Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Conservative Commentator Glenn Beck Lists at a Loss

SELLER: Glenn Beck
LOCATION: New Canaan, CT
PRICE: $3,999,000
SIZE: 8,720 square feet, 6 bedrooms, 5 full and 3 half bathrooms

YOUR MAMAS NOTES: Thanks to Big Dave over at Celebrity Address Aerial, who recently sent Your Mama a most lovely missive, we've learned that the eerily successful, pasty faced right wing crybaby Glenn Beck has listed his family manse in New Canaan, CT with an asking price of $3,999,000.

Mister Beck is, of course, the conservative/libertarian darling of the allegedly fair and balanced Fox News who regularly espouses provocative and sometimes contradictory points of view that include–but are hardly limited to: Believing global warming is a "manufactured crisis"; Suggesting on national tee-vee that the U.S. government is building FEMA concentration camps in an effort to institute a totalitarian state, a statement he has since denied and retracted; And repeatedly putting forward the notion that Obama's nearly dead in the water health care plan is a Trojan Horse designed to make reparations for slavery. Listen chickens, Your Mama does not want to get into a heated political debate because this is neither the time nor the place to do so. However, even though we do actually believe that Mister Beck sincerely thinks of himself as an American patriot standing up for all that is right and good in this country, we'd be lying like a rug if we didn't say that we think 99 percent of what Mister Beck tearfully moans and groans about on the boob-toob ain't nuthin' but a heaping pile of steaming dog poo.

Anyhoo, according to public property records, the former Catholic turned Mormon and his second wifey Tania purchased their 2.87 acre property in December of 2005 for $4,250,000. A few flicks of the well worn beads on our bejeweled abacus reveals that even at a full price sale at it's current asking, Mister and Missus Beck are looking at a $250,000 loss plus the fat real estate fees that will need to be paid. But don't none of you children cry over Mister Becks financial loss because it ain't nuthin' but spilled milk. According to the folks at Forbes, Mister Beck hauled in around $23,000,000 in 2008 and will likely pocket much more in 2009. So, you know, he can well afford to take a quarter million dollar hit on his damn house without anyone feeling the least bit sorry for him because ain't none of his four children gonna go hungry or without adequate health care.

Listing information shows the 4-floor, 16-room Colonial style house was built in 2004, measures a sizable 8,720 square feet–or 11,320 square feet depending where on the listing one peeps–and includes 6 bedrooms and 5 full and 3 half poopers. Your Mama imagines that with 8 damn terlits Missus Beck is either a bizzy little bee scrubbing all them terlits or they've got a part-time minimum wage gurl whose only responsibility is brushing up the bowls several times a week.

Listing photos of the recovering alcoholic and drug addict's lake front mansion are few, but it's really not much of a surprise to Your Mama that the day-core of what we can see runs toward the traditional and the patriotic with herringbone wood floors, a large, antique looking American flag in the foyer, a dignified moss green paint on the walls in the living room and at least 4 fireplaces. We'd bet our long-bodied bitches Linda and Beverly that there is at least one Barca-damn-lounger in the house too.

Other amenities at the well-groomed Beck estate include, according to listing information, garage parking for four cars, four (or more) fireplaces, a full, finished walk-out basement, a second floor laundry facility, and a finished attic space. Given Mister Beck's lightening rod status, we imagine he's had the security beefed up to Fort Knox standards and any of the children who might have the damn fool notion to drive by Mister Beck's house ought to remember that Mister Beck believes whole heartedly in the Second Amendment and, quite possibly, bears arms.

The extensive grounds, which are well surrounded by thick woods for privacy and magnificent fall-time leaf peeping, include an acre or two of meticulously maintained lawns, stacked stone walls and white fencing, an in-ground swimming pool and spa and, in the front yard, a civic-center sized flag pole Your Mama likes to imagine Mister Beck climbing up and sliding down while blubbering like a baby with his trademark, near hysterical patriotic zeal.

