Thursday, February 26, 2009

UPDATE: Sexy and The Spice Gurl

Okay children, if we have to talk about the real estate whereabouts of David Beckham and his faux-boobed twiglet wifey Victoria (whom we secretly adore), we're going back to calling them Sexy and The Spice Gurl, which is how we referred to them during their exhaustive search for an expensive home in Los Angeles back in 2007.

By now, everyone knows the couple finally settled on a $18,200,000 house in Beverly Hills with 6 bedrooms, 9 bathrooms and a swimming pool Your Mama felt was painfully small for a property of that magnitude.

Not even two years later, Sexy wants to dump the L.A. Galaxy soccer team and decamp con la famiglia to Italy so that he can kick balls with the AC Milan team where he has been on loan the last few months. Meh. Do we care? Not so much. Your Mama is far more interested in Sexy's lurid advertising duties than his soccer pitch statistics, so it's of little relevance what city he and The Spice Gurl choose to live.

Anyhoo, while in Milan Sexy needed a home away from home and, according to the people at People, Sexy recently moved into George Clooney's villa on Lake Como, about 25 miles north of Milan.

We need a damn nerve pill.

ANOTHER DAMN UPDATE, SAME DAY: Clooney's people say it ain't so.


  1. Mama, tell us what they call Lake Como................

  2. I would doubt this story. It normally takes about an hour from the south west part of Lake Como to Milan & if he's travelling in for training in the morning then with traffic it would be much longer ... He was shacked up at the Four seasons in town for a while ...

    If they do move back permanently to Europe then I think wife & kids will go back to the UK rather than Milan & he'll just commute back & forward to Italy.

  3. I hope they will both have some time to invest in adult education courses. They have the money, looks and fancy houses. Now they really need to do something to make themselves more interesting. Every interview I have seen reveals them to be as vapid as they are beautiful.

  4. I agree with the above comment. I remember back in the 70's me and my husband Cracker both studied for our GED's while we was at Lake Travis here in Texas. Can't see why the Beckhams can't do the same!

  5. Old news...

    Beckham is worthless to the Los Angeles Galaxy team. He did nothing promote soccer and earn his keep, but gave it a REAL BAD NAME. Always saying he is hurt, but plays outside of LA! Nobody in LA wants him here now. He came for the money deal, not to play soccer. My view on soccer is much worse now, thanks to him.

  6. There is pretty good evidence the Beckham really did hurt the general opinion about soccer or football in the US. Many talented brits have come here for years solely for the money and then go back home and laugh at and badmouth Hollywood and its superficiality. I guess that is ok as long as they limit their badmouthing to Cali.

  7. nope, i saw her in the gym this am.. bad hair day ( brown )

  8. I don't understand the hostility some have towards the Beckhams. Posh's personality is nothing like her admittedly severe 'photo face'. There was an hour long TV special on a couple years ago just prior to their move here featuring Posh, and she was warm, sweet, and remarkably witty - far more interesting and engaging than 9/10ths of Hollywood stars are. David has always impressed me as a non-egotistical considerate gentleman. The two of them are a model couple in terms of being devoted to each other and their family - the only marriage for each and not a hint of scandal - an almost unheard of rarity for a high profile, huge income, superstar couple.

  9. how do you spell pr person?

  10. Well 8:18, did I lie? Nope, just giving a little credit where it's due :)

  11. angeleyes - don't mind the children.

    God bless our mama but she couldn't put down the G&T and nerve pills while she was preggers with a few of them. They are sad little people with no hope of looking as good as a pimple on Beck's butt cheek or making as much money in a decade as Posh spends in one walk down Rodeo.

    Now that one child...Joe... well...I was home sick from school one day and Mama made me spend the day with Granny Cooter at the beauty salon. I heard Granny telling the manicure ladee that he crawled up in the front loader while Sventlana was nipping into the vodka and she ran him through the whole wash cycle with the sheets. Never been right in the head since.

  12. I have seen George's villa and it is on the waterfront of Lake Como, a very beautiful place, but a long drive to Milan.

    Devoted couple - sorry - several big articles in the recent past about David's affairs, on called Rebecca Loos in particular.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Angeleyes,

    Far be it from me to put a spanner in the works and burst that beckhambubble you appear to be living in, but Sexy was mired in scandal with his former PA Rebecca Loos. Google her name and you will find out all the juicy scandal!

    Sorry once again, but u need to know the truth hun. Sexy is a dirty ol dog!!

  15. lmao 11:32, cheers! ;)

    "However this was never confirmed and Victoria Beckham was recently quoted in W magazine saying the alleged affair only made their marriage stronger."

  16. made their damn marriage stronger?
    Hell, the only thing that's gonna get stronger if Cracker pulls that crap on me is my god damn aim!
    Of course he's in Federal now, so all he's getting is a piece of man candy every now an' then, but hell! These damn men! Now back to real estate! I keep praying for my numbers in the Texas Lotto so I can build me a little shack out back so Mama and Dr. Cooter can come visit a spell. Bring Linda and Beverly! They will love my houndogs Meatball and Fabio - don't fret, Mama, I fixed 'em!

  17. Er, HotSauce and Angeleyes,

    U having yr own party here and not inviting all the other children?

    That is really bad form.

    Mama will do ya with the wooden spoon.

  18. I thought he was finished in soccer...too old and rusty. Where did I get that wrong? Whatever his IQ, he does reportedly have psychological foibles, like being an extreme obsessive/compulsive. Isn't he the one who has to line up square bottles in the frig, just "so", and who has anxiety attacks if his clothes closet is the least bit out of order, etc., etc? He wears his underwear once and then throws it away. Odd guy.

  19. 9:59, you may have a point there. Perhaps the couple have something in common in the neurotic department, so they understand each other. Who really knows, and what honest person dosen't have at least a foible or two they wish they didn't.

  20. the Lake Como story is def. not true.

  21. Yeah, when the gossip rags have nothing actual to report, they either make stuff up or speculate to stay in business. It explains the love/hate relationship they have with people in the news alot.

  22. Lake Homo, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, so true, the homo part!!!

  23. Yawn...trying to out celebrities is so last century.

  24. so what is so this century? price per square footage? your mother's breasts? tell me since you seem to know it all 4:56. Yawn.

  25. Good.

    Look at the way they dress. They are soooo European and WAY to chic for Los Angeles.

    My friend worked with her I've seen her around a few times she looks so ridiculous and out-of-place in LA with her fab furs, black/black/black/ designer outfits and the sky high pumps. I don't think they even like LA, they are just so money grubbing and fame hungry.

    They would fit in much better back in Europe or maybe NY if they had to live in the US. They are always out of town in Europe or NYC anyway, so wtf is the point of them living here? Obviously to collect money from the LA Galaxy and run.

    Greedy bitches!!!

  26. 6:26 - Feigning interest in the likes of you while really trying to get the attention of the waiter behind you for an other martini. Then telling my friends about the pathetic loser I got to buy my martini. That is so this century.

  27. Anon 10:06, pointing out Anon 6:26's bad hair plugs, shifted pec implants, orange tan, contacts a color that doesn't exist in nature, and the repo man towing his leased Mercedes out of the valet lot are soo this century too.

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