Thursday, October 11, 2007

Dawn Parouse In Hancock Park

SELLER: Dawn Parouse and Jonathan Feldman
LOCATION: S. Lucerne, Los Angeles, CA
PRICE: $3,395,000
SIZE: 3,966 square feet, 5 bedrooms, 4 bedrooms
DESCRIPTION: On one of Windsor Square's finest streets, this classic Mediterranean has been lovingly updated and expanded. Center hall plan with everything just where it should be. Four generous bedrooms, three bathrooms and wide hallway up and fifth bedroom down. Large elegant living room opening to beautiful sun room overlooking lush rear yard. Large formal dining room and beautiful new kitchen.

YOUR MAMAS NOTES: We lied. We're going to give the kids a little morsel before we head out the door to do our civic doody.

Remember a day or two or three ago Your mama discussed the Hancock Park house of Lost act-ur-us Cynthia Watros Gilliland and we thought that for the same money we could find something more suitable and interesting?

Well we did, right in Hancock Park for 405,000 fewer clams than Miz Watros Gilliland's "French Country" mess. The house belongs to Dawn Parouse, an executive producer with impressive credits like Prison Break, Tru Calling, and Point Pleasant, a television program we only vaguely remember hearing about.

Your Mama happens to love this house with it's 3,966 square feet of dark floored gorgeousness. We love the contemporary and vibe and furniture mish-mash mixed with the traditional architecture and classic chandeliers. We are in love with the way strong colors were used against all the white and pale paint colors. Of course, we are jumping up and down over all the white sofas, white curtains and white cabinetry.

This place is not perfect–we'd recommend a nice red or blue area rug in the living room, we'd prefer to see more aggressively modern artwork on the walls, and obviously a bit more furniture in the family room where the television is kept is necessary. But children, if you ever wondered what the inside of Your Mama and the Dr. Cooter's residences look like, well wonder no more. Your Mama and the Dr. Cooter have a bit more mid-century modern pieces sprinkled throughout, but the color palette in Miz Parouse's home makes Your Mama feel right at home. If similar taste in interior decor is any indication of whether two people will get along, then Your Mama and Miz Parouse should get along like a house on fire.

Now of course children, we recognize that there is not a swimming pool in the backyard, which is a real drawback. But for the $405,000 difference in price between this house and that of Miz Watros Gilliland, a lovely and spectacular rectangular pool can be put in lickety split.

While Your Mama is out doing our civic doody, discuss with all the intelligence, sass, and bite that you can muster.


  1. Love, love, LOVE it! I'm in love w/ the blue dining room walls. The grounds are lovely, too, except that I didn't see a pool. I love everything about the house.

  2. I'm surprised to say that I like it! It is a nice mix of traditional and contemporary furnishings and design.

    A few too many hanging lights for me, esp. the 2 chandeliers in the living room. But otherwise, I like it a lot.

    The bathroom walls just inspired me to consider changing my bath's color palette to this light Robin's Egg Blue.

  3. They're selling because they need money to buy decent furniture, right?

    And repeating my other jury duty post: We don;t care how you do it--be it bribing a court office to smuggle out the news, using a pay phone to dial up the copy desk, texting, carrier pigeon...whatever. Just bring us the latest news on what celeb is going off to jail this time...we KNOW you know, you're doing jury duty, you gota know something...

  4. This house is fantastic! Way nicer than Cynthia's pile of crap. :) Although, must they sit on the floor while watching TV?

  5. Finally a house on here that has some style and taste.

    However, the art needs to go, ALL the lighting needs to be changed and the blue in the dining room, um, no.

    And to be ultra picky, the stainless steal island in the kitchen needs to replaced as well.

    But other than than its a beautiful house.

  6. Oooh, Mama, you and I should compare notes....the first thing I thought when I saw this house was "looks like home."

    I love, love this house, more than any I've seen lately.

    Well, I think the front exterior is a little too square and plain, I don't like the two pendants in the family/media room (I have that ceiling, and really the best thing is discreet recessed lighting or sticking to floor and table lamps), I think the stainless steel counter on the island is too cold (I appreciate the thought, and the stools are very cool, but ugh), and the tile in the living room fireplace looks like a mixture of mustard and cat vomit.

    Not that you asked...heh.

  7. Oooooh, bring me my pocketbook. I'd live in this house if it was built smack dab on the SanAndreas fault. I love the exterior because it belies the soft, pale, clean lines and colors inside. Open the door and voi-la. A sensual sanctuary. How could you have a tense nerve or worry in the world floating from one lovely room to another. Mama, your house must be so fine. The art stays and more of it. Color accents should come from the art. If you can afford this house you can afford some more good pictures. If you're not an art snob or an art investor, there are so many terrific struggling artists with great stuff dying to sell at cheap prices.

  8. Here is what my nice gay decorator has to say about the two Hancock Park houses:

    I have seen both the Lucerne and Mccadden houses for my clients and the main reason these two properties are both hanging on the market is that they are priced way TOO high for this market.

    Unless you happen to have no taste and come from the Loire Valley (what are the chances) then you would need to totally redo the Mcadden House. I put it at a slighty higher price then Lucerne, simply because it has a pool and guest house. It should sell around 3.1 - 3.2 max.
    Lucerne definitely is a much better looking house, done with taste and style, but it is not without it's flaws. It is painted a horrible color, in need of landscaping, the hardscaping is dreadful - builders emporium terra cotta tiles, etc. and upstairs is missing a few bells and whistles ; for example a decent closet in the master. Also, like most Hancock Park houses, the master bath can be accessed from every which way. I dont know about you, but I dont want to sit on the toilet trying to enjoy the crossword puzzle and have to worry about someone entering the bathroom from another room. It stresses me out. There is no downstairs powder room that I can remember, so you have to have your guests pee in your maids bath. I put this house in the 2.9 range to sell.
    I dont know which street is preferable. If you ask me they are all 'hood adj.
    Lastly, if you are interested in over priced Hancock Park houses the most grossly overpriced one is on Hudson for for 4.35. This badly chopped up and badly redone house (with a good yard) should go for about 3.3 -3.4

  9. 10:55 anon said it all!

  10. "but I dont want to sit on the toilet trying to enjoy the crossword puzzle and have to worry about someone entering the bathroom from another room. It stresses me out"

    Thanks for the belly laugh!

  11. Whatever did happen to baby Jane?Well now we know what happened to the house!I'll give them an A for trying very hard.

  12. I absolutely hate fancy hanging chandeliers. And I especially hate them in bathrooms, kitchens, bedrooms and anywhere else that is NOT the fancy dining room. Now this house is really nice otherwise. I espcially like all of the white contrasted with bursts of color.

  13. This house is peaceful.

  14. I like this house, especially it's proximity to Punky Brewster. She can Soleil my Moon Frye anytime!

    Really, though, it's a nice house. Nothing too exciting, but lovely at the same time.

  15. Speaking of Soleil Moon Frye, she recently opened an eco-friendly baby store called "The little seed" in nearby trendy Larchmont Village.

  16. Love those dark wood floors. Traditional isn't my thing but I like this house.


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