Given that they are filthy rich, it's quite possible–and likely–that Mister and Missus Beck own several properties either for personal use or as investments. However, the only other property besides their primary residence in New Canaan that a peep and a poke around property records turns up is an 1,845 square foot house in Fort Lauderdale that Missus Beck purchased in her own name in July of 2000 for $156,800. Where the Becks are headed to is a complete mystery to Your Mama but iffin we were to wager a few dollars on it, we'd guess they're moving on to even more luxurious, private and expensive circumstances.


  1. I loathe Glenn Beck, both as a screaming liberal and an ex-Mormon, and am thrilled he'll lose money on this sale. Let's hope it's a harbinger for the future. Excuse my nastiness, Mama, but I can't say anything good about that pasty sack of steaming dog poo (your excruciatingly excellent term). And that paint in the living room looks like split pea soup.

  2. Perhaps he tired of bickering with his neighbors about his property's fence:

  3. Why does he want to leave very conservative and very very very white New Canaan?

  4. "former Catholic turned Mormon" kinda sums it up I'd say, talk about twisted! I'm surprised that he doesn't have American flags and signed photos of Ronald Regan in every room.

  5. Mama, you have an absolutely fantastic ability to write about celebrities and their real estate transactions. But since you often admit that you don't know nuttin' about nuttin', why do you feel qualified to declare that "99 percent of what Mister Beck tearfully moans and groans about on the boob-toob ain't nuthin' but a heaping pile of steaming dog poo"? Stick to what you know about, honey, or either do your homework on issues of public policy as well as you manage to get the scoop on the trivial matters you know so well. In other words, look up the facts before you go making attacks. Okay?

  6. Nice argumentum ad hominem, Anon 12:04. Klassy.

  7. i like beck. i'm conservative but support gay rights for peeps like Mama. can't we all just be nice here?

  8. I personally find Beck the most loathsome sort of "entertainer" who taps into peoples worst fears about government and humanity and in the process makes tens of millions a bucks a year. I think there are better ways for a person to express their opinions than to whip up teabaggers and conspiracy theorists who are just not adding that much substance to the political discussion.

    That said, 12:51, what are the facts about public policy that you're upset about? What did Mama get wrong? And the part of the quote from Mama that you left out is a very important part, Mama said, "WE THINK 99 percent..." Mama's entitled to his opinion as are you which perhaps leans towards Beck's end of the boat.

  9. LOL a commenter here is suggesting Glenn Beck's rants has logic..hahahahahahahahaha

  10. Beck is nothing more than a modern day holy-roller preacher; it's an old formula: get a loyal following and use fear to keep 'em coming back for more. Be afraid. Be very afraid. It's a big bad world out there- and I'm the only one with answers. His crowd can't stop watching him. It's genius for ratings. It's a business. He's making money. That's what he does- he keeps ratings high and makes money.

  11. Technically the house in Florida owned by Tania Beck is a half ownership, and the house is in the western boondocks of Hollywood, FL, not Ft.Lauderdale.

    My guess is that it was bought to help provide housing for a couple that couldn't afford the whole thing, or didn't have credit.

    As to why? With anyone in the Beck family, who knows.

  12. I catch a whiff of real jealousy from all you Queens on this blog.

  13. What sort of gay rights does Mama need? "She" seems quite happy with the Dr. Cooter...

  14. Great link, Raina! He and the wifey are probably moving to some sort of gated community so he's not bothered by the unwashed masses. Like Anon 12:57 says, New Canaan ain't fond of Beck -- the mayor got his ass chewed out by the citizenry for giving him a key to the city.

  15. @ 2:08 i like beck too. he was stupid wrong about the fema camps and he sometimes gets carried away with his passion, but he is sooo right about so many things. america needs his kooky ass.

    i also notice an odd presumption that everyone who reads this delicious blog is a likeminded progressive. it's almost, like, stereotyping or something, but i know my faithful progressive friends would never do that!

  16. I think the the only other more offensive New Canaan resident would be someone who is black, or another minority. Sad, but true.

    He can easily afford the loss on this property.
    That makes some liberals terribly jealous.

  18. Mr. Beck and his family are most likely moving to a very private, very SECURE property since the barrage of death threats he has received along with his huge success and ratings blitz at FOX.

    I like the house and grounds.

