Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Your Mama Needs to...

...get something off our heaving chest.

We are loathe to talk smack about any of the other celebrity real estate gossips so we're going to be as nice and friendly as we can about this...

Yesterday, the good people at the gossip juggernaut that is TMZ posted an "Exclusive" report on Dr. Phil McGraw's Beverly Hills house hitting the market as a pocket listing.

Thing is, Your Mama discussed this way back on April 4 and then again on April 16. So, as fascinating as it may be, it's really not an "Exclusive" report. In fact it's old news to the children.

We're a little surprised and disappointed that TMZ would not credit our little online endeavor on their report, partick because we link over and reference their stories all the time. Of course, we'll continue to do so, but a little mutual respect and recognition would be lovely.

Now that we've vented a little we feel better and can go on with the remainder of our crazy day.


  1. TMZ is complete & utter garbage - everything they write has a malicious twist! I detest Perez but I prefer him to TMZ - they're douches!

  2. WHY would you provide me with a conduit to that garbage? I would have preferred to have remained in blissful TMZ-ignorance.

  3. well mama, at least big time listings gave u credit where credit was due in thier writeup!!!!!!

  4. Well Mama, it doesn't surprise me at all. Realestalker is a high class boutique type of operation with some degree of individual identity and sensibility which clearly, TMZ lacks. It is all consistent with the I-Me-Mine philosophy of the business world. Why would they risk not seeming the best and most exclusive by giving you any credit at all. No one likes to be treated like the fragment of toilet paper stuck on the sole of Jeff Lewis' Rockport. I saw the TMZ headline on the Yahoo! startup page and didn't even "go there" because I remembered your post. Yes, for us.......and THANKS TO really was old news.

  5. what if they didnt know that you had posted it? maybe it was an honest mistake.. probably not, but..

  6. TMZ makes a ton of money.....
    You don't.....

  7. TMZ are a bunch of boogers. Mama, we all know gets the credit, and that lame trashy TMZ is nothing to worry your pretty little head about, trust us. They're trash. You're treasure. Nuff said. XOXOX

  8. Stpaul, I just want to "correct" a comment you made, although I'm sure you didn't mean it to sound the way I took it...

    This blog has a MAJOR degree of individual identity and sensibility - which is why it is so unbelievably great and entertaining.

    Just wanted to make that point clear:)

  9. you tell em Mama.

    as someone else basically said...TMZ is Wal Mart and you are one of the exclusive little boutiques. Whats new at the "low price" is SOOOOOO yesteryear at the boutique.

    If it makes you feel any better I come see you several times a day, and only go to TMZ if someone links me there.

  10. Mama, I was thinking about you when I read their post. They should acknowledge on their site you were FIRST.

  11. Oh Mama, I don't like to hear you're a mess of upset.

    When I saw that headline over there, thought, wait, did Dr. Phil (not a real doctor but plays one on TV) take that NHPO off the market only to turn around and reactivate it?

    I'm hoping they amend the story, cause Mama, you work too hard for the scoop. I'm sure they respect that.

    Prehaps next time they run into a celeb real estate tip, should first check the short list of EXCLUSIVE Celebrity Real Estate Aficionados ... namely you Mama at Real Estalker, (Mr.) Big Time Listings, and Ann at the LA Times...for starts.

  12. Oops...BHPO...Aunt Mary, please hand me my glasses.

  13. anonymous 1:05.........OK, OK...oodles of sensibility......a firestorm of integrity, an ocean of integrity.........jeesh!...what does it take to get along with your brothers and sisters in this family?

  14. What's TMZ?

    I guess the charitable explanation is that the contributor said it was an "exclusive" and the editor believed them. I don't see a huge benefit to them to claim it's an exclusive when it can be so easily checked out. For that matter the contributor may have really believed it was an exclusive. My guess is that they are mostly guilty of being lazy.

    In any case, true celeb real estate aficionados know who the true beacon of celebrity real estate is. Even if others steal your exclusives they can never match the humor and charm of your reports. (To be honest I barely read the hard core real estate info, I just look at the name, price and pictures and then skip down to your take).

    Keep up the great work.

  15. LA Guy,

    You are gracious and I respect that, truly do. And if I may add to your theory, might this also make sense (?):

    I agree with your scenario ...

    ... and wish to ad one HUGE ya-but.

    I know Our Mama has told us on more than one occasion ... she could have posted something sooner, but the depths of her fact checking caused a brief delay.


    Sorry to raise my ever so delicate little voice. I'm feeling raspy now, but think that point needed to be offered up.

  16. TMZ is a joke and their website commenters make Mama's b*st*rd child (you know the one) look like an amateur. My TV was on in the background and TMZ came on. I heard one of the "reporters" refer to a clip of Lionel Richie and someone else asked "is he related to Nicole Richie?" How dumb are they?

  17. Getting a "hat tip" from TMZ would be akin to getting one from the old Weekly World News IMHO.

    I'd rather not get one.

    Mama should just relish in the fact that she's just plain better at what she does.

    How often does CNN interview the TMZ people anyways?

  18. Yo MaMa - we e-mailed each other about this SPECIAL pocket listing a few weeks ago. Recall? They wanted a $$$ check and we said google the name...Well - this is the home. You knew about this (close to first); TMZ is about as refreshing as a used public restroom outside of a Rolling Stones Concert.

  19. Mama, it's time to get out the wooden spoon…

  20. Mama, you don't really expect anybody else to be as astute as you? You are the best by a mile, Mama. Nobody, but NOBODY, is you, Babydoll!

  21. Harvey Levin and his crew are vile, disgusting THIEVES, Mama. You will triumph.

  22. What a support system! Mama for Prezident!

  23. They did give you credit the other day on "Whose house". The person answered that the Realestalker said...

  24. What is "Whose House"?

  25. Yes, back-links are money in the World of SEO. More traffic equals more people clicking on your ad$ and higher charged ad fees on your site.

    You need to work on building stable back-links with a PR5, PR6, or PR7.

    A couple of back-links from TMZ would push your page rank up from a 5 to a 6 for a few weeks. Their main page now has a PR of 8, which is insane.
    They most likely want big money$$$ for back-links now.
    However, Blog sites are bad for back-linking. The trouble with blog back-links is the link PR drops off quickly when the page gets older. You need to get fresh weekly back-links to their site and other large sites to maintain a high PR. Or pay for back-links. Try and get links on some of the non-blog sites.

    TMZ and other blogs should throw you a bone and put links in their stories that they get from you. But I see very little back-links on their site in the stories, so your not alone.

    Also, MAKE SURE they are text back-links and not image or script driven rotating ad links. Text back-links get spidered.

  26. Mama,
    That wasn't right of them! You show em!

  27. Hi 10:32, What's a Whose House? I'm guessing the other commenter was referring to the good clean fun Our Mama has playing a game with her (our) friend Mr. Big Time. He posts clues on a piece of real estate owned by someone famous, then everybody jumps in with their guesses. Our Mama's goooood at it.


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