Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Tuesday Tidbit: Mitt Romney Clarifies Plans for La Jolla Hideaway

We hesitate to bring this matter up again since we received some rather ugly and disturbing hate mail the last time we discussed, but...

Last week former Massachusetts governor and current GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney took it on the real estate chin when it was reported here, there, and everywhere that he'd submitted plans to nearly quadruple the size of an architecturally insignificant beach front house he owns in the wealthy seaside enclave of La Jolla, CA from around 3,000 square feet to more than 11,000 square feet.

Mister and Missus Romney purchased the posh pad about three years ago for a whopping $12,000,000. Alas and despite the hefty purchase price, according to Mister Romney himself, the 3 bedroom and 5 bathroom beach house just isn't large enough to accommodate his five adult children, their spouses and 16 grandchildren. Hence his plans to expand the residence.

There's certainly nothing inherently wrong or unusual about a multi-millionaire like Mister Romney who embarks on a significant expansion and/or full-scale renovation of a luxury vacation residence. However, given the flailing economy and his White House aspirations some folks–people on both sides of the political aisle, mind you–felt Mister Romney's plan for an extensive and expensive expansion was ill-timed.

Yesterday, in an attempt to clear up and clarify the what's-what about his property plans in La Jolla, Mister Romney told Joe McQuaid, publisher of the Union Leader newspaper in New Hampshire that the gossip and reports were not entirely accurate.

According to Mister Romney, the plans and application for the expansion were filed two years ago, long before he tossed his hat in to the GOP presidential hopeful ring. Mister Romney's campaign previously stated that any construction to or expansion of the house would not begin until after the 2012 campaign. Furthermore, the application submitted calls not for a quadrupling of the living space but rather a doubling achieved by the addition of a second floor that would bring the interior living space to around 6,000 square feet. That's gigantic by most standards but hardly an unusual size for an ocean front home in the exceedingly affluent community of La Jolla. The remaining 5,000 or so square feet in the submitted application, as per Mister McQuaid's reports, are accounted for in "nonliving space" that includes the garage and a basement.

When asked by Mister McQuaid if he issued a press release that more succinctly and accurately lays out his actual plans for the property Mister Romney reportedly "shrugged his shoulders with a 'why bother?' look."

photos: Google Maps


  1. Mama, you have absolutely nothing to apologize for in your previous post re the Romney matter. The people who need to apologize are the Romneyites who think he would be a good President. (He just MIGHT be a shade better than the idiotus from Texas).

  2. Gosh dang, Mr. Romney should have kept his mouth shut on this one, 'cause he looks tricky as heck. See mama, those of us who know a thing or two about how to get a permit to built a house also know that in most communities there's something called a building to lot size ratio requirement. The reason why such a thing is in place in the first place is that Taj Mahal doesn't get rebuilt on a 20,000 sqft lot (not that people don't try...). However, there's a little trick (there are a couple of little tricks actually but I'll concentrate on the specific one Mr. Romney's architects are using) that one might employ to maximize size. You see, anything that's built a certain percentage BELOW grade (such as a basement) doesn't count in the final tally of square feet. So basically, if that specific municipality has a 60% ratio (just a guess, it could be any other percentage) than, basically Mitt is puttin' a 11,000 sqft improvement,of which 6,000 square feet are ABOVE grade and 5,000 sqft of which are a certain percentage below grade on a lot that's probably around 12,000 to 14,000 square feet - maybe even less, since I don't know how that specific municipality looks at impervious surfaces, how it counts them, or if they consider the new fangled drip-through pavement brick some people use for driveways and walkways as legally permeable or impermeable (as permeable as they may be in real life.) So, you see, Mitt Romney is putting up an 11,000 sqft house and calls it a 6,000 sqft house because the rest of 5,000 sqft will be garage and non-habitable (really???) basement. And then he wants me to vote for him, I suppose :)))))))))
    PS. I've seen some of those non-habitable basements and the likes of me wouldn't mind them at all!!!!

