Monday, February 20, 2012

Dance Break!


  1. Um, Mama? Has that nasty Svetlana swapped flunitrazepam for your regular nerve pills again?

    Or have the Twilighters been casting evil spells upon your poor soul for your recent perceived transgressions?

    And why am I suddenly picturing Judy Carne saying "...sock it to me!" in a neon bikini?

    Should we Twitter Dr. Cooter to come home ASAP & apply a cold compress to your fevered brow? Enquiring minds want to know...


  2. Work it mama!!!!! I see you out there on the dance floor!!!!!

  3. For those keeping score, I last to :50. :)

  4. Heeeeeeeeelp! I think I've fallen into a K-hole and can't get out!

  5. Mama has clear done surfed to the very end of the internet!

  6. The lead dancer is Bob Fosse's wife and the video was the inspiration for Beyonce's "Put a Ring on it".

  7. We need to put a ring around something but I doubt it's anybody's finger. Pass the gin and tonics, puhleeeeaze....

  8. Ahhhhhh, Mama, just checking to see if we're still here and reading. Yes, ma'am, we are! LOOOOOVE it!!! Thankyouverymuch!


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