    ...and Mama, politics don't become you...much too dreary a subject for your mahvelous sense of humor...just sayin'

  19. Mama, I noticed when discussing Anderson Cooper's new digs that you didn't identify him as "Liberal anchor Anderson Cooper."
    Why the double standard?
    And it's true...stick to toying with your bejeweled abacus and swigging g&t's, politics ain't your game, baby.

  20. The world needs more Beck's. Why? Just to piss the liberals off & to show how truly hypocritical they really are.

  21. Hmm, well I think I might know why Mama didn't identify Cooper as a "liberal anchor." Maybe because he's a journalist who is unquestionably a liberal which is a very different thing than being a showboating entertainer who uses conservative and often fringy ideas to whip his audience into a frenzy of conspiracy and anti-liberalism?

    I find it interesting how many people who subscribe to Beck's brand of politics so easily believe that leftside pols are in this vast conspiracy to create a socialist or totalitarian state (or whatever evil thing they're supposed to be doing according to Beck) and yet they seem not to question the motives of rightside pols or, even more disturbing, the motives of conservative political entertainers who make tens of millions of dollars every year on the back of politics as entertainment.

    And no, I don't watch Rachel Maddow's show and I'm not a supporter of our current president either.

    As for the house? Meh. It's big. It's luxurious. But it's not especially interesting architecturally speaking, and New Canaan is gorgeous but a bit too stiff in the collar for me.

  22. More Becks "Just to piss the liberals off & to show how truly hypocritical they really are"

    Really? Because all those conservatives and religious right people are such upstanding and honest members of society, aren't they? Mark Foley, Larry Craig, John Ensign, Ted Haggard. Role models all.

    There's plenty of hypocrisy on both sides of the political fence.

  23. After having read the blog and every comment, I have a postscript: the classic comment was from anonymous who said: "I catch a whiff of real jealousy from all you Queens on this blog."

    A famous man once said, "Most people are down on what they are not up to..." Too true!

  24. Utterly amazing the amount of money a half crazy creep can make spewing his nonsense on TV. And even more, the number of Americans who are willing to watch and applaud.

  25. I will bet anyone if leaves NC altogether he will be going to "aryan" Darien.

  26. Eric: For one thing, Cooper is sane not crazy. Not every conservative is crazy these days, but the righwingnuts are, and there are far too many of them. Of course they exist because they have an audience, and that should worry sensible Americans. We have lots of fans of "crazy" around and many of them vote. Brainless seems to be in just now. And of course underneath much of it is a covert racism, now that the President is "black".

  27. 1:38:...Always the last card played by "progressives" and "liberals"...the race card.
    Also, the usual intolerance of anyone not far left of center. These are instantly labeled "crazies".
    You just have to LUUUV the current crop of socialists versions of free speech and thought.

  28. I hate to wade into the argument but if the race card is the last card played by "progressives" and "liberals" then instilling fear for the purpose of manipulating the masses is the primary card of the far right.

  29. I have never see such hate as I have seen in this blog. Shame on you liberals.

  30. PS: Compare this place to what you'll get for under $4 million here in Beverly Hills. Astonishing, what we pay here...and what you get for your buck in CT. Even the ones with 'spilt-pea soup' colored parlors (my riff on Comment 1).

  31. "Utterly amazing the amount of money a half crazy creep can make spewing his nonsense on TV. And even more, the number of Americans who are willing to watch and applaud."

    Hey now, no need to bring Al Gore into this!

  32. after listing all that you think is wrong with Mr. Beck you then mention that you don't want to get into a heated debate....well, I hope that felt good getting that off your chest... STICK TO WHAT YOU DO BEST...reporting the facts related to real estate news.

  33. wow...all this vitriol directed at Mama from Beck apologists. First of all, Mama was obviously being ironic when writing about not wanting to get into a heated debate. This was done in exactly the same format as when he says he don't know nothing from nothing but then proceeds to say what he knows, or thinks or whatever.

    And secondly, this is Mama's blog and he can write whatever he pleases any time he wants. Don't like it? Too bad. Can't please everyone all the time, can you?

