Tuesday, June 14, 2011

UPDATE: Candy Spelling

Seems like wealthy showbiz widow Candy Spelling was in a bit of a bargaining mood.

After years of having her steroidal 56,500 square foot pile The Manor listed with an asking price of $150,000,000 Miz Spelling has, according an inside source who tattled to TMZ, settled on a still breathtaking sale price of $85,000,000.

A few quick flicks of the dainty beads on Your Mama's bejeweled abacus shows the reported $85,000,000 sale price represents a significant 43-and-some-percent discount from Miz Spelling's long- and fiercely-cleaved-to asking price.

TMZ, like the Wall Street Journal, cites inside sources who snitched that the buyer is 22-year old straw-haired heiress Petra Ecclestone. Interestingly, one of Your Mama's trusted sources inside the Bev Hills real estate beltway still insists the buyer ain't lil' ol' Petra but rather one of the world's wealthiest people whose staggering riches make Petra's daddy Bernie's four billion dollar fortune seem positively charming.

And the real estate story rolls on...


  1. Mama:

    The Candy Spelling staircase is the one that Tevye sings about in Fiddler on the Roof.

    Rabbi Hedda LaTess

  2. My goodness! Dint Ms. Spelling recently pay $49 million for a two bedroom condo? An now she's selling the giant house for "only" $85 million? Isn't that paying rather a lot to downsize?

  3. Hey Mama: At the standard 2 1/2 % an agent would get on such a deal, that comes to $2,125,000.00!!!!

  4. Could the anonymous buyer be Carlos Slim HelĂș?

  5. Apparently the mystery buyer is none other than Randy Spelling. He is going to turn it into a Motel6 and film his new reality show "Sons of Bitches" there. Candy will have the starring role and Tori will be making a special guest appearance as some random preggerz girl.

  6. Just shows how these "Plantium Triangle" real estate agents cannot price a house properly...or maybe they are greedy and think a slug will offer some close to $150m.

  7. $1,062,500.00 are the annual taxes! Good for state budget...hope these high end estates keep turning over as it might be our states only hope :)

  8. According to the MLS, 1.75% was being offered to the buyer's agent. Who knows if the listing side was the same.

    Both sides were split among multiple agents, with Sally Forster Jones and Rick Hilton splitting the listing side with Rick Hilton and Jeffrey Hyland. According to reports, the buyer's side is split between Rick Hilton and David Kramer.

  9. I agree, the sooner some of these mega mansions sell, the more taxes our County collects to help fund the budget deficit.

    Attention all billionaires....come to Los Angeles and buy houses. $$$$$

  10. @ anon 11:03 & 1:05- Right on! Gilded Age 2.0 could use a silver lining.

    Lady J

  11. Mama,

    The buyer is Lakshmi Mittal. Don't ask me how I know because I can't reveal any further but it is him. My source is impeccable.

  12. I knew it could'nt possibly fetch the full asking price.Still 85m is big chunk.

  13. I don't trust in anonymous revelayion, if Mr Mittal is the owner soon all the papers ll talk about


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