Friday, May 9, 2014

We're Taking the Day Off...

Listen, children, Your Mama's taking a mental health day to catch up, pay some bills, take care of some pressing issues and otherwise get our damn head together. Stay tuned. It won't be long...


  1. Take a nerve pill and have a strong cocktail and you relax, Mama. We'll be here.

  2. Take care Mama. We'll be waiting.

  3. 2:43 Go get some hemerhoid pads dear..and forget this blog address.

  4. Happy Mama's day. Miss you

  5. Happy Early Mama's Day!!!!!

  6. I hope that everything is okay, have a good weekend

  7. Wooowwwwwww!!!!
    Truly a waste of time, ink, and paper!!! Mama you kno that everything blogged has to be hardcopyd and yet u choose to kill trees over a post about a future post?!?!?!???!?! #gogreen #saveourheritage #stopbuildinginnyc #thisistootallandoutofcontext #affordalehousingnomorebilkionaires

  8. @3:21 SHUT. THE. F&CK. UP.

  9. How does Hillevi Saperstein deal with having a retarded daughter? I have seen picturs of the son and so far he seems ok. But the daughter has different kinds of therapists that help her on a daily basis but, obviously, judging by her looks, the elevator didn't reach the top story. No money in the world can fix that. I guess what goes around comes around...

  10. this is more than one day off this is THREE DAYS OFF WTF!!???

  11. Thank you for all that you do! Enjoy your time off, you deserve it. :)


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