  34. Right Wing loons read realkestalker?

  35. I have my own opinions about what is happening in our country without anyone, including Beck telling me what to believe, but I suspect that all of you who are spitting vitriol at this guy, are a bunch of lazy people who want the government to take care of all your needs. When people look up the word "entitlement" in the dictionnary, your group picture is there. It seems to me that if you got off the computer and went out and actually produced something, none of this would be necessary. Oh, you say you can't do anything because you can;t find a job. How do you like that HOPE and CHANGE you voted for. The only way it will happen is if you get off your butts and make it happen. Opps! Forgot! The government is supposed to do that for you. Get Real!!!!!

  36. All you liberal "Wanna be conservatives" are just jealous of Becks success because all his success is attributed to hard work and not through government handouts. I don't see you liberals whining about all the pro ball players and movie stars making millions of dollars for what they do.
    If you liberal would work "Harder" like the rest of us and "SAVE" your money and not expect a government handout maybe you would see more money in your pocket than just want the democratic politicians think you deserve (which isnt much). Unfortunately most liberals are under achievers looking for a government handout any chance they can.IE stealing money from harding working people and giving it to the losers in society.
    So liberals stop being whiners, if you work harder, get an education, save your money and complain less you too can be successful.
    You look like a bunch whiny haters.
    And no I am not some rich person but I understand my responsibilities to provide for my family and not expect the government to do what I should be doing for them.

  37. Like the typical liberal, most of these comments just lash out with name calling and hatred, instead how about a original idea, fight back with facts, or do you not have any. Get a spine, most of you are jealous that you would never qualify to be his dog's poop catcher

  38. Ernie...It's interesting that you would only see the liberal comments here as "name calling and hatred." It seems to me the Beck supporters are quite adept at flinging insults and name calling around.

  39. wow how petty is it to write about others property transactions and then trash them about thier beliefs and ideas, get a life, it seems pretty mean and rife with envy.

  40. Then don't read it. sheesh.

    It's ironic that conservatives are here commenting about how Beck should be allowed to believe and say what he wants (which is nothing if not vitriolic and baiting towards liberal ideas) in the name of free speech, but when a presumed "liberal" does the same they only get trashed by conservatives who somehow thing that liberals should just keep their mouths shut.

    If you are defending Beck's right to say what he wants to regarding his opinions about patriotism, liberal ideas and Obama and whatever, then you MUST also stand up for Mama's right to say what he wants to about his opinions on the same and about Beck. We are all entitled to our express our opinions, even liberals.

  41. Let's look at the facts - liberals are better educated, have higher income, and more of them are employed in the industries that move this country forward. Populist republican base (I would not call them conservatives per se) is full of Joe the plumbers, semi-unemployed, angry people with little education or skills. However, after listening to Beck, they think that they are the ones making all the money in the world (remember his "plumbing business" pie in the sky he was so worried about Obama taxing out of nonexistence?), and everyone else is a loser. The fact is that populist conservatives are the ones being subsidized by taxes paid by the pro-tax liberals, like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet.

  42. Name calling replaces ideas or real thought. Typical of those without any real facts (or education).

  43. oh don't get your panties in a wad. nobody is saying that mama can't have free speech on her own website.

    people are just sick of everything being two-party political us-v-them every time they turn around.

    aren't most people listing their homes at a 'loss' these days?

  44. Being very familiar with current real estate scene in Fairfield County, CT, Beck most likely will not get his asking price of $3,999,000 for his rather mundane McMansion (mundane as far as Fairfield County mansions anyway). He'll probably lose more than the $250K the article mentioned (not that he'll care being that he's a multi-millionaire).

    On the bright side, his neighbors will be very pleased that he's leaving as it's well known that he has not been a good neighbor and that he uses his national radio show to bad mouth them on air.

    Being that he goes into NYC for work, he's going to have to stay within driving distance of the city (unless he's going to get himself a helicoptor I suppose). He's probably hoping to take advantage of the overall lower real estate prices so that he can upgrade to a property at a relatively cheaper price that's more secure and with more property surrounding him (as this current house sits way to close to the road). The fact that it does sit so close to the road may make it rather unattractive to some potential buyers who can easily find something in this buyers' market that's just as nice but with more privacy.

