Thursday, June 30, 2011

Glenn Beck Takes it to Texas

WHO: Glenn Beck
LOCATION: Westlake, TX
PRICE: around $20,000 per month
SIZE: 7,904 square feet, 7 bedrooms, 7.5 bathrooms

YOUR MAMAS NOTES: We hesitate to write about this bit of celebrity real estate bizness because we always get the most vile hate mail when we discuss right wing political pundit and crybaby conspiracy theorist Glen Beck. However, we're going to take our chances and let the chips fall where they may since, you know, sticks and stones and all that.

In late 2005 Mister Beck and his wife Tania spent $4,250,000 for a luxurious mansion in sleepy but swank New Canaan, CT. Four years later, in late 2009, Your Mama prattled on about the huge house–dubbed Waterford Manor–that was then on the market with an asking price of $3,999,000. They had previously and unsuccessfully attempted to sell the house with an asking price of $4,999,000.

In early April 2011 Mister Beck got into some boiling hot water for his increasingly frequent anti-Semitic harangues. Not even Fox News, which promotes a socially and politically conservative agenda, could excuse or tolerate Mister Beck's race theories and and fear baiting ways. So they canned him. Everyone publicly made nice-nice about the matter but, make no mistake, Fox News sent their teary-eyed cash cow and his highly contentious notions packing. Mister Beck's last show on Fox is, as it turns out, today. He will switch his often controversial commentating over to GBTV, an acronymically-named internet-based network.

It wasn't long after he was very publicly axed that Mister Beck announced on his show that he'd sold his Connecticut mansion and planned to leaved the New York City area. We don't know how many folks in lefty-lib New York City mourned the loss of the Mister Beck–who lived in New Canaan but filmed his show in Manhattan–but we do know that property records and title information we peeped at do not reflect a sale of his Connecticut estate. In fact, our entirely unscientific research reveals Mister Beck's trĂ©s traditional mansion remains on the market with a reduced asking price of $3,650,000. Current listing information shows it stands on 2.8 acres, measures 11,320 square feet over four floors and includes 6 bedrooms, 5 full and 3 half bathrooms, 5 fireplaces, front and rear staircases and–natch–a "super" security system.

If he's leaving the New York area as he said, inquiring minds want to know, where or where will Mister Beck go? Well, buckle your safety belts, bunnies, because well-placed sources tell sassy Dallas-based real estate gossip Candy Evans that Mister Beck is headed her way, to the Dallas suburb of Westlake, TX where it's rumored and reported on the Second Shelters blog that he's leased a large house in the swank guard-gated Vaquero Club community.

According to Miz Candy Evans, the well-maintained mansion where Mister and Missus Beck will (allegedly) set down temporary Texas roots was first put up for lease at $15,000 per month before it was raised to $20,000. Presumably Mister and Missus Beck are paying somewhere in that rent neighborhood.

The Hill County-style house, owned by professional ball player Jorge Piedra and Swarovski crystal heiress Vanessa Piedra, stands on about 1.71 acres of manicured grounds, measures 7,904 square feet and includes 7 bedrooms and 7.5 bathrooms plus a separate guest/pool house with living room, bedroom and bathroom.

A curving wall extends across the front of the property where a perfectly circular drive at the front of the house wraps around to a rear motor court and four-car garage. A wide set of shallow steps makes a grand procession from the driveway to the front door. The clean-lined contemporary interior spaces include a double-height entry with travertine tile floor and built-in knick-knack display cubbies and a formal living room with hardwood floors, corner fireplace and a built in flat-screen tee-vee surrounded by built-in knick-knack display cubbies. Very chic steel-framed glass doors open the living room to the covered dining terrace that overlooks the back yard.

Not surprisingly, a pink Swarovski crystal-encrusted Tord Boontje-designed Blossom chandelier hangs in the high-ceiling dining room. A butler's pantry connects the dining room to the commodious kitchen outfitted with wide-plank wood floors, steel-blue flat-fronted cabinetry topped by black counter tops of undetermined material, a large work island and snack counter with white marble counter top and a built-in breakfast banquette with more built-in knick-knack display cubbies.

