Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Britney Gurl, You Oughtta Just Sit Tight

Lately there has been some stirring and disturbing tidbits about perpetually problematic pop star Britney Spears looking for a new damn house. In Manhattan Beach. Manhattan Beach!

Gurl, Your Mama does not know why you've got ants in your pants about where you want to be bunking down at night, but we do know your indecisive nature is a problem when it comes to those kids of yours. Between your Bev Hills house, your expensive lease job in Malee-boo and all the various and many hotels you book and don't sleep in, Your Mama thinks you would be all happily housed up. But alas...

Word of caution hunny gurl, you might want to consider looking elsewhere because from the sound of things those Manhattan Beach folks are not going to be rolling out the welcome wagon for you, your suspicious sounding entourage, or your fleet of Mercedes Benz's with all those paparazzi photogs attached to the bumper.

Seriously gurl, if you won't listen to your mama, than maybe you should listen to Your Mama and pick a damn house and stay there for a bit of time. You might find it does you some good to have an actual home rather than just a multi-million dollar crash pad. Think about it.


  1. manhattan beach? it's kinda out the way but i wouldn't be surprised ... her fake cousin & sister live in marina del rey & in the past she's looked at properties way way down in palos verdes ... god only knows with this ...

  2. It's absolutely crazy how much money this girl wastes on having multiples properties in limbo and expensive hotel rooms. I guess she still has plenty of money to go around, however I see this girl being flat broke before she's 35 or 40 if she isn't careful. After this new album of hers flops, I hope she fades into obscurity. I've about had my fill of this no talent celebrity that people can't seem to get enough of. I've never understood all the obsession with this chick.

  3. She makes $700,000 a month doing nothing! I doubt she'll be broke by 40. For someone with a $150M fortune she doesn't rlly spend that much on property, $7M home in Beverly Hills & rents in Malibu - thats nothing for someone with her wealth. Lindsay Lohan has a fraction of Britneys wealth & was able to pay annual $800,000 chateau marmont bills so the odd nite in a hotel for Britney is like loose change

  4. WELL SAID ANON 9:24!

  5. She makes $700,000 a month doing nothing! I doubt she'll be broke by 40. For someone with a $150M fortune she doesn't rlly spend that much on property, $7M home in Beverly Hills & rents in Malibu - thats nothing for someone with her wealth.

    I'm sure that's what Michael Jackson thought too.

  6. Hate to burst bubbles but the early critic reviews are that she has another hit album on her hands. Of course the artist makes most of their money by touring and we've all seen what a mess she is lately on live performances so that is likely to limit her income but I wouldn't count her out just yet.

  7. PS. The White Lady's music went south along with his performances and general kookiness. He wouldn't be quite the joke he is today if he were still able to top the charts.

  8. "I'm sure that's what Michael Jackson thought too"

    well, britney appears to live pretty modestly ... she doesn't have a money eating ranch, millions of staff, a zoo & legal bills in the 100's of millions due to numerous child molestation cases.

    she apparently earns $700k per month just from interest on capital & royalties - clearly someone is looking after her money - she may be crazy but i don't for a minute believe she is dumb - she's been in the business since she was a kid - i'm sure she knows the ropes by now & what it takes to protect your hard earned dollars.

  9. britney has been seen house hunting in hermosa beach, dont know if thats near manhattan beach though

  10. Yeah, Hermosa Beach is what I saw, too:


  11. "i don't for a minute believe she is dumb - she's been in the business since she was a kid - i'm sure she knows the ropes by now & what it takes to protect your hard earned dollars."

    I think you're giving her waaaaaay too much credit. What about her behavior, since she's been an adult, has led you to believe she's smart?

    Certainly she's had people around her who know the business, but I see no evidence that she's anything but a miserable, self-absorbed, spoiled tart.

    I wouldn't be at all surprised if she ends up broke. But we'll see.

  12. We know one house Britney looked at:


    It's actually Hermosa Beach, right close to Manhattan Beach.


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