Friday, June 17, 2011

UPDATE: Candy Spelling

More scuttlebutt about the sale of Candy Spelling's massive mansion in the Holmby Hills area of Los Angeles, CA makes its way down the real estate hearsay highway this morning, this time via TMZ.

A snitchy source told the gossip juggernaut it was Tinseltown scion and ne'er do well nightclubber Brandon Davis who played the crucial role in hooking up the (reported) buyer of Miz Spelling's monster mansion–by most accounts Formula One racing heiress Petra Ecclestone–with real estate agent Rick Hilton who is–of course–Paris Hilton's daddy. Only in Hollywood, babies, only in Hollywood.

Mister Hilton reportedly showed Miss Ecclestone couture queen Suzanne Saperstein's baronial Beaux Arts extravaganza Fleur de Lys, listed with a $125,000,000 price tag. The 22-year old heiress reportedly made an $85,000,000 offer for the 35,000-plus square foot beast. Alas, negotiations broke down over later requests by the seller to keep various statuary and be given an extra $700,000 to cover the costs of her moving expenses.

That's when, so the story goes, Miss Ecclestone got fed up with Suzanne's demands, stamped her indignant Louboutin-shod foot, shifted gears and unleashed her financial superpowers on The Manor, Candy Spelling's city hall-sized residence in Holmby Hills, listed for several years with a stomach churning asking price of $150,000,000. TMZ earlier reported that Miz Spelling agreed to sell The Manor to Miss Ecclestone for $85,000,000, which apparently was her budget–if you can call it that–since it's oddly and exactly the same amount reported she offered Suzanne Sap for her palatial pile.

If this thing really went down as TMZ reports–and it certainly could have–how lousy does Suzanne Saperstein have to feel knowing she killed a suh-weet $85,000,000 cash deal over an unwelcomed request for seven hundred thousand smackers in moving expenses?

If ever there was a illustration of how the super rich live it's Suzanne Saperstein–whose fortune derives exclusively from a lucrative divorce from radio mogul David Saperstein–calculating that she needs nearly three quarters of a million dollars to have her possessions–admittedly very pedigreed and expensive possessions–packed up, hauled to another residence and unpacked. Take a nerve pill and moment and let that settle down into your belly, butter beans.

Now then, really buckle up your seat belts and pour yourself a gin & tonic to wash down the nerve pill because you're really going to freak the hell out when you find out that, according to TMZ, real estate agent Rick Hilton agreed to pay Branden Davis a very substantial $250,000 finder's fee.

Bam! It's almost too crazy to be real. Then again, as the saying goes, you really can't make up shit this good, can you?

Stay tuned...


  1. Mama:

    I'm enjoying every inch of the hearsay highway on this subject. Great updates like usual. Please know they're appreciated. But most of all, your wit and way-with-words brings many smiles and chuckles each day as I plow forward in this crazy world.

    Surely Saperstein has to be beside herself when re-thinking her lost opportunity. In my opinion, Miss E would have had a better location at Fleur de Lys though, so maybe she should have hung in there with SS to wear down SS.

    Until next update...

    Miss Lily Pond

  2. $250,000 as a finder's fee is chump change given the size of he deal or 0.29%.

  3. Yo Mama, I'm from Houston and know well Suzanne Saperstein's high demands. Her husband left her because she thought she was more important than he was. I think he married the darling sweet woman who was their nanny (one of many). David is wonderful, always has been. The ex is another deal altogether.

  4. So Greasy Bear is a licensed Realtor now? California real estate law permits the payment of referral fees to unlicensed persons.

  5. Phaedrus, not bad for a phone call though. I would have dialed for $100,000.

  6. Ugh, enough about this damn house.

  7. Love Love Love your Spelling updates. Better than Young and Restless!!!

  8. SPELLING UPDATE FROM THE PRAIRIE; Word here in the midwest is that Candy sold the property to Roseanne Barr and Kirstie Alley who plan to open a spacious Curves franchise with a Dunkin' Donuts out back. Ms. Ecclestone backed out because......."nice rich people simply don't do fat.

