Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Does Anyone Still Yodel or Wear a Hat?


  1. Yes, they do. I am from Switzerland, spent time in Germany and Austria, and yes, they do. It is still very popular. There are all kinds of yodeling, in the mountains, we call it also 'the alp blessings". It happens at night (around 9pm, when the sun goes down in Summer). It's a local guy who then yodels (solo only, no instruments, sometimes though an alphorn). I am not a yodeling fan, but the alp blessing makes me spiritual and can drive me to tears. Highly recommend it to anybody staying in the mountains.

  2. Wow! That booty shake at 1:30 in the first video was epic! LOL

    Elaine Stritch can't sing to save her life...but some how this works.

  3. Your Mamma,

    How many gin and tonics did you have today? So random. Thanks for all you do. We appreciate the special NYC apartments and special estates that may or may not belong to yodeling and to hat wearing folk.

  4. Did this site get hacked? lol

  5. I'll follow Mama anywhere.... whew knew they blessed the alps, now I know. Rock it out Mama!
    BTW my hot valentine of 18 years is Swiss, try it you'll like it:)

  6. I think I'll try walking into the mountains around 9:00 p.m. and yodel, that should get me stared at the next day. I'm sure it goes over well in Switzerland, though.

    They say that a gentleman is someone who knows how to play the acordian, but refrains. I suspect someone who know how to yodel, but doesn't, would also be thought of highly by polite society. Lawrence Welk played the acordian and I don't think he even had anyone yodel on the show. Now, Lawrence Welk is a real estate story. They once said that there wasn't a project between LA and San Diego that he wasn't at least a partner in. One smart cookie and his family is still laughing all the way to the bank off his investments.

  7. Hhhmmmm ... what brought this on? Too funny.
    Heidi Klum yodels, doesn't she?

  8. Awesome post. I loved both videos.


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