Tuesday, May 24, 2011

UPDATE: Huguette Clark

Those of the children who have been hanging around awhile know that Your Mama has a bit of a thing for the saga of reclusive and mysterious American heiress Huguette Clark.

Miz Clark, for those of you kids who find her name foreign, was born into a copper and mining fortune, raised in splendor in Montana and New York City mansions, educated abroad and ultimately left with a staggering fortune estimated to be around half a billion bucks. For decades Miz Clark has lived not in one of her several monstrous high-maintenance residences around the country but in near seclusion in an unmarked hospital room at New York City's Beth Israel Medical Center.

Bellosguardo, her hulking multi-winged 21,666 square foot mansion in Santa Barbara has not, it is said, been visited in 40 or 50 years. An 52-acre estate in New Canaan, CT was expanded and remodeled after purchasing in 1952 but never occupied by the mysterious lady of the house. For decades, while she languished in an ordinary hospital room, her luxurious full-floor prairie-like spread on New York's Fifth Avenue–plus the half-floor apartment a few floors above–were kept spotless and ready for her return.

But alas, Miz Clark was not to return. The elusive heiress, bless her secretive heart, finally went to meet her maker this week at the ripe old age of 104.

What will happen now to Miz Clark's considerable wealth, which includes but is not limited to considerable cash reserves, an art collection and a real estate portfolio easily worth well in excess of a hundred million clams, remains to be seen. Some worry the old bird was surrounded by a couple of money grubbing charlatans the last couple of decades who may have acted in their own best self-interest and kept the few distant relatives Miz Clark does have at a considerable distance. Any relatives over the last few dozen years who attempted to contact or visit Miz Clark were reportedly rebuffed and rudely rejected. The advisers, an attorney (Wallace "Wally" Bock) and an accountant (Irving H. Kamsler), both have sordid pasts and have been been under investigation for elder abuse and their handling–or mishandling–of Miz Clark's financial affairs.

All interested parties in Miz Clarks affairs wait now for the reading of her last will and testament and any codicils that may have been attached. No doubt her estate will be in dispute for years while her most recent aides and advisers attempt to lay claim to some part, if not all, of her assets while the distant relatives and district attorney try to sort out the the whatnots and wherefores of how Miz Clark really wanted her fortune dispersed.

'Tis a fascinating story, butter beans, and one told in great length and detail by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Bill Dedman over at msnbc.com. A long list of Mister Dedman's articles on the matter can be found here.


  1. I saw the news of her death on MSNBC this morning. Hers is a fascinating story indeed. I read the series a year or so back, but will re-read in light of Clark's death.

  2. When I saw this blurb in the news I immediately thought of you and your fans, mama, so intriguing is the story.

  3. Thanks for the update. Having no irons in the fire, so to speak, the only thing I look forward to is a whopping sensational court case involving skullduggery and fraud and other such delicious topics. Something to rival the Brooke Astor affair, please. The sleazier the better the entertainment.

  4. One of the most fascinating stories I have ever read.

  5. RIP Huguette. You had a weird name and lived a weird life.

  6. finely free …. RIP

  7. Thanks for the update on Ms. Clark may she rest in peace...that series Bill Dedman wrote about her life, real estate and shady accountants was exceptionally good.

  8. Juicy, Juicy. Can't wait for more pictures and gossip. Thanks for the update Mama!

  9. I am so anxious, just waiting for the opening of her home. all 42rooms. its like a time capsule. dear auntie huggy as we called her, promised we could all go in and pick something out...........ooooh, POLLYLANDA.....great great great step neice of auntie huggys..

  10. I think "once staggering" fortune might be better, Mama. Half a billion doesn't stagger as it used to. Even a billion won't cause most people to skip a beat. 500 million is today a "nice nest egg."

  11. 500 million is today a "nice nest egg."

    That is the funniest comment I've ever read here because it seems to be serious. I have to assume it was written by the Sultan of Brunei.

  12. Save all the trouble, just give everything to charities.

  13. Wasn't Martha Stewart running around town a few years ago trying to find out who she needed to blow to get the place on 5th Avenue?

  14. For whatever reason she decided to go into seclusion, I suspect that she actually passed many years ago. I got the feeling that she lived a tortured life. May she RIP.

    Fascinating story, indeed. I even occasionally checked MSNBC.com for occasional updates. I hope those manipulative leaches that 'advised her' still have something coming to them.

  15. Angie, not the Sultan of Brunei, it was written by Roman Abramovich. lol

  16. "Finely free"...is that a Freduian slip?

    Mama, I too, though of you the moment I read that she had passed. I knew you'd write a piece on her. Glad she was able to be laid to rest with her family. That alawyer and accountant though...hmmm...I wonder what's to come.

  17. Anonymous @ May 25, 2011 1:29 PM:


    Seems Martha was VERY late to the trough.

  18. For a Catholic women, very rich, to be bilked by two Jews, should raise all kinds of red flags. These horrid thieves brings back very sad memories for me. I spent eight and a half years fighting a sibling in NY, Nassau County probate court. This sibling had himself declared the only heir of my mother's money and property, and by the time the lawyers and Courts were done, more than half the estate was gone. With court delays, back room meetings in Judges chambers, eight and a half years cost us thousands a sibling running around spending money like it was water down a drain. Where was my justice.....Now here we are again.....Ms. Clark, very rich, and two fat jews controlling her. Its the Astor case all over again. Where was the Social Worker for the Hospital after twenty years???? Was that person bought off??? Or did the Hospital say hands off and mind your own business???

    Its time for a severe investagation of the probate court system in NY. Judges should have there feet held to the fire with criminal action, judges clerks should be held liable for there deals in back rooms and all parties concerned with the estate should present at all meetings and decisions. Cuomo needs to shake the cages of these probate court criminals and see how quick cases change. I would have been so thankful for this, instead of eight and half years of bilking my late mothers estate.


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