  3. Yo, Mama.... Your post was perfectly composed. No apology necessary. Ignore the haters.

    What I can't understand is why he paid $12mill for a house he didn't like and that didn't fit his needs. Doesn't sound too bright there, Mittens. Aren't there other ocean front mansion$ for Daddy Big Buck$ to buy that had enough square footage in the first place?

    Sounds like Mitsey didn't think any of this thru. Oh well, when you have more money than good sense you don't have to worry about mistakes.

  4. so now that tens of thousands of estates all up and down the eastern sea board are washed away including the almighty hamptons,

    do you think real estate prices will come down in a big way ?

    if a hurricane cannot force real estate prices to drop what can ?

  5. Looks like this will eventually be the Western White House.

    Oh well, at least the Security in the neighborhood will be great.

  6. Typical rich republican. Easy livin' when you make the rules that are meant for everyone else.

  7. oh yes basement space for home theater, wine cellar, gym, and hot sauna! just say it MR! Call it for what it is! Live it up viva the plans... get on with it.. let america know you love your luxury oh la la... oh yes your shot at winning in 2012 is like um 0

    Enjoy your lair!

  8. Like him or not (and, full disclosure, I do not), it is undeniable that, despite when the the plans were filed the timing is awful.

    With unemployment hovering at 9 percent and the economy in the toilet, this is no way to endear oneself to the voting public.

    Sure, you made you money in the private sector and it's not for me to determine if it was ethically or not; but to shrug your shoulders with a "let them eat cake" posture is certain to guarantee that, should Satan himself run against you, I still would not vote for you.

  9. Lily -

    O.K. so Mitt researches the rules; follows the rules; manages to add footage where it's unobtrusive to the neighbors (basement); and though he can well afford to just buy a new larger place somewhere else, prefers to fix this lot up so he can remain near his friends.

    I'm no republican, but if you're evaluating his leadership potential based on this, I'm sure we can do far worse.

  10. I suggested in a previous comment that adding a 2nd story to this already peculiarly juxtaposed structure will make it look even more peculiar. It's architecturally insignificant, so why not tear it down and build new, but his house, his decision.

    Thanks for the update Mama. I'm appalled that you received hate mail over this.

  11. Obama could be given this property by a convicted fellon supporter, along with 100 miles of coast line north and south of it, raise every house on those lots, and build a shrine to his ego that would rival any home in the world...yet his fans would say "how progressive that he eliminated that energy inefficient property"

  12. I'd like to see the Michelle Bachmann Estate called
    Lair of The Beast, complete with massive bubbling fire pits, 666 swizzle sticks, Christian fundie funhouse for the kids, and psycho-makeup mirror room.

    Especially for Halloween, Mama?

  13. Angie, darling, thanks to Mama you've got the source you asked me to provide in the previous post. No, I didn't just make it up because I'm a crazy supporter of Mitt Romney, or some right wing hater. I'm a couple of things but neither of them.
    However, these posts on Romney do give me a sense of dread vis-a-vis the upcoming campaign. Right wing nuts and left wing nuts. I am a hater of both of those groups.
    But if the left wing has this much vitriol for Romney, a moderate Republican, and the right wing has this much vitriol for Obama, more left but still relatively moderate (if not by nature then by necessity), we're in big trouble.

  14. The property belongs to the Romney family, and the money they plan to use to enlarge the home on the property belongs to them, too. If their neighbors and the city of La Jolla have no complaints the frankly, it's just no one else's business. You do what you want to do with your home and money don't you? Well, the Romney family has ever right to do the same.

  15. 6:23 The last "moderate" Republican disappeared long ago. Most now are Tea Party morons or their dupes or their agents. The only GOP candidate who has even a teeeny weeensy amount of brains is Huntsman and of course he hasn't a chance to be nominated. He speaks Chinese, so he is clearly a subversive or a traitor.