Other notable interiors spaces, according to listing information, include a study with even more built-in knick-knack display cubbies, a fitness room with mirrored wall, and a sun room with steeply vaulted ceiling from which hang two more pink crystal-encrusted Tord Boontje-designed Blossom chandeliers.

The children will note at least one more goddam pink crystal-encrusted Tord Boontje-designed Blossom chandelier that hangs over the deviled egg-shaped freestanding soaking tub in the master bathroom that also includes separate shower, double sinks and a built-in floating vanity table. Your Mama adores Mister Boontje's Blossom chandelier and would love to own one if we could stomach (and afford) the prodigious price tag which can run as high as $30,000+ depending on the size. We also recognize that Miz Piedra is representin' the family business. But, puppies, too much is too much and four Tord Boontje-designed Blossom chandeliers all in one house–and not all in the same room–is just too much.

Anyhoo, the house wraps around a terraced backyard that includes various patios, one with built in fire-pit ringed by a semi-circular built-in stone bench. An extra-wide stone staircase descends gently and grandly down to the swimming pool, spa, cabana and adjacent guest/pool house that features a pergola-shaded raised porch. Wide pooch-friendly lawns surround the pool and terraces and stretch back to the community's highly-rated golf course that winds through the Vaquero Club community.

Should Mister and Missus Beck find they like the house, it's currently listed for sale with an asking price of $3,900,000. Listing information indicates the seller is willing to finance a sale but it seems unlikely that Mister Beck–a multi-millionaire many times over–would need another rich person to assist in the finance of a real estate purchase. He is, let's get real, a rich and generously compensated white man; We're quite certain their are any number of banks and other financial institutions who would love to lend him a few million bucks to buy a big house in suburban Dallas.

The fancy-pants Vaquero Club enclave,"smack dab next to D/FW Airport" according to Miz Candy Evans, has long been popular with professional athletes such as golfers Brian Watts and Todd Hamilton, baseballers Dave Berg and Josh Hamilton, and pigsknner Henry Ford who all own (or owned) mansion inside the gates of the Vaquero Club at one time or another. The parents of pop trio and tween heart throbs The Jonas Brothers also own a substantial house in the upscale golf community.

listing photos: Keller Williams


  1. Eh...McMansions look the same, no matter how expansive they may get. There is absolutely nothing architecturally significant about this place (not that I expected there to be, you understand).

  2. Anything better than a prison cell would be far too good for Glenn Beck. The idea that his idiotic ideas have made him enough to be able to afford this whatever, says far too much about the mental state of the USA at the present time. Of course idiotic ideas appeal to idiots of which the USA is full; how could it be otherwise? And they pay good money to have their idiocy on show in a public figure. Makes them feel important.


    Poor Glenn. Attacked, yes attacked, by some crazed East Coast liberals. I am sure that would not happen to him in Texas. He'd better get to Texas as fast as his little legs can carry him there.
    But don't forget the security, Glenny. It's important in your case.

  4. All I can say is YUCK--and this time I'm not referring to the house, but to the fact Glenn in moving to TX close to where I live. I may have to put my house up for sale and get the hell out of here!

  5. Glenn Beck anti semitic? Oh right, because he dares to criticize someone who is Jewish? Love the Liberal viewpoint that if you dare to be a critic of the behavior of an INDIVIDUAL, you surely must hate the entire ethnicity, religion, sex, etc. If you actually listened to the guy instead of getting all of you info from your narrow little liberal press sources, you would find that he is a HUGE supporter of the Jewish people. But, it's so much easier to be smug than educated isn't it?

  6. Texas, exactly where a piece of sh!t like Glenn Beck belongs.

    6:11, it is funny that you bring up education, because Glenn Beck has none. Not a university degree to be seen for a million miles.
    His greatest accomplishment is being a drunk and a drug addict.