  9. This is why we need much much higher taxes on the super rich, to stop this kind of obscene nonsense. I suggest a 15%, no make that a 25%, tax on house sales over 10 million, paid by both parties; in short, a 50% tax in toto. That would do the public budget of impoverished states a lot of good and serve the super rich right. Robin Hood needs a rebirth in the USA. PS If you think 50% too much, take a look at what it costs in commissions to buy and sell art at Sotheby's or Christie's.

  10. This is the second time (I'm aware of) that Ms. Saperstein has let a good offer slip through her hands. I believe she turned the first one down cold, and has now demonstrated a depth of selfish greed that proved too much for even a billionaire heiress to stomach. Since when have buyers paid the seller's moving expenses? That's just nuts, as is she.

  11. looks like your "reports" and your "trusted source" re petra not being the buyer were dead on wrong. u might want to apologize to the readers of this blog- just a little fyi.

  12. Davis was related via marriage to the Hiltons - his uncle used to be married to Kathy Hilton's sister, Kim.

  13. Katherine ChancellorJune 17, 2011 at 3:10 PM

    I'm no decorator but wasn't the furniture a bit too "home specific" to be carted away? I would just assume that the buyer of Ms Saperstein's mansion would want most of the furniture left behind and the seller would really have no further use for it.

    BTW, I think Candy lucked out, all the way around. If the land was $5mm and construction costs were $12mm and misc landscaping another $2mm, her sale price was a tidy profit.

  14. Did Suzanne ever sell her $75 million dollar Hummingbird Ranch?

    What a divorce settlement...

    Any guess how long Petra will keep The Manor, before it goes back on the market?

  15. A "finder's fee?" There are people who can't FIND "The Manor" and/or didn't know it is for sale? Good grief, if such a person existed he/she would have to be from outer space .... except "The Manor" and its "For sale" sign can probably even be seen from space!

  16. Mama is making it very clear this is all rumor and gossip. None of us know what is really happening so I don't believe any apologies are called for. My money is on the Indian billionaire with bad taste in houses.

  17. Hey,
    This is getting Funnier and Funnier every hour!! First Off what 22 Year-old that has Never worked a day in her Life would even fathom to Spend $100,000,000 on a House (Which Petra has done already i London). Secondly for the 100th time, PETRA DID NOT BUY the Spelling Estate. Petra's father is very friendly with MUKESH AMBANI (the Real Buyer) and they used Petra as his Cover-up as he wanted to be Discreet in purchasing the Los Angeles mansion. However, Petra being a useless Spoiled Rich Girl loved the Limelight and still has NOT Denied the Reports making her look even Dumber than she already is. Daddy's little Girl loves Spending Money around the World when in fact she could be saving 1000's of Children in Need!! BUT I guess its way more Important for PETRA to have 2 $100M Mansions and a few Private Jets before shes 25 Years-Old. Emabarassing :)

  18. Your MAMA is always "on-it" and let me be the first to say that it was REAL ESTALKER that was first to Break the News that "Petra Eccelstone" wasnt neccesarily the Buyer!! Your MAMA pointed out BEFORE the Wall Street Journal and every other Tabloid including TMZ that MR.AMBANI was most likely the Buyer. Which is 99% the Case. The Indian Billionaire toured several pocket listings Including Ron Burkle's Green Acres $75M, David Geffen's $80M Angelo Estate and Leonard Ross's Gigantic House on Beverly, but it looks like he is settling for the Spelling Manor. Which im sure a designer like Waldo Fernandez could make Spectacular :)
    The Note

  19. If you own a house being sold for $85 million, you can afford to move your own damn belongings. Geezus.

  20. Your Mama, Dont backtrack. you were right, petra ecclestone did not purchase this house, however she was involved in the deal. It will all come out soon.

