Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Have A Look See Around The Manor

ABC News took some fun footage of the surprisingly lackluster interior of smoky voiced Candy Spelling's Holmby Hills house that she recently heaved on to the market with a coma inducing $150,000,000 asking price. We thought the children might like having a peep around what is thought to be the largest private residence in California.

In the video we get to see the impress the guests style entrance hall with its double height ceiling, twin curving staircases and a chandelier the size of a Volkswagen. There's also video of a Renoir painting, a paneled office/library, a game room that looks like something in the basement of a mid-priced hotel, a doll museum the size of most people's homes, a two lane bowling alley, the flowery breakfast room, the dining room where there is another stupendously sized chandelier, and the kitchen, a room we're certain Miz Spelling never enters except to grab a carton of ciggies out of the freezer.

Okay, we don't really know if Miz Spelling smokes, but her voice sounds like she's been smoking since she was pre-pubescent.

In a recent interview on ABCs 20/20 program–which we've yet to find in it's entirety online, we learned that Candy Darling does not know how exactly many rooms or bathrooms there are in her hotel sized house–a fact sure to piss off the terlit gurls, has a new book coming out called Stories from Candyland, has dozens of collections of expensive tchotchkes, has never met her granddaughter and, shockingly, claims not know where her daughter Tori lives.

She lives in a big house in Encino, hunny. Give Your Mama a ringy-dingy and we'll slip you the address.


  1. Its not at all homey is it? Every room feels like a hotel.

  2. it is a train wreck and a monument to bad taste.

  3. As much fun as we devoted followers of Mama had ripping into the Manor, and what a big juicy target that is, I caught the 20/20 interview and as god as my witness, actually felt sorry for Mrs. Candy Spelling. How sad is it that this very wealthy woman, who lives in the biggest house in LA county, full of more rooms and stuff than she knows what to do with, does not have a relationship with her daughter or grandchildren, one of which she has never seen. There's money children, and then there's the things in life with real value. Alright girls, continue bitching...

  4. Oh Mama, I know you can't buy happiness, but I thought you could buy taste...

  5. Yes, Preppy, one can feel sorry for Miz Candy...sort of...the video certainly demonstrates her operatic narcissism (which should explain the nonrelationship with offspring and offspring's offspring), her delusions of grandeur. It just all looks so ironically cheap-- a dining-room "set" from Barker Bros... I like chintz but the fabric in the breakfast room (or whatever it is) is incredibly ordinary--- its all so cheap cheap cheap looking. What could possibly be the future for this "house" except to make it what it so obviously really is-- a hotel? And we all know what's happening to that business these days. Actually, fire would be its best friend--something to put the house, the Spellings, the delicate sensibilities of the rest of us (and all of our retinas) out of their miseries.

  6. Anonymous...I tend to agree. Theres something so "ordinary" and cheap about it. Like a model home in any tract neighborhood, only larger. I wouldnt be surprised to find a whole set of "Home Interior" on the walls.

  7. exactly. it represents the tacky middle american dream on a super size scale. one look and i have to say, candy honey, your ROOTS are showing!

  8. a tract home on steroids

  9. Im confused how it was $47m to build. the exterior is very nice with all limestone that was done very well but other then that it shouldnt be more then $500 a sqft to build.
    Interior is really bad and cheap

  10. don't you just love the token Renoir with the brass plaque on the frame engraved "RENOIR"... just in case you missed the artist's signature right above it.... says it all, honey, says it all.

  11. These rooms look like showrooms, not like someone lives there. The furniture looks to small for the large rooms.

    I don't know why you would feel sorry for Candy. She's reaped what she's sown with Tori. She didn't even bother to call Tori to let her know her father had passed away. And Tori is the truth teller in the family, she told the truth about her mother having an affair on her dying father, and Mom made sure Tori was cut out of the will. Tellingly, Candy's book does not address the facts Tori laid out in her book.

  12. I can't help but feel sorry for anyone who lives in a mess like this... this goes for the folks at Beverly Park as well. Huge, cold palaces that scream "I have money, look at me.... oh, but I'm all alone"..

    Just can't get into it unless you have an extremely large family living there.

  13. CBS covered this monstrous house in 2008:


  14. oh my god 10:40 i was cracking up when i saw that! how frigging stupid is that!

