Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Midweek Mish Mash

Listen chickens, we hate to leave y'all high and dry today but pickins are mite slim in the celebrity real estate world right now and Your Mama has some unavoidable tasks and issues that must be dealt with this week. So, rather than abandon y'all completely, we offer up a few links to other celebrity real estate related stories around the interweb:

—Super-stylish entrepreneurial real estate heiress Ivanka Trump and her young media baron hubby Jared Kushner recently had the folks from Elle Decor in for a peep and poke around at their freshly decorated 10-room New York City family pad located, natch, in a Park Avenue Manhattan high-rise built by her frequently bloviating big-daddy Donald Trump.

—It's old news, perhaps, but hokey-jokey actor Vince Vaughn hoisted his triplex penthouse in Chicago on the market with an asking price of $18,400,000. Did you know he's also house hunting in Los Angeles in the ten million dollar plus range? Well, he is, at least according to Your Mama's people.

—Mariah Carey's looks like a swank boo-teek on Saint Barths, professional dribbler C.C. Sabathia's has custom-built Macassar-ebony cabinets for his colossal shoe collection, and super-rich adman turned tee-vee house Donny Deutch's has a built in bench upholstered in pony skin custom-dyed blood red.

—In case you somehow didn't already hear, Showbiz tycoon Ryan Seacrest has finally unloaded his Hollywood Hills estate for $11,000,000 to "some rich English folk." Mister Seacrest famously upgraded his residential circumstances with his recent $37,500,000 purchase of chat show queen Ellen Degeneres' epic Beverly Hills compound.

—The physically strapping and frequently whining Winklevoss twins Tyler and Cameron—they're the formerly East Coast-based dudes who claim(ed) former Harvard classmate Mark Zuckerberg stole their idea for the social media platform that became Facebook—shelled out $18,000,000 on a newly completed, high-tech and very contemporary 8,000 square foot crib high above L.A.'s Sunset Strip.

—And some good, old-fashioned New York City floor plan porn in the form of a mixed-use, multi-unit building in TriBeCa. Note the hair-raising $49,500,000 asking price, the 11,000-ish square foot triplex penthouse (plus fully-landscaped roof terrace), and the basement level basketball court with mezzanine loft level fitness area. As best as we can tell from property records and business filings, the building's owner is a a wealthy fella named Mark Sonnino, a hedge fund fat cat for whom, as it turns out, Your Mama's much younger cuzzin Ry-Ry once worked.


  1. Wonder if the twins to everything together..just askin

  2. This site really has gone down hill. There is never any real inventive writing anymore its bland and boring like all other celebrity blogs now.

    Add to that, the comment conversations I once loved died off by this moderator BS that has nothing up-dated for hours and the readers no longer converse with each other.

    Not too mention... the serious lack of posts for a long, long time.

  3. Not only that but seriously Mama, you're giving us floorplan porn of a house that's been on the market for years THAT EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT AND HAS SEEN!? HOW FUCKING LAZY ARE YOU!?

    Have you ever thought of hiring another writer to help you out when you have no time to put up a blog post or just aren't feeling creative? I'd really hate to see this blog fall off but it looks like that has already began. Such a shame.

  4. @ Anonymi:

    You know, you don't have to read this blog if you don't like it.

  5. As an above commenter said, a major part of this blog used to be the commenter back and forth. It's THAT that kept folks engaged and checking back in. Personally, I can say that I rarely comment anymore because it's just become basically a dead end -- and the posts seem less interesting to me. Maybe they are in fact less interesting, or maybe I'm just less interested. I don't know.

    Almost all of these blogs that rely on one person have a life, an arc. That one person has other things going on, or actually has to figure out how to pay their bills, and the blog becomes less of a priority. But I have to say that over the past couple of years, I've checked in here almost every day that I've accessed the internet (which is almost every day) -- a loyal follower.

  6. Mama,

    Not sure where all the stupid people came from in the past few years, including Gossip Reality Girl. Just ignore them.

    However, I take issue with 50 million for a place with exposed ducts and cheesy track lighting (bad art not included). Maybe it is for the entire building. but it seems like way too much.

  7. Sad to say but 6:02 is right.

  8. Great site! It would be nice if you had your links open in a new window, that way I won't lose my spot when reading! :)

  9. @623, I like that idea.


    People have a right to respectfully complain. Only one reader failed to do that.

  10. @904pm, while I'm sure Mama is no louse or bum. He's supposedly in a LONGTIME relationship with an OB/GYN. He has also mad small comments about how they are financially frugal.

    I think this blog is his hobby but real estate/architecture is his passion.

    I don't think Mama has to hold down a traditional 9-5, but that is not to say he's doesn't have other obligations.

  11. @ 9:23.. it is for the whole building... can you not read?

  12. Hey Anonymous 8:05 a.m.!

    The Dr. Cooter is a root doctor. Not an OB/GYN, overweight boy/girl youth nanny, for those who don't know their 'nitials.

    And why you calling Mama a "he?" Sure, she let her eyebrows grow together these last few years and because of all the G&Ts can't see that her chin hairs need exfoliating, but Mama's still a she.

    And we agree that Mama ain't no louse or bum and she and The Doctor Cooter is frugal.

    Studly and Rodney

  13. I love this site and the witty banter. Mama is insightful and delightful. Don't change a thing!

  14. OMG I cannot believe what I just read above. People actually complaining about the FREE blog they "used to" enjoy. I think some people need a reality check. (do not confuse that with a realty check, dum-dums)

    Blogs like this are a labour of love. A TON of hours go into the research and making of this particular blog and some have the nerve to bitch about the content not being up to par lately.

    While there is some advertising here, do you think this blog makes so much money that Mama can afford to hire staff? This blog probably costs Mama money, never mind makes any money.

    What a bunch of confused clown apprentices. You're lucky Mama didn't rip y'all new A-holes and boot your rancid behinds off the comment system.

    Get a grip! No, you do NOT have a right to complain about a free entertainment blog. Is that clear enough? Jog on if you don't like what you see here. It's September, shouldn't y'all be back in clown school anyway?

  15. @11:02 Let me introduce you to @6:35. I think you'll get along perfectly.

  16. Complainers - you can leave if you don't like it. I for one am grateful for all the many hours I have spent reading hilarious and interesting real estate news on this site. For someone to spend time almost every day for five years writing something like this is not to be sniffed at. I doubt that the ads on this site allow Mama to do much more than gas up her big BMW every now and then. It's a labor of love; a product of a life's passion for beautiful (and sometimes hideous) homes and interior design. There are bound to be ebbs and flows over the years, but there are still great scoops and great stories on here. The comments are problematic, however. There is little to no conversation between fans of this blog now. I doubt Mama has the time or inclination for it but some sort of approved commentator scheme would be great. But then of course you run the risk of becoming Gawker.

  17. 6:40, I agree with you. But I saw you spelled 'labor' the British way, so I had Tim Curry read your entire post aloud in my mind. 'twas quite amusing! Just thought you should know.

  18. My stars, the captcha is gone!!!! Hopefully banished to Hell where it belongs! Hallelujah!

  19. Hi Candy!!!!! Hows the condo???

  20. Hello darling! The new condo ("Manor in the Sky"!) is fabulous. Pictures to come soon, think of it as an early Christmas present!

    Thanks for asking!!! xoxo

  21. Yo Momma, just wanted to let you know C.C. Sabathia is a pitcher not a dribbler!

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