Wednesday, March 18, 2009

UPDATE: Mariah Carey

Nothing like a little real estate rumor and gossip to start the morning...

A few weeks ago, Your Mama revealed that whistle stop warbler Mariah Carey was sniffing around Los Angeles for a west coast crib. Well, hold on to your britches children because new reports have surfaced that Miss Mariah and her man-mate Nick Cannon have made an offer on Fleur de Lys, the $125,000,000 Holmby Hills architectural extravaganza owned by couture queen Suzanne Saperstein who was granted the wildly lavish and ridiculously ritzy residential beast in her much yakked about dee-vorce from Texan tycoon David Saperstein.

The faux French pile sits on 5+ acres of choice real estate and measures a boo-teek hotel-sized 35,046 square feet. (Some reports put the place at closer to 45,000 square feet and it probably is when you add up all the interior spaces including the pool house and staff quarters.) In addition to a dozen or more rooms filled with a freighter-full of exceedingly expensive 18th century furniture, there are 12 bedroom and 15 bathrooms, a gen-u-wine ballroom, 2 kitchens, a massage room, and a 50 seat movie theater, a three bedroom manager's house plus staff quarters for 10 or more. The over the top day-core features Italian marble walls, French limestone floors, gold embossed leather wall coverings and more gold was used for leafing the moldings than is held in Fort damn Knox.

Anyhoo, like most people, Your Mama is as flummoxed, flabbergasted and generally in need of a nerve pill whenever we think of Fleur de Lys, but is it our humble and meaningless opinion that Miz Saperstein's dream house is far to serious a house for a woman like Mariah Carey who reportedly had a Hello Kitty themed bathroom installed in her TriBeCa triplex in New York City–the one she bought after her offer to buy Barbra Streisand's apartment on the Upper West Side was roundly rejected.

It is our understanding that the fantastical Fleur de Lys, currently the most expensive property on the open market in Los Angeles, has been looked at by a fair number of moneyed-up magnates and foreign potentates and, according to our amigo Kenny Kissintell, Miz Saperstein, "Foolishly turned down an offer of $80,000,000 from a Chinese gentleman." Your Mama would bet our long bodied bitches she's kicking her well preserved Pilates booty over not taking that offer now.

We're skeptical of this whole thing, as is our well positioned pal Nelly Knowsitall, a glammy gal with long lacquered nails firmly on the pulse of all things real estate related in the Platinum Triangle. Besides, let's be honest children, Miss Mariah is rich, but she is not Fleur de Lys rich. Plus we hear that she's been peeping and pecking around for much less expensive properties in Encino. That's right, Encino.

UPDATE LATER SAME DAY: For what it's worth we've now heard from several of our sources who are adamant this story–which first appeared on Contact Music's website–is entirely untrue. In fact, one of our sources swears that Mariah never even set foot on the property. Which makes sense, because like we said earlier, she's rich, but she's not in the same real estate sandbox and the dee-voonly over the top and insanely wealthy Miz Saperstein.


  1. Mama, please tell me it's not true. I don't know if I want to live in a world where Mariah Carey has that kind of money!

  2. I agree. Mariah has a few hundred million but there's no way she's gonna spend a third [?] of her fortune on a house ... & why would you buy this house when there are so many properties on the market at the moment that are far nicer & a quarter of the price!

  3. It's not true. 100%.

  4. I obviously have NO idea how much money Mariah Carey does or does not have, but I find it VERY difficult to believe she could afford this place--even if she was crazy enough to like it! I guess only time will tell.

  5. Correction: There are only 7 bedrooms in the main house.

  6. Sure she can afford to buy it but she would deplete most of her fortune. How will she pay for the upkeep? The costs to operate that place are astronomical!

  7. I slept w/David Saperstein during a wild, one-night stand years ago. It was in DC, where I lived, and he was in town on business (radio helicopter news biz). He was married at the time - told me when we were done, then offered to call me a cab.

  8. Go mama!;_ylt=Aqdo9g1qxQLrthInPATIXjkDW7oF

  9. According to Forbes, the legendary Mariah Carey is the sixth richest woman in entertainment with an estimated net worth of US$225 million.

  10. Well if she's got $225 Million which is definitely not all cash then this house costs more than half her net worth. She would be a fool to buy this place!

  11. i think she was just "window shopping". All other reports of her house hunting have been confined to the 818, as Mama said.
    Speaking of fools, Ms. Sapperstein was a grade A fool to turn down that offer from the "Chinese gentleman". Hell, she didn't even pay for that house, well not with cash anyway.............