  15. The house could be beautiful. Just everything is so cheap. It'll def. be gutted by the next owner. Now seeing more interiors clearly Candy's asking price is even more fantasy than previously thought.

  16. Miz Spelling says she was a "trophy wife"? I don't see it, I think she looks like a rhino...she's definately a smoker, throughout the interview it seems as though she is trying to catch her breath inbetween sentences...Tori is much prettier than this hag, I don't blame Tori for throwing this pathetic so called mother under the bus...also it has been said that this hag Miz Spelling was having an affair at the time Aaron died, what a biotch!

  17. In the interview she claims to now be "comfortable in her own skin" but she's not very convincing. She complains about having only been a trophy wife to the reptilian Aaron but seems to have learned nothing from the experience. (Anyway, she was never attractive enough to ever be a trophy aren't they usually taller, hotter, if not smarter?) She comes off just as tacky, vain, materialistic as ever, and lonely--pathetic, really. Hope she has a good shrink.

  18. pudenda shenanigansMarch 31, 2009 at 11:41 AM

    This note is for Tori Spelling and anyone else like her.

    I, too, have a crazy-ass mother, who is manipulative in the extreme and really only relates to people if she can feel superior toward them and/or lend a hand in 'fixing' them. Candy strikes me this way. She's sad and seems unequipped with the tools to have healthy relationships in life. Until she realizes it and seeks help in changing the destructive ways, Tori is right to shield her innocent children from it. I do the same thing.

    Tori might be just-this-too-much-well-adjusted for Candy to relate to. I know, I know, give it some thought, though. If Candy can't "fix" Tori she won't have any relationship with her at all.

    That she's whining to the media about this cemented the scenario for me. If Candy truly cared about her daughter and grandchildren she'd be working on the relationships in private, not begging on 20/20. Well, that and seeing the interior of this horrible, horrible house. I'm convinced that I've got Candy's number after this.

  19. Does anyone know what this woman does with her days? I don't mean the snide conjecture (well maybe I don't), I mean seriously what does she do? I'd be fascinated to know. Does she ever give any indication? Is it mostly just overseeing the umpteen staff at The Manor? Does she have lunch with the girls on Tuesday at The Ivy? Is she involved in anything philanthropic? Does she travel, play tennis? ANYTHING?
    Btw, what happened with the affair Tori claimed she was having while Daddy was still alive?

  20. Geez you people are harsh.

    Candy and Aaron married 41 years ago! Aaron was in his 40s, old enough to be her father, she was only 23 and his 2nd wife...hence the term "trophy wife".

    The lady may not be Mother Teresa but the comments around here say more about your own ugly jealousy than anything else.

  21. Tori does seem somewhat better adjusted than her mother, but please remember her history as well. She began an affair with her present husband while he was married and his wife was pregnant. Not so nice, on his part, or hers. Also believe she was still married to the guy that her parents gave the big wedding at The Manor for, if i remember correctly. She can seem quite vulnerable, and self-aware at times. Then, at other times, utterly clueless as to her absurdity, vanity, and, it goes without saying, base narcissism.

  22. Yeah, he wasn't fantastically successful when he married her, so for him, at that stage of his Hollywood trajectory, she probably was quite the trophy. Weren't there always rumors that he was gay? Sure seemed that way.

  23. My sister spent a lot of time in the house (her husband worked closely with Aaron S.) and she told me there are "EXIT" signs at the end of all the halls... I love that.

  24. What happened to the affair Tori wrote about, that was with a convicted felon named Mark Nathanson, is Candy dumped him several months after Aaron died, and he was heard talking about "our money" in relation to Spelling's money. That's why she bought those first condos in Century City that Mama referred to, that she's still trying to sell, she was going to live with him in them.

  25. If I had the money I would buy the place and transform it into low income housing.

  26. pudenda shenanigansMarch 31, 2009 at 12:39 PM

    Anon 12:10; I hear ya. You make some good points. I was just throwing it out there to see if anyone else saw it the same way. McDermott is no prize and Tori certainly has issues.
    I'm hoping Tori's seeing the light and putting the kids first, that's all.

    Maybe I'm too harsh. But then again Candy might could use a little dose of harsh.

  27. 12:15 - Of course you are right. He wasn't at all successful yet.

    He had only been an actor on 25 series, a writer on 13 series, and producer of 11 series when he married Candy.

