Thursday, December 24, 2009


Your Mama and the Dr. Cooter wish all the children the happiest of holidays and an even happier New Year filled with health, wealth and a bottomless pitcher of gin & tonics.


  1. Merry Christmas to you Mama and Dr. Cooter!

  2. Mama, you're the joy in my RSS feed every day of the year! I tip my bourbon & ginger ale to you, the Dr. Cooter, and all my fellow chirren!

  3. Hope y'all have a wunnerful holiday!
    Thanks for a fabulous year of real estate and here's looking forward to a shitload more in 2010! Holla!

  4. Mama-

    Merry Christmas to you, Dr. Cooter, Linda and Beverly!

    Love your Christmas card. Though for some odd reason, I've always pictured you as a broo-nette.

    Cheers and lots of love

    Rosco Mare

  5. Happy Chriskwanzukha to you and the Coot!

  6. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays.
    Nice photo. lol

  7. I find it shocking that there are not hundreds of greetings for Mama. She should be showered with good wishes from all those who visit this site.....simply shocking.

  8. Merry Christmas!!! Love ya blog! ;D

  9. This is my favourite blog of them all! Happy Holiday to your and yours. Many Kisses from Toronto!!

  10. lovin you, Mama...ya badass!

    happy holidays!


  11. Dahlinks,

    I just hope Santa, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny and Lady Liberty keep on whispering in your delicate ear at night with those 'little dirty bird told me' inside details of the Zany World of House Couture!

    Keep US all in stitches for times are scary and WE all look to you for a giggle!


    Regina Joi

  12. Gurrrl I can't even tell you what the hell I'd do if one day I went to take a peek at the latest, juiciest real estate gossip, only to find that mama and cooter had packed up the louis vuittons to retire to a life of reading tawdry gossip rags and guzzling magnums of gin down your gullets.

    Because honey, if this happens, I'll charter a G5 to LAX and track your asses down to smack some sense into a bitch. So pleez, keep up the good work!

    Hope yall have a merry damn christmas and honey remember, don't overdo it with the eggnog because we all know there's nothin more pathetic than a boozed up queen singing santa baby in a cheetah print snuggie, while perched on top of Aunt Susan's steinway. Peace and blessings! xoxo

  13. Jumpin' Jejosephat in L.A.December 25, 2009 at 9:14 PM

    Merry Christmas Mamma, Dr. Cooter, and y'all's long bodied bitches Linda and Beverly, and lest I forget Svetlana!
    Thanks for your always entertaining and hilarious look at the way the other half live in their own rarefied world of, undeniably at times, Klassy fabulousness.
    May the new year find you innundated with juicy new real estate shenanigans and overwhelmed by a network bidding war over your inevitable rise to the broadcast media! Ooh wee gurl, it's gonna happen! Praise Jeezus!
    From your loyal servants, J&J, and our short bodied bitches Sophie Lou and Zo-Zo. And lest she forget, our house girl Consuela.

  14. And those Christmas pictures are wrong in SO many ways! I think I might have pee'd myself a little

  15. Merry Chirstmas, Mama.

  16. Seems in all the greetings everybody forgot that nasty pussycat Sugar.

    Happy Holidays, Sugar...meow.

  17. Merry Christmas to you Mama and the Dr Cooter. You make the day a little more bearable. Thank you for all you do to entertain the children.

  18. Dear Mama, here is to you and to triple-distilled spirits everywhere

    Love always


  19. Merry Christmas to you! Hope you are enjoying your break.
    Sarah in AUS

  20. Ok Mama, I think your vacation has lasted long enough... the children are craving some new dirt!

  21. Bah Humbug! And those pictures are more than a little disturbing.

    ps: Great blog, keep up the good work. :)

  22. Here's to a gin soaked Hanukkah and a Happy New Year.

    Please provide an explanation for the mannequin. Its expression is mortifying.

    My verification is a exhortation for the new year: mogym

  23. A very happy, healthy New Year to you and yours Mama! Thanks for the delicious real estate gossip and stellar prose. Rest up over the holidays and come out with the gin and tonics blazing in 2010!!!

  24. A BIG THANK YOU to Mama for yet another year of laughs.
    Looking forward to the next round.

    HAPPY NEW YEAR.....y'all!


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