  45. A little jealous are you of Mr. Beck's Success? He works hard and why should he not succeed? If you worked hard, you might succeed also.

  46. "Let's look at the facts - liberals are better educated, have higher income, and more of them are employed in the industries that move this country forward."

    - As an independent I find this statement to be representative of the hubris of both sides.

  47. Well, independtent, only one side may be more educated and have more income, right? So, one is right, and the other is wrong. Now, the real divide is between urban vs rural, and 'urban' includes most subsurbs of metro areas. However, the higher income and education are usually concentrated in urban areas, as there aren't that many biotech or tech companies in the rural areas. Now, you'd better go out there and google the facts. I find independents a bit irritating - looks like you are a little too lazy to find the facts and make your own conclusion.

  48. "only one side may be more educated and have more income?" says who? That's a really stupid statement.

  49. One sad thing I have learned in life is that most liberals do not read the newspaper, watch the news, or frankly pay attention to the news to any great extent. Try debating one, it's incredible what they don't know.

    I'm not a Beck fan, but I do catch his show every once in a while. If you're going to call him out, you'll have more substance to your argument if you back it up with a truthful example. Same goes for the goofy comments the left makes at Limbaugh.

    Did anyone ever notice that when one of the freaks on the left is mentioned on a blog or anywhere where comments can be posted... maybe 1 in 50 posts will dog on the liberal. You post an article on a conservative or libertarian and the nut jobs come out of the woodwork.

    Anyway, like I was saying... debate one of them. If anything, it's good for a laugh.

  50. Im not quite sure for the rash and unbelievablely rude comments - The same right that gives YOU the right to say what you want about Glen Beck also affords him the right to say what he wants - NOTHING stops you from not watching his show hence less viewers hence less ad revenue hence cancelled show.... this country was founded on freedom... right???

  51. You poor Liberals. You just can't stand the fact that America is waking up to your pathethic belief in a Utopia. It doesn't exist nor will it ever. Our constitution was created to affirm our God given rights (or if you prefer Natural born rights). It is the most level and fair document ever written. The more you insist on re-writing it, the more Americans will resist and bring you down. Sorry, bye-bye.

  52. Idiot! He didn't know if it was true or not about the FEMA camps so he had a guy on from Popular Mechanics? to validate or debunk it.

    It's probably on Youtube. I wonder what other BS garbage the author wrote in his/her post.

  53. How many houses does this guy own anyways?????

  54. All you fools are just jealous! How easy it is to name call and put down instead of getting off of your lazy butts and figuring out how to make the kind of money he makes! Obviously you fools are in the minority or he would not be so successful. You people are totally classless, including the writer. You libs are on the way OUT.... you better prepare yourselves. ( as Glenn tells us to prepare for rough times ahead in the country)If you cannot see what the Progressives/liberals have done to our freedoms and our economy.... well I have no doubt you will be left crying in your britches very soon! The rest of us will be up and ready! Hasta la vista BABIES!!!

  55. He can easily afford the loss on this property.
    That makes some liberals terribly jealous.

  56. Wow, I've read a bunch of the comments here and again I am so disappointed in this country's education system that people believe that this man is credible (Beck). No one apparently knows how to or bothers to check facts. You just believe what some yelling overweight white guy tells you because it makes you feel better. But really he's covering up the biggest scam of all. Do you not understand that even though people have lost a lot of money/their retirement, the money isn't just gone, it's been redistributed to the wealthiest in the country?

    Yes, these are difficult times. Many people have lost their jobs. Our health insurance system is a mess, and embarassing when compared to other industrialized countries. But read a real newspaper, if you can find one, and please stop getting your news from fat white guys who yell and fake cry. I am witnessing a new religion and it's scary.

  57. very nice sharing thank you…

  58. All you sick liberals who HATE will ultimately pay the price of this Country's demise along with all the rest of us normal people....It's just that you can't love your God with the hatred in your heart. I feel sorry for ya all.

  59. Here's Becks new digs in the Ft Worth suburb of Westlake, Vaquero golf community. All the press says he's moving to Dallas, but this is the next county west.

    Is it just me or is this the most boring, bland,and beige home EVAH???


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