Monday, March 30, 2009

UPDATE: Lenny Kravitz

The other day Your Mama discussed the Miami Beach, FL house that rock star Lenny Kravitz recently foisted on to the market with an asking price of $2,850,000 and ever since some of the children have been hissy fitting about wanting to see some photos of the interior.

Well children, pour yourself a tall gin and tonic and brace yourself puppies because here they are.

If anyone were to ask Your Mama, and of course no one did
, this kind of corny nightclub day-core applied to a private residence is exactly why Mister Kravitz can't get sell his penthouse apartment in New York City. A sensible person–that being one with eyeballs–would need to get up in here and gut the place because let's be honest, how many people actually want a metal grill catwalk that lights up from underneath in their home? Or a red lacquered living room that looks like a damn strip club? Or, lawhd have mercy, a hallway lined with mirrors and white faux-fur? Pleeze.

Now children, leave Your Mama alone for a bit because after peeping at Mister Kravitz's decorative disaster down in Miami Beach, we are in desperate need of a nerve pill and a recuperative nap.

UPDATE: We hear from the real estate lady that the photos we've linked to are not what the house currently looks like. And that's a good thing. However, the linked photos do show the house as it looked at one time. We're thrilled to hear Mister Kravitiz has pulled back the decorative reins on this house.


  1. Gin and Tonic?
    Pull up the bong.

    I got whiplash going back to the 60's so fast.

  2. Something's amiss. The aerial view isn't the same house as last week's photo.

  3. It's like one of those HGTV makeovers on steroids, but part of me actually kind of likes it. Which is not to say that I would want to LIVE in it, much less own it. Even if it was in Michigan.

  4. Also, if you pay attention to the wording on the link, the writer isn't saying the photos (other than the wrong house) are Lenny Kravitz' house. He says the *style* of the interior decor is "Bordello Modern" and the photos are what "Bordello Modern" look like.

    If you look on the designer's site, he has some undated photos in the "history" section attributed as "Kravitz home" that are same style but don't appear to me as any of the same rooms.

    I think we're still waiting on real photos....

  5. actually, the photos i saw on the designer's site are pretty abstract but the bedroom is def. the same room as in the link over as is the living room.

  6. That is Owen Wilson's House in Malibu

  7. this is your house.

    this is your house on drugs.

  8. These pics re DEFINITLY from Lenny's house!! I can tell you because I know!! I've been a fan of Lenny for 13 years now and I have read many articles baout his house and seen many pics with him in this very house and I've seen videotaped interviews with hin in this very house!! PLUS the lasz two picture you can see are in a different location - Lenny himself designed the rooms - the last one shows a huge portrait of his grandfather!
    I just don't get why he wants to sell this super stylie house. I wouldn't wanna live in it but party there...I guess Lenny want to leave for Paris for good...

  9. I am impressed

    I will offer 100MM !!!!!!!!!



    avg joe

  10. The exterior shot of the house in this article is owen wilson's house. The interior Lenny's.

  11. As soon as someone posts how long they have been a fan and that is reason why they know what the interior of a celebrity's house looks like....

    I back away slowly.

  12. WOW Can we say nightclub with a designed full time roller of the pot? Well, I'll say this for Lenny. He leaves it all on the road. He plays every card.

    This house is prefect for a professional (ball) player who just wants to partee.

    I never take off points for tacky. It's just too damn much fun.

  13. Note to Anon 1:20: I know you like to imagine that you and Lenny are bff's and that you have partied with him in this, Skipper's Dream House, but the hard truth is that being a superfan of Kravitz DOES NOT translate into knowing what the inside of his house actually looks like. You have never been there. Cough up the $2.85 and you can live your fantasy... but alas--Lenny won't be there.

  14. LOL Anon 2:07.

    What kind of crack induced haze was the inspiration for the interior of this place?
    No wonder this place can't sell.

  15. Me and DeWann want this crib,If you dis it I will kut you. -Bon Qui Qui

  16. wow a great house to do coke in lol

  17. any where is a great place to do coke, sweetie

  18. Yeah, the house is the same on that blog as in Mama's photo, it's just that the angle is different, streetside vs waterside.

    There are photos of the interior on the designers website, here: and since the bedroom is the same I'm inclined to think the other photos are from Kravitz's house.

    What's the point of owning a party house if there isn't room for more than one car in the driveway?

  19. The Night & Day blog has corrected their photo. They were showing a pitched roof house with solar panels all over the roof and a chimney on one side.


    I think this is Nicky Hilton's house.

  21. 5:42 - Nicky Hilton's house is above Sunset and twice the square footage. The link you posted is down in the flats by Beverly Blvd.

  22. Give me the Zell's Lautner house in Malibu anytime.

  23. it is not selling because the market is in the negative by 10000000000000000000000 pesos


  24. it is not selling because the market is in the negative by 10000000000000000000000 pesos


  25. Hmm, well I won't get all gushy about being a fan of Lenny's, but I can say that I saw a magazine article on this house when it was done in the mid-90s. I was incredibly impressed with it when it was done...but then that was before Betty Ford.

    I always thought the inspiration was Verner Panton meets modern Miami nightclub. They are not showing the pics of the Panton-mirrored pool, which was always my favorite part. Like I said, that was then...

  26. that is not nicky hiltons house but i do like it

  27. Maybe it was decorated by Austin Powers.

  28. Just wondering how so many people are claiming this Kravitz house has been done for so many years (furtherest back being "mid-90") when the satellite photos (which even if "old" are going to be less than 2 years) show a house under construction??

  29. Tough marketto seel a house like this in but these types of homes are in a class of their own.

  30. The interior was done in the 90's. He recently redid the pool. Which is the photo you are seeing.

  31. Odd that someone would do the pool right before selling. You never make your money back from a pool.

    I still want to see real listing photos.

  32. I ain't selling my damn house. Are you all high? That's not my damn house.

  33. If the interiors were done up in such a personal taste 10 years ago, and if the aerial photos show a house under renovation, how does anyone know that 10 year old decorating job wasn't ripped out as part of the renovation to make the place easier to sell?

  34. so where are the REVISED pictures, pray tell?

  35. Only the qualified buyers get to see them.


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