Friday, December 24, 2010

Bristol Palin Get a New House for the Holidays

BUYER: Bristol Palin
LOCATION: Maricopa, AZ
PRICE: $172,000
SIZE: 3,929 square feet, 5 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms

YOUR MAMAS NOTES: It's Christmas Eve y'all and shooting out of the real estate gate like a Christmas present is the real estate news that 20-year old Bristol Palin paid $172,000 to purchase herself a house in the unlikely community of Maricopa, AZ, about 35 miles south of Phoenix.

Miss Palin's claim to semi-celebrity is, of course, is that's she's the eldest daughter of political rabble-rouser and Tea Party queen Sarah Palin. She became part of the national discourse when it was revealed during the 2008 presidential campaign–when her mother was the Republican Party's rather unusual and unexpected choice for vice-president–that a teen aged Miss Palin was going to be a mother.

The children will note that the abstinence advocate and unwed teenage mother of one paid for her new crib in cash. That's right, puppies, cold hard cash. We'd say that young Miss Palin must have got a financial leg up from her newly minted millionaire mommy, but somewhere recently we heard (but can not confirm) that the younger Miss Palin earns fifty grand a pop to go talk to teenagers about sexual abstinence. Oh pleeze. How does a young gal who birthed a baby as a teenager, made a huge splash on that stoopid Dancing With the Stars program and has the financial power at the dewy age of 20 to pay $172,000–in cash–for a house in suburban Phoenix have the nerve to get up in front of teenagers and tell them that an unexpected pregnancy could ruin their lives. Honestly. It would be high-sterical if the moral audacity of the thing wasn't so completely unnerving.

Anyhoodles poodles, listing information shows Miss Palin's new digs measure 3,929 square feet and includes 5 bedrooms and 2.5 poopers. There's a three car garage for all Miss Palin's whips and the large, landscaped backyard, according to listing information, is "perfect for volleyball, BBQs and more!" We can't be bothered to discuss the details of the house because, well, there's nothing to discuss. It's just a big ol' beige piece of architectural banality. You can talk it up and tart it up but a pig with lipstick is still a pig.

The ungated Cobblestone Farms subdivision has palm tree lined streets that wind in on each other like a nautilus shell and includes basketball courts, baseball field, soccer field, children's play center, a swimming pool, and a horse shoe playing pit. That's right, horse shoes. Sakes alive. Horse shoes. Lowerd have mercy.

According to gossip juggernaut TMZ, Miss Palin has been telling pals that she may attend Arizona State University once she moves into her mcmansion in Maricopa. Well, good for her. A college education is a good thing.

It may or may not be a coinkydink that Sarah Palin's daughter chose Arizona (and perhaps ASU) since president Obama was snubbed by the top brass at ASU who refused to give him an honorary degree after he gave the commencement speech at the 2009 graduation saying that the president had not yet accomplished enough in his career to warrant the honor. Not accomplished enough? The president of the United States of America? Really?

On that note we're off to slumber with one eye open to see if Santy Claus will be coming down the chimney tonight.


  1. Merry Christmas, Mama!

    I wonder why Miss Palin invested her cash in John McCain territory? Clearly hightailin' it away from Mama Grizzly and anticipating a career of some sorts in the Lower 48.

  2. That house looks cheaply made. The outside is nice, but the materials used inside are not high quality. This is apartment-level stuff.

  3. Arizona just gained a few electorate votes. Coincidence that a Palin is moving there?

  4. I agree, the not so smart ones who fukc their way through teens probably look at Bristol as the ultimate master of converting teenage pregnancy into quasy-celebrity. I would not be surprised if they start asking her how to get on some sleazy reality TV when they [finally] get pregnant.

    I am happy, though, she is not as dumb with her money. The house may not be a gem, but it is a comfortable place many of us did not have in our teens, and she clearly can afford it. Maybe she should talk about financial responsibility instead.

  5. Maricopa, home of the biggest dirtbag sheriff in the country Joe Arpaio.
    Perfectly fitting that this useless trash family would move there.

  6. Isn't $200,000 the compensation each "star" earns for appearing on Dancing With The Stars?

  7. I think its a pretty good move if she likes the area. FLA and AZ real estate is in the toilet. She has very little downside on a home like that at that price, and she is so young that it will make a good ling term investment. Why the hell not. And NO, Im not a tea party member.

  8. Looks like a crappy Pulte home to me. Blech.

  9. That'd be 3 spare bedrooms for those 3 kid-producing accidents that are yet to happen I suppose. Still, seems there's enough room to park the trailer in the drive for the rest of the Trash family who come to visit.