  12. Mama seems to be on some kind of a jag this week that is focused on floating stories about rich female pop singers, stories based on very shaky information that she herself doesn't seem to believe. But, in this case, it does provide an opportunity to pass along a little gossip about Lady Saperstein's greedy rejection of a big offer, probably back before the global economy tanked. That particular gossip rings a lot truer than the item about Miss Mariah.

  13. Can someone please explain to me why Mariah, with all the options available to her on the south side of the Santa Monica mountains, would decide that it's Encino where she wants to be?

  14. It is MUCH closer to 45,000 feet. I spent a lot of time in the house when it was being built.

  15. need at least a net worth of $500 mil to run a house like this. If she wants to overpay for a house, buy the Junior Playboy Mansion that Hef's ex-wife is trying to sell.

  16. 3:00 - And Mama's Mama needs to come after you with the bar of soap and her size 6 Easy Spirit shoe. No need for that kind of language around the children.

  17. Mariah cannot afford that.
    To buy that she would have to be a billionaire, which she surely is not.

  18. He bought the house in January of 2006 for $3,750,000...and now he is asking $3,995,000? That "recent rehab" must be something to see.

  19. Oops! Meant to type the former under Mister Berfield's entry. Sorry.

  20. there not even showing the place to people with a net worth of under $500 million -roughly....I had a client who was worth $150 million and they wouldnt let her see it....what a ridiculous rumor yeah Nick cannon in Fleur Dy Lys


  22. How much million does Cannon own? 50million? That would bring them over 300m... Right?

  23. Are you kidding? Nick Cannon having $50m? Rrrright. More like $50 grand.

  24. Nick Cannon $50 million???
    I am rolling on the floor laughing.
    He might have $2 million plus whatever allowance Mariah gives him.

  25. Mariah has a net worth of $500 M, so $100 M on a house would be 20% of her net worth, um I don't think so... and how much could she get for her triplex, maybe $20M right now?

  26. I would be interested to know the psychological profile of a poster like 3:00. Is everything sweet and nice for most of the day, until around about 6 pm eastern time when they just can't hold the wickedness in another second, and resultingly the above comment? Or is it just nasty and dark every waking minute of the day? Or maybe they're like the guy who starts the fire, and then volunteers to help put it out.

  27. it's degenerating on the other comments as well. Sad.........

  28. It's you're, as in you are.

  29. 5:31 - It is really very simple. He gets off from his minimum wage job where the only computer is the one with the buttons with the name of the menu item ("double cheeseburger", "large fries"). Next he goes to the library and uses the free computers there to troll on the internet until they kick him out.

  30. You all need to grow up.

    Mama, where is the damn spoon?

  31. No way on earth Mariah is worth $500 million.
    If she is worth $100 million that is a lot.

  32. Thank you 6:09 for explaining it to me. Makes perfect sense. The library generally closes at six, and as the kindly woman who has been helping the elderly navigate the world wide web all day makes her last sweep before locking the library fine drawer and going home to a double Bombay, our friend hits send and heads for the door.

  33. its been said she somewhere around $250 million ...shes not over 300...

  34. ICK! Most people think she's wildly irrelevant, so it's no surprise she's heading for the LA hills.

    More interesting news would be if Bjork was shopping for a casa.

  35. And let's please stop with the spoon shtick after every less than cheery and on point comment. (That would be, I guess, comments on the order of Mariah's worth 250m. No, says next commenter, I happen to know her manager's ex-wife's cousin and he says that he can assure everyone she's actually worth 325m.) Mama, rightly put everyone on notice about a particular problem. That doesn't mean there is no room for commenter snark and frivolity on this site. At least, that's my opinion.

  36. Well I know her ex-husband's first wife's former maid's son's ex-wife's new boyfriend's mother's coworker's sister's gardener's daughter's first grade teacher's lesbian wife's son-by-a-previous hetero relationship's girlfriend's cousin who just got out of prison and he swears Mariah is buying it for Nick Cannon to set up a new blacks-only Playboy Mansion.

  37. Actually, I've been posting here through the sadness generated by the news of Natasha Richardson's death tonight. She was a really good actress, and by virtue of that and a bunch of other things a 'celebrity', although I am pretty sure she couldn't have cared less about the celebrity thing. Anyway, was hoping that all the rumors of the last few days would prove to be untrue, and she would recover. Alas, it didn't happen. She really was brain dead, as was being said, and they couldn't help her. Damn.

  38. I think all the nasty-ness and mean, mean comments that keep posting on here upset Mama, and if we aren't careful will drive her away.

    In the words of my own mother...

    SHAPE UP!!!!

