will and are seeing major corrects on price. But, you will never see one of these estates in beverly park selling for $5mm. gauranteed!

  22. average joe must be like 12 or just severally touched in the head. mama, is there anyway you can have blogspot block his server address from commenting?

  23. curbed in nashville

    you are right I have no clue

    "CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts (AP) -- The number of homeless families in Massachusetts has surged -- a spike that has overwhelmed the state's shelter capacity and forced it to again place homeless families in motels.
    The number of homeless families living in Massachusetts motels skyrocketed in September 2008.

    The number of homeless families living in Massachusetts motels skyrocketed in September 2008.

    Driving the increase is the sour economy, rising energy costs, escalating unemployment and shortage of affordable housing. For the first time, the state is tracking how many families are winding up homeless due to foreclosures.

    "You're seeing a perfect storm," said Robyn Frost, executive director of the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless"

  24. Regarding the SF house: I've been by it a few times, and I didn't even realize it was a private residence. It looks like a school or embassy or some such institutional thing. And an ugly institutional thing at that. It is an amazing size lot and the location and views are fantastic. I hope he rehabs it soon and does a decent job of it.

  25. why do you silly little boys (you have to be) continue to put out such poisonous speech? there is room for all opinions about the nose dive of an economy we have going on right now. here's one: there were (are) hoards of greedsters involved in the whole real estate affair. like the laid off auto workers in days of old, many will have to reinvent themselves. it's funny, faulty government policy was involved in that fiasco as well.

    to be overly concerned as average joe apparently is, is not a button pushing event. to be flippant as some bloggers are is remarkable (in a bad way).

  26. There's also a tour active for the (relatively speaking for Beverly Park) somewhat modest casa at 3 Beverly park, though I don't know the listing price, at this link:

  27. anon 4 50 pm

    I never said I could not afford a home on sunset plaza

    I said I refuse to buy a home that would plummet by 90%, actually back then I said 50% but now I know they are going down 90% no doubt about it

    on the cars I do not care to resell them I can afford to pay 100 a gallon in gas but what good is it having these cars if you cannot drive them because the bel air gas station is out of fuel ?

    my exotics get 8 mpg and there is no way I will get caught up in the next gas shortage which is right around the corner

    what good is it to have $$$$$ in the vault if you cannot get around because gas is scarce ?

    and there is no way I would have gas stored where I am living

    it is all about the have's and have nots

    I am have

    you do not

    simple math

  28. bigdaddyj,

    that is faith hill & tim mcgraw's house.

    11,000 sq ft on 4.853 acres, they paid $6.2mm for it in 2003.

  29. Looks like Minor's house on Sarbonne Road has been dropped in price again to $11.4m. Sad that something with so much promise will probably have to be torn down.

    And my exotics get 0 miles to the gallon, I can afford to pay $200 a gallon and I will, because I don't care about any of that.

  30. Yawn. We all know average joe is a nutjob troll living in his grandmothers basement. Why does anyone even bother with him?

  31. Dont any of you find it strange that there are so many homes for sale in bev park that we know of???
    People who live there are very tuned in to financial markets and are realizing it is time to unload at this price now or a much lower price later.


  32. There are 5 homes for sale, that's not really alot. People with this much money commonly move up often, you are right, they are tapped in and feel its the time to buy/build bigger for less as thye know the market will turn back around in a few years.

  33. Here's my take on "average joe." I don't think he's average or Joe or even an American - I'm guessing he's Russian or some sort of Eastern European type person. Just check out the language in his posts ("You are Moron", etc. etc.) BTW, average joe, it is etc., NOT ect. So who's the moron, I ask?

    Regarding your desperate, highly exaggerated posts, one must ask, what exactly is your motivation here? What is your point? I conclude it has everything to do with personal gain. Here's what I think you are, average joe: a scam artist.

  34. I motivation or point here is to let agents and their clients know that


    so this market can start moving again

    it is all artificial anyway

    a million dollar or a 3 million dollar price cut on a 30 million dollar estate is not going to move it

    just like a 200k price reduction on a million dollar place will not get it sold

    we are way to educated now, the wool has been pulled over our eyes long enough we know all the scams, tricks, shills and........

    greed is no longer working

    just sell your place for a 10% markup from 1998 sold prices and move on

    I see what is going on here

    everyone that still can is going for broke

    they are asking for pie in the sky prices for cars, homes, boats, jets and rent just to see if they can get it

    they really have no right to do so

    their carelessness and greed is killing off america one family at a time

    just today a porter ranch family was murdered by their own father because he ran out of money

    he has an MBA and could not get a job

    imagine that

    and it is going to get worse unless there is a HUGE correction in the RE market

    I really do not want to see the DOW go down to 3000

    I really do not

  35. I am not a scam artist

    I am an honest citizen who pays his taxes, employees thousands in various industries and this greed is making me sick

    they cannot afford to live and I cannot afford to increase their salaries

    if RE market will not give in, it will be worthless in a few years and the US will be in a depression that we will not be able to get out of for 20 years

  36. Average Joe,

    You are showing in every way that you are not who you say you are. If you were some rich fat cat, you would have much better things to do than check this blog post every 10 minutes to post some nasty exaggerated, retarded post.

  37. anyway lets forget about beverly park for a second

    here is another listing

    A three-bedroom, 1 1/2-bath home measuring 1,269 square feet. Located on a breezy hill about two miles from the beach, but close to the (noisy) Santa Monica Airport. From the listing: "Close to everything and cool ocean breezes. Motivated seller- Submit all offers."

    Listing history:
    Listed 7/29 $779,000
    Reduced 8/23 $749,000
    Reduced 9/22 $729,000

    Sales history: Sold for $235,000 in May 1994.

    if the seller was that motivated he would have listed it for 200k not 800k

    this place is worth 200k and with a 20% increase over a 15 years period maybe 240k

    it is a dump I was sent picts of the place

    so again what is a truly motivated seller ?

    do you think if I offered to pay 200k cash he would take it ?


    the lowest he will go is 700k

    so is he really motivated ?

  38. Mark Wahlberg lists his house

    asking price 16 MM

    got it from big time listings

  39. "do you think if I offered to pay 200k cash he would take it ?"

    If I were the seller and you offered me a 2 million dollars, I wouldn't take it.

  40. mark wahlberg should take off his pants

  41. Which Mark Wahlberg? There are two.

  42. Mark the movie star

  43. I like to imagine Donnie Walhberg letting me suck him when I'm trying to get off.

  44. Average Idiot wrote - "I am an honest citizen who pays his taxes"

    The older children will remember his rant a year or so ago where he claimed he was about to sue a Beverly Hills auto dealer because the salesman supposedly agreed to help him commit tax fraud on an all cash vehicle purchase then the dealership reported the large cash transaction anyway.

    So which is it, Average Joe? Are you getting caught up in your own lies?


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