    Where do you suppose he was waiting tables to get by as a struggling actor/writer/producer at the time?

    PS - Those are series, not "episodes" of series.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. 12:15. I'll say it again. He wasn't fantastically successful at the time he married her. I did not say he wasn't successful.
    You seem to know all about him. Was he married to someone else before Candy? Where did he live in those days. Where did he and Candy live when they originally married? What was his net worth the year he married her? Do tell. I am sure it was quite respectable.

  30. Re 12:01-- don't you just love it when the true suckups call detractors of their adored ones "jealous"?

  31. you know, if there actually WAS a Volkswagen hanging in the front hall instead of a chandelier, this house might have a chance at being human, having a little life to it, having some sense of irony. As it is, I can only see it being repurposed as Forest Lawn's new Holmby Hills mausoleum (or "ma-zo-le-um" as it was pronounced in my native southern 'burg).

  32. 12:56 - It's called IMDB. Check it out sometime. According to his bio there, he was married before (hence my mention that Candy was his 2nd wife). Do you need help getting on the internet or do you manage that all by your little self?

  33. 1:01 - Hardly "adore" her or her late husband. Just think it is rather interesting the number of negative comments about her from people who likely have never been within 10 miles of her much less know her well enough to judge. So sorry, you're coming across as somewhat bitter that she has so much money and you...well..you know how your bank balance compares to hers.

    *I* don't know her either although I did speak to her on the phone once when she called a company I worked for. You will be happy to know that she wasn't pleasant on that call but I don't judge a person's life by one 5 minute phone call.

    If you know her personally, feel free to share true first hand stories.

  34. Spelling was married to Carolyn Jones from the Addams Family from 1953-1964. Candy was rumored to be the "other woman."

  35. I love the house. A mirror to his success as a Holywood Producer. Did Jack Warner live in a hovel?

    Get over yourselves. None of you have had even 1% of the Spelling success. So why shouldn't he and Candy be able to enjoy it in the way they choose.

  36. Dear Mr or Miss Telephone Clerk at2:00 pm-- well, you're just a saint. But we DO know enough about the Spellings to give our impressions of them. They are unlike people who do not employ press agents and who we therefore know nothing about. And might I point out that since you do not know any of us here personally, you are in no position to know how our bank balances compare to that of your darling Candy.

  37. I read once that Spelling had a pathological fear of flying and, in general, did not enjoy travel. This, he claimed, was the basis for the construction of the giant house. It was supposed to be a refuge, with all the amenities of a world-class hotel -- a kind of luxurious "getaway" that didn't involve his actually having to leave Los Angeles.

    Maybe in that context, the staggering excess of the place is logical??

  38. Well, 259, no, Jack Warner did not live in a hovel. He lived in a house designed by Roland Coate and decorated by Wm Haines. He too, was reputedly a vulgarian, but when it came to design-- he knew what he was doing. Unlike the Spellings and their excrescence.

  39. Morticia? Who knew.

  40. Uhm, for the right price, she can purchase me to be her true friend.

    Bwahahahahahahaha! That was a joke.

    Pathetic lonely hag, living out her days wondering if anyone cares about her. Why would anyone care about that materialistic hag when she obviously does not care about anyone else?

    Candy - here's a clue: Love people, use things. Not the other way around.

  41. that's right about Jack Warner, and it sure does seem doubtful that unlike his celebrated architect and desecrator-- that anybody will ever publish books on the designer of "the Manor" (please!) whoever they are, unless its a joke book,

  42. She's a OLD lady with heaps of NEW money? What did you expect?!?!

  43. Why all the bad words about Candy?
    Let her find her way, she has not been by herself for very long. Also, is Tori a saint? It takes two to make a dysfunctional relationship.

  44. Umm 3:32 - Which is why the post you're whining about doesn't say how much (or little) is in your bank account.....

    But I'd be willing to guess your account is less than Spelling's 500m+ dollars or you would have better things to do with your day than flame around here.

  45. Mama, I beseach you. Could we move on from this house of horrors and the Spellings waxworks?

  46. 427-- or I would have time to do exactly as I please. And shouldn't you be answering the switchboard rather than spending time here?