  16. @Aubergine: True leaders don't peg themselves to technicalities. I don't have a problem with the square footage of the house. I have a problem with him saying the house is only 6,000 sqft, because the extra 5,000 sqft are below grade, and that's where he has a huge leadership problem with me. No true leader would pull out the technicality clause to justifying his or her actions. I don't want a leader who'd tell me 'Well, we didn't bomb Iraq, just various areas that together are about .854% of the country so technically, since we didn't bomb the whole of Iraq, we didn't really bomb Iraq.' Or something along those lines, anyway.

  17. 7:04: As I was saying. . .

  18. Mouth from the SouthAugust 30, 2011 at 7:41 PM

    Why do right wing nuttos like Anonymous at 4:45pm assume that because someone says something critical about a conservative politician's poor real estate timing that they are automatically apologists or fans of Obama? That's asinine and shows a serious lack of critical thinking.

    For the record, Romney turns me off politically...to much flip flopping and pandering for votes with the tea party people. He seems to me, however, less problematic than the other cabal of evangelical windbags like Bachmann and Beck who say stupid and humiliating things like the hurricane Irene is a sign sent from God that America is on the wrong track.

    Also for the record, I don't think Obama is doing a very good job either. So there.

    As for Mittens and his house...he can do as he pleases. It's his money. Seems moronic to me when he could have just bought a bigger house to begin with, but whatever.

  19. Not a fan of the Mittster. Also not a fan of people thinking they have a right to tell other people what to do with their own money and property. Snarking on questionable architecture/decor? HUGE FAN. HUGE! :D

  20. That's nice dear. Now, can you please pass the wine my way? I'm a tad thirsty.

  21. It always astonishes me that those who believe that they either are entitled to or are capable of achieving munificence somehow manage to attach it to party politics ––– as if by aligning themselves with those they perceive as more privileged will somehow grant them membership to the "club." (One of the reasons I am not registered with any party).

    Nothing could be further from the truth; the overriding reason that America is the promised land for so many people worldwide is that anyone can rise above whatever "station" in life they do (or believe to) occupy and is party neutral.

    Do I begrudge Mittsie a single dollar? No; he earned it. Do I like his politics? No; for many perception is reality and despite the fact that he is perfectly within his rights to do whatever he pleases with his property & wealth, I am free to either ignore or take offense at his actions.

    It this particular instance, I choose to take offense because, to me, it is a demonstration of poor judgment and therefore not demonstrative I what I look for in a leader. Coming on the eve of a very important anniversary in America's history, when so many are still hurting so, his poor judgment is disrespectful.

  22. The ruling classes are usually overprivileged & exceedingly wealthy compared to the majority of their voting base. I can't see how them pretending "to be one of us" would fool anyone.

    Having said that, I can't stand the man, but it is what it is. He's rich.

  23. don't you have some floral wallpaper to take down?

  24. So if I understand some of these arguments, Mr. Romney's plans to employ several dozen construction workers for maybe nine to twelve months building this addition, is a bad idea because unemployment is so high? Really? This makes him look what? Willing to put people to work in a bad economy? And that's going to hurt his chances of winning the election? Color me perplexed...

  25. I doubt Mitt Flop will actually build the new house. He'll flip flop on this decision just like he does on everything else.

    The man has no soul. He has no core.

    Just flips and flops...

  26. @5:49AM

    you are really stupid if you believe building/renovating a mansion will even put to work half of the people unemployed in this economy. get real!

  27. I've always believed polite conversation should never include politics or religion and I'm appalled at the breakdown of manners here...

    That being said, perhaps this rich Republican pig just needs to expand the house to accommodate his many secret wives.

    that's right, I went there.

  28. 11:36 PM

    Hippie dear..

    You finished off the entire half gallon last night by yourself...or don't you remember?

  29. And Rick Perry says, "Mitt who?"

  30. to Anon 3:46

    it's sarcasm

    look it up.

  31. wow it is so easy to push right wingers' buttons, and they just go batshit crazy.

    you know, like Michelle Bachmann crazy.

  32. Wasn't this the house he was actually living in while pretending to live in Mass so he could vote/run there?


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