Thursday, November 22, 2012

Gobble Gobble!

Your Mama is thankful for all the children, our spider web of tipsters and informants—you know who you are!—The Dr. Cooter, our long bodied bitches Linda and Beverly, our friends and family and Mister Bobby Flay for his delish chipotle sweet potatoes recipe that is so damn simple Your Mama can make it three stiff gin & tonics into the afternoon.

photo: Burton Robert, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service


  1. Wahoo! Happy thursday! Please prepare something spectacular for us to read on Monday!

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  3. Happy Turkey Day, Mama!

    May you and your loved ones enjoy delicious treats and drinks while creating wonderful memories that will last a lifetime.

    Thank you for all of your hard work creating such a fun website for us real estate lovers.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving Day Mama and Dr. Cooter and Kinderlach!

    We in Trenton are appreciative for the joy you bring to us through your Real Estalker blog. We're thankful for the blessings of family, friends, loved ones, food, and shelter. We're especially grateful for the new peace in Israel and Gaza. We pray and work actively for the day when the kinderlach of Sarah and the kinderlach of Hagar will each flourish in self-governance, friendship, and eternal peace, along with all of Creation's kinderlach!

    Verandah and Patti and the kids, Studly and Rodney, and Rabbi Hedda LaTess
    Trenton NJ

  5. Happy Thanksgiving Mama! No love for your hardworking terlit gurl Svetlana?

  6. Oh Sweet Jeezus....
    I think Svetlana might be down under me here next to the empty Belvedere bottle. *hiccup* Happy Thanksgiving Mamma!

  7. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and your family, both traditional and Internets-wide. I'm thankful for your good-humored blog. "Day-core" now pops up in my iphone auto-correct!

    I'm visiting an East Coast area frequented by your blog, and more than once I've been asked, "how do you that?!" (I may have startled a few people.)

    Just finished traditional Thanksgiving dinner and drinks, and gurl, I'm ready for a good ole Southern CA siesta....Zzzzzz.

    Lots of love

    Rosco Mare

  8. Mama, the posse and I love you with all our hearts! Wishing you, the Dr. Cooter, Linda and Beverly, Svetlana, Fiona Trambeau and Sister Woman a happy turkey day!!!

  9. May you and yours be thankful that you have escaped The Million Dollar Decorators. I was just going to wish you a happy Thanksgiving but that turkey photo reminded me of that Martyn Bullerd Whatshisface.

  10. Mama--- hope your Thanksgiving is inspired by gin-and-tonics. Love your hair, hope you win. Thanks for your fabulous reporting this year. Hugs and kisses for you and the Dr. Cooter.
    xoxo Candi

  11. Happy Thanksgiving to you & yours, Mama! How sweet of you to finally post a photo of yourself. You're even more fabulous than I imagined and I'm sure the Dr. Cooter appreciates your ample chest.

    Just don't get flattened by that runaway Jeep!

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  16. Have a fierce and fabu Holiday weekend!

  17. Really people? Mamma works her fingers to the nub, almost literally, and you have to go & leave comments that need to be removed? Perhaps some people need to develop interests that are a little less polarizing. Like the PLO.
    Sorry, Mamma, I hope you know the fans outweight the haters by thousands. Especially by the pound, on a day such as this one (and I'm telling you, that oyster dressing can repeat on a person something so fierce you can't even find a bathroom that you can walk past without going in. But I digest....).

  18. Jumpin: I think there are ways for bloggers to automatically reject comments from specific computers or commentators. Perhaps Mama would be justified in doing that. Just block anything they attempt to post. Then you don't have to remove anything.

  19. I don't know for sure but they probably do.
    I just enjoy sending Mama a 'Thumbs Up/Thank you' once in awhile since, as they say, it only takes one "Oh sh*t" to wipeout a disproportionate number of "Atta-boys").

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  22. Happy Thanksgiving to you Mama! love your blog and so kind of you to take time to post during the holiday.

    fwiw JumpinJejosephat
    some of the Comments that are getting removed are not 'angry trolls' but instead are spammers/many different ones. and (many noticeably have grammer that appears English as 2nd language)

  23. Mama it's been two dayz!!! The childrenz iz hungry for some Thankzgiving leftoverz!

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  26. yes, it is a good topic. I learned many things from it!


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