  7. I may be off topic here, considering the posts of June 30, but, Mama, aren't those chandeliers a design faux pas? I mean, they don't appear to complement the decor of the rooms they're placed in. I agree, they are lovely, but they seem to be in the wrong environment. Okay, back to the Beck-bashing (not that I am a fan. I live in Tampa and developed an active dislike of the man when his political commentary shtick first aired on our little local talk radio station years ago.)

  8. Love hearing all the liberal heads exploding here when people like Glenn Beck are!

    The poster who says he should be in a prison cell...really?...for voicing his opinions?

    Perfect example of liberal "tolerance and freedom of choice".


  9. I used to think he was a whack job but I have yet to hear anyone disprove what he says. He predicted the housing crash and the soaring gold prices. Hes too smart to buy a house and to pay taxes in a state (NY) that penalizes you for living there and being successful. Nice move on his part.

  10. 5:49: I think the reader said anything better than a prison cell would be too good for Beck, not that he should be put in prison for voicing his opinions. You made some big logical jumps there.
    6:37: People define themselves by those they support. I myself would not want to appear to support Glenn Beck. I gather you do.

  11. Far more tasteful, and much less garish than I expected.

  12. With all the problems he's noticed about the world around him, all the whining, society just not good enough for him... Look what society ponied up for the epic whiner. Not bad. Nice work if you can get it.

  13. 7:24am...I do not "support" media be they left, right or middle. Interesting in your choice of words. I also do not have a myopic singular view point (as evidenced by me stating that I used to think he was a whack job) but you surely do. 6:37am

  14. 7:24:

    Typical lefty spin.......yaaaaaawn

  15. I thought this was a real estate web site... let's leave the politics out.

  16. Mama,

    You missed a chandelier- there are five- one in the breakfast area, also. Shouldn't the one over the dining table be lower?

  17. I also do not have a myopic singular view point (as evidenced by me stating that I used to think he was a whack job) but you surely do.

    Surely? How can you be sure? In fact I think most of his jabber is beneath contempt. I also thought most of Hitler's and Mussolini's jabber was beneath contempt. If that means I have a "myopic singular view point" re both Hitler, Mussolini and Beck, I plead guilty...with pleasure.

  18. NO way is Mr Beck anti -semitic. Someone hates too much to get their
    facts straight. Your criticism would be much more relevant if you told the truth.

  19. I'm Jewish and I follow GLenn Beck...he is not anti-semetic at all. In fact he is one of Israel's biggest supporters. And all the criticism makes me wonder if anyone has listened to him. He's a smart guy and deserves his success!

  20. I live in Texas and have all my life and am glad he is making his home here. Anyone who disagrees, I will help you move out of Texas ASAP.

  21. Glenn Beck and Wife,I welcome you to Texas.I use to watch Fox?My Husband and I waited for you every afternoon at 5:00 We are Thrilled to have you join Texas.New York is loosing a great person and Fox just messed up....I look forward to the GBTV.I will be waiting and will still follow your show.We love you Glenn.Thank goodness you are leaving Crazy New York,Another World, as some folks call it.Welcome to Texas.And yes we are Republicans and PROUD of it.Praying for a Republican President. You are so right about George Soro's the freaky dude.If anyone cares anymore?Some had rather just stone u to death.Not in Texas.We do things our way here.Welcome back to Texas.The Hrabal Family.Not a Fake name hiding behind a monitor like some of these other's making the Nasty rude comments.Your new home is really beautiful.

  22. I'm also a jew and I never heard him say anything remotely anti-semitic... certainly his criticisms of the psycho George Soros can't be characterized as such.

    Beck's presentation can be headache-inducing, to be sure, but he is a brave man, and a needed voice to have out there.

    It's fun to see that yo mama has such an intellectually diverse legion of groupies!!!

  23. funny I thought all the right wing whack jobs were migrating to Arizona...

  24. That McMansion is an absolute snoozefest.

    My favorite neighborhood in Dallas is University Park which is full of beautiful homes that are rich in character.

  25. Why don't you take the plank out of your own eye before pointing out the splinters in others?

    Try reading an intelligent book instead of reading trashy real estate gossip that has NO signifiance in the grand scheme of things.