  47. Apparently Candy has a fan club. All the Tammy Faye devotees have someone to worshipnow--

  48. Wow, so much hate for people most of us don't really know.

    But we can hate the house. In high times, I can see a buyer - there's always someone who likes this kind of thing. But now? I just don't see it, even for $50M. And I bet that someone who DOES like the house, or at least the architecture, probably would like the way it's decorated too.

    And the kitchen, with the three (or more?) islands. WTF? It's like "give me more islands! why not?!!"

    Give me Lenny's house over this any day of the week.

  49. Yes, Spelling had a fear of flying. He was supposed to have been on a flight which crashed. His mother made him promise not to fly again, and he never did.

  50. I like the house.
    Not $150 million like, but I like it.
    As for Aaron and Candy, they are truly horrible people.
    This man was worth hundreds of millions of dollars and and when he died he left Tori only $800,000 or so.
    She lives in a palace and then lets Tori have to do those embarrassing shows to make money rather than take care of her daughter and grandchildren.
    Then she wants to know why Tori hates her and she does not see her or her grandchildren.
    Really Candy?
    I always like Tori, for as much money as she had, she always seemed very polite and nice to people.
    Candy will die alone in her big house or apartment, just like she deserves.

  51. Jack Warner's house was as vulgar as it gets. He fired Billy Haines as an actor because BH was gay. Warner's wife hired him years later and it was revenge time. Garish and vulgar and the joke was on Jack.

    David Geffen spent YEARS renovating that monstrosity. Tagged the longest running renovation project in Beverly Hills, all that gaudy design was ripped out and re-done to Geffen's taste.

    Lots of big egos but Spellings wasn't any different than Warner or any other Hollywood big shots.

  52. 4:30 - I don't work a switchboard, and by your own admission, you don't have half a billon dollars so maybe you're the one with the minimum wage job.

    5:09 - Nice to hear from someone who personally knows the family, knows the intimate details of the mother/daughter relationship, and all about Spelling's will.

  53. Charlie Shanian, Tori's first husband told this story. Tori wanted to get married on July 4. Her parents took her and Charlie out to dinner and asked if they could move up the date to July 3rd, because they didn't want to pay the wait staff time and a half on July 4th, so they changed the date of their wedding to July 3rd. True story, but why so cheap when they are worth a half a billion at least?

  54. Mama, I know how you feel about pool tables and game rooms, but I think it would be a kick to have your own bowling alley.

    The doll room is creepy on a Michael Jackson level.

  55. Sounds like a bitter ex-husband whose career ended the same time as his marriage. His resume is as empty as my checking account.

  56. All this focus here on what Candy has, what Tori didn't get (yet). Absolutely nothing on what from that vast fortune has been given to charity. As high profile as the Spelling's have been for years, are they identified with any philanthropic giving whatsoever? I mean usually even if people like them are not interested in giving away one penny, they are shamed into doing it. Is there a Spelling Pavilion at Cedars? Something? Please tell me yes.

    Some of the letters in this new word verification feature are incomprehensible. . .

  57. I heard that when Candy dies, Aaron's money will go to a charitable trust with the name the Aaron and Candy Spelling trust for disadvantage youth for the arts, to help poorer kids with a talent for the arts.

  58. not true. the money wil go to K-Mart to pay the furniture bills.

  59. Anon: 6:37. Well that's good, although odd since generally rich people like to give something significant while they are still alive so they can see the fruits of their giving.

  60. 6:47 was the best post yet. As for Ernestine at 5:22, again, how exactly have you figured out my net worth? You seem to be struggling to make the point that no one here should judge the Spellings because we don't actually know them. Have I missed something, or do we know each other personally? I do not believe I know any telephone operators or cold-callers. So how could you know my net worth? Have you been checking Dun & Bradstreet?

  61. An Obscenity. In every sense of the word.

    I spewed rum and coke all over myself when I was watching Miss Piggy talk about how she always hoped to have the grandkids over and would never have sold it if they had a relationship...

  62. News Flash, Ernestine: you're being teased.

  63. Friendly House, a drug & alcohol treatment charity based in Los Angeles, honored Candy Spelling in 2008 as their "Woman Of The Year" for her philanthropic work for the organization. I see a few other sites that say the Spellings were very generous in their charitable contributions but preferred to remain low key about it.

    Playing devil's advocate, you know Spelling donates for the tax write offs. Whether she cares or not will have to be left to the people here who seem think they know her personally.