  39. 10:19 - It won't drive Mama away. She's already said she will just turn off the comments option. Unfortunately, those who are seeking to disrupt adult civil conversation could care less. They will just move on to trash someone else's blog.

  40. I wish "anonymous" was not allowed *sigh*

  41. Mariah has EARNED $250m after taxes, that doesn't mean her net worth is that. It doesn't take into account her investments. Look at madonna, forbes said she was around $300m but had $500m in her divorce. Mariah has closer to $500M.

  42. and you know that right cause your so close with her her accountant and her please people who give's a sh*t what her net worth is..she aint buying Fleur Dy Lys...end of story...

  43. Yeah and you're not either.

  44. She looked at the Saperstein house but passed on it because she's negotiating with Candy Spelling to buy The Manor.

  45. Mariah....

    I am not a real estate expert however i DO know Mariah and her career. Say what you want about her, but she is, officially, the *WORLDS* biggest selling female artist. Beating out both Madonna and Celine (and she has more world music awards than anyone). What Forbes is reporting, is Mariahs income in entertainment based SOLEY off of her American albums sales and earnings. In Japan, she is the top selling non-japanese artist to date. Forbes doesn't tally international monies that come from album sales and other endorsements. Her estimated income is around 500m and of course not all in cash but property and stock is considered when being approved for such a large purchase.

    Do i think Mariah will buy this place? No. Is she capable? Yes. Would it be smart? Only she and her accountant knows that.

    As far as Nick Cannon... he is worth some lute. He's made a decent income on his limited talent i must say. None of us know what kinda of investments or money these people have in their accounts though.

  46. There's some serious haters on here, who must live in amazing 2,500 sf tract homes.

  47. Rememeber when that Prince from Dubai gave her $8M worth of jewelry before her MSG concert a few years ago? That's 8% of a purchase price right there.

  48. Anon 7:04, you lost all credibility when you wrote "it's". That would be Its, not "it is".

  49. 7:19 - Don't spend all your lute on one 99 cent taco.

  50. Theoretically a person who makes 100k a year can afford a house for 4x Their annual salary. So $25M would be $100M.

  51. Mariah could afford this property alone... but I doubt she's buying it on one account... a place this size would cost at least $25M to decorate and that would push it to $150M. her place in TriBeCa cost 9 plus 5 mil in decorating, and her place in Mt. Kisco cost over 22 mil... highest price for a house above NYC.

  52. I hate it when people hate on successful women... expect when it's Madonna, hate on that old hag all you want. LOVE her new face.... cute!

  53. Mariah, me thinks, should be shopping for a casa in Vegas (or Atlantic City?). She shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence with Madonna.

  54. Mariah can afford the house, but why would she want it?

    As for her manboy Nick Cannon, his net worth was reportedly $34 to $39 million by Forbes.Now it's always funny to attack him as the broke hubby(K-Fed black), we have to remember, he did make some money from that awful Nickelodeon show and his other ventures.

  55. It is absolutely not true. Mariah Carey is not buying Fleur de Lys. While she can more than likely afford it, it just isn't true.
    What is true is that she was recently seen looking at a house in Studio City on Iredell and was also spoted looking at a large home on Hayvenhurst Ave in Encino. My sources tell me that she was there for 2 hours and given a personal tour by the interior and exterior designers of the house. I have also been told that the Encino house is the former home of R & B artist Macy Gray.

  56. Fleur de Lys Has Bad (Earth) Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Read this article below!!!!!!!!!!!!

  57. This thread is hilarious, everyone one here knows someone's ex-husbands, third cousin removed, who thinks they know mariah carey b/c they snapped a picture with their camera phone at her concert 10 years ago lmao....

    I assume we're mostly adults here, Yes Mariah is the top selling female artist of all time, but she's far from the riches, but at the same time...she's MUCH richer than any of us on this post will ever be, and none of us have ANY clue to what kind of home she's capable of buying...let's just leave it at that? You wouldn't want all your friends talking behind your back saying you can't afford to buy whatever dream house you want, Would You???

  58. Haaaaaaa f all u haters Mariah not only bought the property she owes nada no mortgage just property taxes cash paid if you look up on zillow it's listed as cash purchase

  59. My ex worked for David Saperstein, a really nice guy, who was taken advantage of by his 2nd ex-wife. She spent enormous amounts of money on just dinnerware [think of the money you'd spend on a car], and threw nouveau riche parties to show how awesome SHE was, rather than what he was doing for her.

    She didn't deserve this house or the Boathouse in Malibu, on the water.

    ~ Insider's perspective


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