  26. goodness, look at all the neocons get their panties all bunched because someone else voiced an opinion they didn't like about one of their lying liars on Faux News LOL. poor poor babies. in case you didn't know: freedom is a liberal concept, not a conservative one.

  27. Westlake is in the middle of nowhere, something like 40 miles or so outside of Dallas. It's been built up in the past real estate boom, but it's rather quiet-ish.

    The house is so typical of all the others out there, very boring but spacious.

    But the heat. Ah, the heat. Maybe Glen hopes his fat will melt off.

  28. I think those of you casting stones at Mr. Beck - should first look @ yourselves.

    Godspeed Glenn.

  29. Texas is the perfect place for a person like Beck. Texans, you can have him. Now that you have your "hero", please proceed with your constant threats to secede from the US as the rest of us really don't need your backwards bigoted ultra-religious uneducated mind-sets.

  30. Glenn Beck does not deserve a prison cell for voicing his opinions. But he does deserve a padded cell for the opinions he voices.

  31. "In early April 2011 Mister Beck got into some boiling hot water for his increasingly frequent anti-Semitic harangues."

    Strange how someone who is making "anti-Semitic harangues" would speak to the Knesset, continually defend Israel and hold a rally in Israel supporting the country.

    Beck might not like Soros, but he's hardly 'anti-Semitic'. Give me a break.

  32. Beck is NOT anti-semitic. He's one of the biggest supporters of Israel out there today! I'm glad he's smart enough to move here! Welcome to Texas, Glenn!

  33. Ahh it's good to see the little liberal minds just don't change their strips even when it comes to housing for the right. You know how you FEEL but don't let FACTS get in your way. Must be wonderful to live blissfully in your little minds and not be disturbed by facts, figures and reality.
    About now I'm wondering what all that EDUCATION has done for all those elites up on the hill. And that includes our President, not that you can find his transcripts anywhere.
    Guaranteed not ONE of you lefties on this stream EVER watched one episode of Glenn Beck all the way through. Instead you got your talking points from sources like Keith Olbermann. Oh wait, he's no longer there. Now HE got fired. Like any employer that doesn't want their soon to be EX employee to do any 'damage', they made sure he was escorted off the set. Beck wasn't fired. If he was then that was the DAMNEDEST exit I ever saw from a hostile dismissal. Beck got FREE REIGN to do whatever he wanted on his last episode. He could have BURIED his upper management or worse. Instead, it was clear that it was an amicable split and as Beck made it clear, the show was constricting him on what he wanted to do.
    Beck did a 'support Israel' rally this past August IN Israel!!! Did you miss that part on how he went there to be anti Semitic?? Yeah right.
    If you're going to worship at the feet of MSNBC, CBS, Maddow, and all the other leftie shows that have about three people left watching them, I'd suggest that you at LEAST start GOOGLING in search of facts and figures before you show your lack of intelligence on ANY blog.
    Save yourself the embarrassment.

    About this point I'd ask WHAT exactly was Beck wrong on? Because to date EVERYTHING he said would happen....has and IS happening.
    But don't worry your pretty little heads about facts. Put your heads back in the sand and listen for the sound of Keith...

  34. May God Bless you all. Good luck with Communism because you won't have this freedom of speech much longer!

  35. What a nasty article written by some wantabe.

  36. This is most hateful article I have ever read about "Real Estate".
    The Beck's political positions are not relivant if you are truly reviewing real properties.

    You included this statement "a rich and generously compensated white man". What the heck does being WHITE have to do with anything except to show your ignorance.

  37. Beck was right about the Muslim Brotherhood wanting to resurrect the caliphate. He began predicting that YEARS ago and it's all happening. That should scare the hell out of everyone here, because under Sharia Law we'd all end up either hanging or beheaded.

  38. One mans freedom speech is another mans hate speech and vice versa. Respect and protect them both, or both men will perish. Clearly, the person that wrote this knows little about real estate, Mr. Beck and respecting others whose opinions differ.


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