  64. 7:30 - There is still time. She hasn't sold it yet.

    7:41 - You're wasting bandwidth. Really. No one cares.

  65. All so terribly vulgar, but then that was what made Spelling all his money, right? The trivial "Renoir" is so typical. What's the matter? Can't afford a first rate Renoir? Going to be a difficult sell. Need someone with both terrible and vulgar taste and lots and lots of money. Actually people with tons of money often have rather good taste.

  66. "There's still time, she hasn't sold it yet" -- I suppose you're hoping for some sort of 11th-hour reunion, something along the lines of a Stephen and Blake Carrington burying of the hatchet?

  67. I agree. It's false what she said that she wouldn't be selling the Manor if Tori hadn't kept the grandkids away from her. Tori was the one who said as soon as Spelling died that Candy was going to sell the Manor, because she bought those Century City properties Mama has referred to her still being unable to sell in April, 06, two months before Spelling died, so she could live in them with her lover, Mark Nathanson.

  68. Well alls I know is that NOBODY associated with Aaron speaks to Candy since Aaron died. Her affair with Mark Nathanson was very blatant.

    At the 2006 Emmys Joan 'Dynasty' Collins, Jaclyn 'Charle's Angels' Smith and Stephen '7th Heaven' Collins were all trapped in a corner with Candy...whoever said Candy likes to feel superior and 'fix' people is bang on. Joan, Jaclyn and Stephen were all mortified, none of them need 'fixing'...

    Tori isn't a saint...but she's nicer and more self aware than Candy. Tori is well liked by those who work with her and well liked by most everyone who associated with Aaron.

    The house is tasteless.

  69. For the record, Candy is not trying to sell the Century City condos. The building hasn't even finished construction yet. She plans on moving in upon completion. Lord... this level of venom being leveled against this woman is really astounding. I'm sure she's not perfect, but I'm sure she's not Rosemary's Baby either. Shouldn't we be focusing on the Manor's pedestrian design aesthetic rather than the character assasinations? Unless of course, one feels compelled to say that Candy has BAD TASTE, as evidenced by the home's lackluster decor.

  70. I always heard that Aaron met Candy when she was a cocktail waitress at Jax in Glendale. Anybody ever heard that before?

  71. Given who these two people are (and were) - the creator of Dynasty and a former call girl, flush with money - well, what kind of house would you expect them to build? Something tasteful?

    The Spelling home is similar to what a rich rapper might build. A little less color, perhaps, and a little more chintz. A room to wrap gifts instead of a room to rap. More or less the same, though.

  72. If I were an advertiser here, had spent money on what I thought was a fun site about celebrity realestate and good humored fun........I would cancel my ad. This has become, over the past two weeks, a pedestrian playground for uninteresting ranting. No wonder Little Gay Boy has run away from home.

  73. Oh my goodness! That rediculous droopy looking clock in the kitchen...I saw it in Bed Bath & Beyond a couple days ago!


  74. Dear Mama
    Whatever would i do without your wit, eye for detail and delicious sense of humor to start my day? Candy Darling indeeed! The real Candy Darling was never as lacking in taste and style as the Ms. Spelling. It's no wonder Ms. Frivolity is never short of well healed clients. Money can buy anything but style, that you either have or ya don't, and the Ms. Spelling don't. One humdred rooms of solitude and tasteless display. Ugh. I sit in my tiny but tateful west village jewel box of an apartment and eny her nothing, and trust me Mama eny is important.

  75. Re. Candy selling or not selling condos. What is being referred to is not the condo penthouse she plans to move to if she ever unloads this house, but rather the two houses she owns in Century Woods (think that's what it's called) that are under some sort of condominium ownership. Mama has written extensively about them, so the details are archived.

  76. On the positive side re: the interior decorating, it was done decades ago so it dosen't reflect current trends, and I for one am a bit pleasantly suprised that it's not more ostentatious al la the Saperstein pile. It seems the Spellings were at least interested in trying to incorporate a somewhat 'homey' feel into an impossibly large 56,000 sq.ft. space, whereas the Sapersteins held to a strictly glitzy esthetic.