  21. When will the fog lift and we know for certain who bought the house? Or will we never know? Then perhaps we can go back to doing things that are more important. PS A question: are these mega mansions built like most US houses with wood frames and drywall walls. or are they made of stone or concrete block, steel girders, etc., etc. I wonder how permanent they are meant to be. Built for "the ages" or until someone comes along who wants to knock them down and put something else in their place?

  22. This is utter BS.
    I will bet dollars to donuts that the buyer is Ambani.

  23. This house is so dreadful! Surely if Ms. Ecclestone is indeed the buying so must have second thoughts about this offensively nouveau riche pile! Anonymous (re: Kirstie & Roseanne) haha hilarious!

    Your online endeavor is always a treasured treat! Oh how I dread the upcoming weekend with fear that it'll be post-free...

  24. note to people who purchase hundred million homes and flaunt their wealth so blatantly:
    remember the guillotine?

    to quote Judy Tenuta "it could happen"

  25. The Note, what an amazing idea. 56,000 sqft of Waldo Fernandez decor is the only thing that could make a space that size the least bit palatable to me.

    I'm also on the Mr. Albani is the actual buyer train, as Mama has already indicated is most likely the real story. Admittedly, it is rather difficult to discuss this sale with all the games the buyer is playing.

  26. Hey, let's hope the deal went through for poor Brandon "greasy bear" Davis' sake. He has been arrested, (yet again), on cocaine posession charges, so the "finders fee" bucks will come in handy with all the lawyers fees and such......

    ......just sayin'

  27. Even though everyone who reads Mama's posts everyday, like me, LOVE real estate porn, did it ever occur to anyone that whoever purchased the Spelling mansion isn't making a statement because they feel it's no one's business?!

  28. My bets are on this house being back on the market in under 10 years

  29. What about dear Candy? What does she do? Does she entertain a lot? Is she among the "in" people in LA? Good friend of Betsy Bloomingdale? Or is she what sociologists term the NON-U Rich? I.e., someone with a oodles of money who is not accepted by the top tier of society?

  30. Goodness... People are the real deal. Deducing that Candy made a profit because the building cost 30 years ago were $12m? LOL. Obviously, one needs to calculate the inflation to see the *real* profit there. Of course she made a profit, that's du jour. She sold this hideous beast (and BTW, can we stop with those comments about how awful the house is? We get it!) for a lot more than it's worth. But not like she needed to make a profit given her net worth of around $650m.

  31. Candy will no longer be surrounded by the memeories of sneeking out of The Manor at Night with Mark Nathanson after putting Aaron to Bed ..... Free of Guilt at Last !!!

  32. I would think this is essentially a teardown for Ambani.
    People like him don't just move into someone else's vision. Let's not forget ego, people! It's not like he's buying a villa by Palladio or something. Is there even a named, credited architect for this pile?
    Personally, if it's true that he toured the other properties mentioned by commenter C-N in one of the previous posts (and that commenter strikes me as knowing what he/she is talking about), then I think he chose the wrong one if in fact the house will end up being completely transformed. The Geffen property is much more special. Now on the other side of the argument, it's seems plausible that someone like him would find Candy's house much more appealing than Geffen's. As for the Ross place, I believe that is in quite orignial condition.

  33. The architect is James Langenheim, perhaps the same as the LA airport guy.

  34. If it's Mukesh, it will look as hideous as it does now or maybe worse. It's easy to redecorate the interiors, but what, oh what does one do with this cavernous house and the awful facade?

  35. I can just picture Tori chaining herself to the front gates as the bulldozers pull up...

  36. Tori has actually always despised this house.

  37. I have to say, I am enjoying everyone's comments as much as Your Mamma's excellent dish on this story. It's fun to hear all the thoughtful disagreements and possible insider hints. Wheeeee !!!

  38. ha!! ha!! so momma was sooooooooooo wrong about some indian billionaire etc... re the home. tmz just reported petra was the buyer and closed escrow.. today!! so yes momma does in fact owe me and everyone else a public apology! here endith the lesson!


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