  10. C O M M O N spells common. Her Mom looks and acts like a Montana Bar Maid, daughter hasn't fallen too far from the tree.

  11. This house, while 'nice' by normal folks standards, has about as much personality and panache as Ms. Palin herself--none. 'Beige Big Box Store Chic' would be the phrase I would choose to describe this abode. The generic mini van will blend right go gurl.

  12. careful, Mama. Seems anyone who criticizes the Palins gets in trouble! You don't want a dead caribou tied to your big BMW!

  13. Kristal, I am happy for you. You did so well on DWTS and I am so proud of you. I did like you and Mark made a very cute couple and wished for you two, but whatever you choose, may God Bless you and your family and your home is very nice. Your mother and family are wonderful people.

  14. its your typical suburban AZ newer, PULTE-type home. My guess is that it probably sold for for $350k a few years ago. But 35 miles from Phoenix? That's a helluva commute to college, if she ever attends.

    I will give her kudos for buying something affordable and within her means.

  15. All of you must live in such amazing examples of Architecture and decor! Would love to see pics of YOUR houses!

  16. Some of you people kill me not being able to give this young woman a little credit. Yes, she had a kid while not married, but she certainly does appear to be trying to turn her life around and make a good life for herself and her child. While the house is certainly no mansion like we are used to seeing on this blog, it's still a very nice house for any twenty year old to buy anywhere. Now get off your high horses and be glad this young women is trying to pay her own way instead of having more babies and living off welfare and food stamps which you and I have to pay for.

  17. So some of you know, from Cobblestone Farms where Ms. Palin's new home is located in Maricopa, AZ to the Arizona State University's main campus in Tempe, AZ is a easy commute of about 20-25 miles. College students drive this distance and often much further to attend classes all the time. Also, ASU probably offers classes even closer to her home, and there's always online courses, too. Ms. Palin seems to have planned this move carefully, and she certainly made a wise investment for a young woman her age.

  18. Nice spread for the spoiled spread eagle daughter. Recession, what recession? Corporate Oil shill mommie has connections. $50,000 per pop public speaking connections.

  19. Where I live in Canada this house would sell for far more than $172K
    Same beds more baths smaller sqft:
    $173K in a shady part of town:
    Not a fan of all things Palin, but at least she seems like she's trying to be smart with her money and situation.

  20. She should be applauded for this. A young woman picks a lower priced home, in a quiet suburb not located in New York or Calif, and pays cash for it. This is what EVERYONE should have done in the last decade, instead of buying the biggest house, which they didn't need, and lying on their mortgage application, and then defaulting so we can all pay for it. As far as I'm concerned this is exactly what every 20 year old should do if they have the means. Congrats to her for being level headed.

  21. No doubt those triangles vacuumed into the carpet were put there by TOTALLY legal help.

    And for all you applauding Bristol Palin, she is CAPITALIZING on her mother's fame. Nothing more. No law against it, but using her own teen pregnancy as a 'lesson' to preach to others, is HYPOCRISY. A SCAM. Nothing less.

    Leave it to a Palin to mix up "Capitalizing" with "Capitalism".

  22. Lots of silly speculation in the article and in the comments from non-Arizonans. There are no "other" ASU campuses that are close to Maricopa. ASU's main campus is in Tempe, with a second campus in downtown Phoenix. Both are well over an hour's commute time from Maricopa. And Maricopa is not, in fact, the "home of Sheriff Joe." The town of Maricopa is located in Pinal County, which neighbors Maricopa County. Our idiot sheriff is the sheriff of Maricopa County, not Pinal County.

    If she's doing this to attend ASU, Maricopa is a pretty bizarre and impractical choice for a home. Only time will tell what her motivation is. And finally, let's not forget that her mom has the attention span of a 2-year old and barely graduated college, after bouncing around from one school to another. ASU has some great academic programs, but it is still fundamentally a party school, so my money says Bristol drops out after 1-2 semesters.

  23. A great description of Maricopa-

  24. ASU has 4 campuses - Tempe, Downtown Phoenix, Polytechnic, and West. None are close to Maricopa.

  25. "snubbed Obama" ?!
    The Usurper was born of a visitor to this nation. ARTICLE II natural born Citizen(ship) enjoins a sole allegiance
    The off spring of tourists are not permitted to take Command-in-Chief of the United States Military DUH!

  26. Teapartiers? We're going to guillotine your paper heroes. Trust. Morons.


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