    That said, I'm shocked Candy would admit on national television to not knowing where her only daughter lives - too bad the homey inclination dosen't extend beyond decorating. BTW, I'm certain she lied about that. If even we know where Tori is located, it's not plausable that Candy dosen't. And as for revealing she's never met her granddaughter, I'm happy for the granddaughter. How utterly inappropriate to drag family skeletons into a nationally televised interview, and how revealing. It takes two to tango, so Candy is at least 50% responsible for a situation she's clearly more interested in perpetuating than resolving. Talk about dysfunctional, and SAD.

  77. 823-- well I would guess that no one speaks to Candy since Aaron died NOT because she was schtuping the other guy (what, adultery is rare in Ho'wood?) but because Aaron had the power, not his silly wife.

  78. 8:05 - You are reaching if you think the comment of "hasn't sold it yet" meant any care or concern about the family.

    It is a simple fact. 7:30 wrote the house was sold. It hasn't sold.

    Unless you know something Mama doesn't?

  79. I just might, Ernestine.

  80. 10:25 - According to a story I found online about how they met, it was The Daisy Club on Rodeo Drive when she was only 18. They didn't marry for 5 years (apparently even had a marriage license at one point and let it expire).

  81. the daisy club on rodeo drive..............tell us more............

  82. "JUANITA J U A N I T A where are you?"Candy was screaming at the top of her lungs and trying not to cut her toes on the sea of broken glass in front of her. "My Babies, my Babies they've all gone all of them!" She looked around at the scene of utter devastation, broken glass everywhere a small exquisite shoe left behind or a tiny bangle. Just as she was wiping the tears from her perfectly frozen face with a handkerchief printed with a reproduction of Renoir's the luncheon of the boating party that she and Arron had picked up at the gift shop of the Phillips Collection in DC when they had stayed over at the White House with Nancy and Ron back in was it 85?
    Sobbing uncontrollably into Juanita's ample and comforting bosom Candy stopped for a moment as something was glittering in the debris, she reached down to discover the miniature Judith Leiber jeweled American flag clutch from the Ivana Trump 1989 July 4th limited addition of First Lady dolls. At that moment she felt like calling Ivana and
    sharing with her but they hadn't spoken in years. Who could she call? There was nobody but her and Juanita now on her knees with a giant rubbermaid can and a pair of gardening gloves picking up the pieces of her bosses shattered life. The sound of glass smashing echoed around the manor.

  83. I take it there was an earthquake?

  84. Time for something new...

  85. No earthquake. Just Joe hitting the ground when he opened his bank statement and realizing he is really broke.

  86. The most impressive run-on sentences I have ever read. These people just can't be as bad as everyone is suggesting

  87. Didn't know Spelling is on the board of commissioners for LA Parks. From her bio on their site -

    "While Aaron Spelling was celebrated publicly, Candy Spelling carved out diverse niches for herself. She is a tireless worker for her native Los Angeles, working in a variety of volunteer and civic roles with causes important to her. She is currently a Commissioner for the Board of Recreation and Parks for the City of Los Angeles, an active panel overseeing hundreds of public parks and recreational areas serving millions of people who annually visit the public areas. She is also a member of the Los Angeles Coliseum Commission, part of the on-going effort to attract more events to the historic site. She is also an active Board Member of L.A.’s Best, the after-school enrichment program that serves children in need through the city in partnership with the Los Angeles Unified School District, the City of Los Angeles and the private sector.

    Centro De NiƱos, a downtown Los Angeles daycare center for underprivileged families, holds a special place in Candy’s heart. Her participation was even noticed by the federal government, enabling the center to expand its facility and offer several additional programs and services to needy families and their children. Candy championed their cause and brought results. According to director Sandra Sewell, "Candy has been a God-send and our true angel."

  88. Something fishy about a person involved with childrens charities but supposedly doesn't have a relationship with her own. Could all be made up for the reality show ratings.

  89. pudenda shenanigansApril 2, 2009 at 2:10 AM

    Naw. Ya think!?

    I'm deeply suspicious of these folks who suggest... let's see...

    The public isn't allowed to make statements about public figures, who put every aspect of their personal lives out for public consumption. This holds true even if the public figures punctuate their stories with public interviews begging for public criticism and/or praise.

    Candysycophant can't be a word, really..

  90. Possibly Aaron's final script? Making sure we didn't forget the Spelling family existed 15 minutes after he was laid to rest....


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