Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Lookit What Your Mama Did...

We don't like to toot our own horn too much, children, but too-toot-toot!

Today the venerable entertainment news juggernaut The Hollywood Reporter published a full page piece they actually paid Your Mama to write about celebrities who buy other celebrity owned homes.

Imagine that?

The article appears in the April 5th (2013) printed edition—the one with a profile of Jay Leno looking darn tired on the cover—as well as on the interweb.


  1. Congrats Mama. Love your FB posts and blog. Now go have a couple of drinks to celebrate.

  2. No surprise at all, mama! You have a beautiful way with words, and unbelievably adept ear to the ground and simply run the best damn RE blog on the nets. Bravo!

  3. Congratulations honey - way to go I hope you get more paid gigs

  4. As a wiser (and more wizened) prospector than me once crowed, "There's GOLD in them thar Hills!" and Lordy, Mama, if you ain't the gal with the pick-axe to prove it.

    You deserve every ounce because no one works harder to unearth these nuggets. Corngats!


  5. Mama Dearest,

    Why does that not surprise me?!
    I've loved every snarky syllable you ever inked.

    Does this mean you and the Good Dr.Cooter are gonna start breakfasting at the Beverly Hills Hotel.


  6. Mama I am so proud... and Dr. Cooter must be over the moon... Mama's bringing home the bacon... in fact I just shed a tear, y'all... it's Britney bitch.... wait... never mind.

    Congrats! xoxo

  7. As Charlotte Vale said:

    'I could cry with pride..."

  8. Mama I havent been this proud since Truvy (Daryl Hannah) landed her job at the hair salon in Steel Magnolias. I normally would not consume alcohol during the week, but I am making a gin and tonic and raising it to you!! Well done!

  9. This does not surprise me
    You have a group of loyal followers through your qualities as a writer
    Enjoy your success, I enjoy your blog every day!

  10. Mama - I've lurved your little blog since I first laid eyes on it! You're FANTASMIC - and the chillrin love ya :-)

  11. You can use the money to get a bedazzled calcumalator and get rid of the abacus

  12. Congratulations to Your Mama. thanks for all the time and efforts you do here week after month after year; you have created a truly great site.

  13. Bitch!
    Luh yew Mama

  14. Now you can get rid of that old Selectrix and buy a Montblanc. Congratulations on your well deserved recognition. I, for one, will not be satisfied until you have a TV show of your own.

  15. Will Slueth for BourbonMarch 27, 2013 at 3:59 PM

    Mama, Your interweb link to Hollywood Reporter just blew a fuse -- and so did I.

    No one deserves this more. God broke the mold when he made you.

  16. Mama, design differences aside, I've always appreciated your blog and big BMW. But the new Range Rovers just debuted and I do declare - they look positively tempting. Just saying!

  17. Ecclestone!!!!
    The old Walt Disney house is hers!!!


    Your paid recognition is well-earned, far overdue, and very highly deserved. May you continue to go from strength to strength!

    Very sincerely,
    Rabbi Hedda LaCasa
    And the Trentonians

  19. I may not always love you
    But long as there are stars above you
    You never need to doubt it
    Ill make you so sure about it

    God only knows what I'd be without you

    If you should ever leave me
    Though life would still go on believe me
    The world could show nothing to me
    So what good would living do me

    God only knows what I'd be without you

    God only knows what I'd be without you

    If you should ever leave me
    Well life would still go on believe me
    The world could show nothing to me
    So what good would living do me

    God only knows what I'd be without you
    God only knows what I'd be without you
    God only knows
    God only knows what I'd be without you
    God only knows what I'd be without you
    God only knows
    God only knows what I'd be without you
    God only knows what I'd be without you
    God only knows
    God only knows what I'd be without you
    God only knows what I'd be without you
    God only knows
    God only knows what I'd be without you
    God only knows what I'd be without you
    God only knows
    God only knows what I'd be without you
    God only knows what I'd be without you
    God only knows
    God only knows what I'd be without you

    love you mama.

  20. Congrats mama. You r so boss~

  21. the Hollywood Media betta reckanize! congratulations, kudos and all that jazz! will go out and grab a copy! <3


  22. Fabulous news Mama. Congrats and hearty wishes that this recognition and recompense continues

    love Flora

  23. Congratulations Mama! Movin' on up, to the bigtime...

  24. Hi, Great article! I am glad you provided a link cause I won't be around in 2103 to read the mag. :-)

  25. No one tells it like you Mama. Been reading for years. You so deserve this recognition. XOXO

  26. This should have happened years ago but nonetheless I am elated for you! Congratulations on all of your success!

  27. I am so proud of you! Congratulations!

    Can I bluntly ask you, since you've covered a few books on your blog, do you plan on writing a thing or two about John Finton's newly released one?

  28. what to say i praise of this blog, which contains a lot of amazing information as well as the thoughtful writes.
    Jim Zaspel - YouTube

  29. Mama Dearest

    My happy sentiments for you have already been expressed by some of the other children, so I will just add a long and enthusiastic "guuurrrl...!"

    Rosco Mare

  30. Mama, just why do the celebrities buy/sell/buy/sell, over and over and over again? Does it have to do with tax writeoffs, cash flow problems, nothing better to do with their time, people that fancy themselves as "real estate investors", prestige, insecurity, bragging, dumbassness, what? Because a lot of them lose their shirts on these houses. Some of them couldn't see a bad investment if it ran over them on the 405, you know?

  31. Dolores Valencia de GuerreroMarch 28, 2013 at 4:56 PM

    And you even worked in a Totie Fields reference. Love.


  32. SOS ... Uh-Oh!! A little FYI also posted on Aussy piece above ...

    Just found a comment spot under Mama's article in the Hollywood Reporter. How cool is that?

    Hi Dolores, Totally missed the Totie Fields passage. Will jump back and catch it. Remember her well. We lost her due to plastic surgery complications I think. So unfortunate. She was crazy funny.

  33. Momma, we're just thrilled. You deserve a damn Pulizer. But they'll never give you one 'til you tone it down and get as boring as the LA Times.

  34. Mama
    My comment is a LL (little late kinda like me always fashionably late) but wanted to say Congrats!!! I hope you and the Dr. Cooter are enjoying mimosas on Easter!

  35. Gin and tonics all around, y'all.
    Mainstream media is making a move on Mama!


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