Friday, January 2, 2009

Year End Stats

Your Mama simply can not let another day go by in this New Year without giving a sincere thank you from the very bottom of our cold dark heart to all the children who have made our little online endeavor the most fun and rewarding "job" we've ever had...and hunnies, we've had a lot of damn jobs.

We'd also like to offer our genuine gratitude to the spider web of contacts, informants and tipsters–y'all know who you are–who keep our in box and answering machine stuffed full of all juicy and pertinent details we need to keep the children entertained.

The children might like to know that, according to the page counter installed on our page, for the 2008 year we averaged 492,234 page hits per month with an average of 285,879 unique visitors. Those numbers resulted in almost six million page hits this year, which is, much to Your Mama's delight and surprise, more than double from 2007.

Honestly children, we have no idea if in the context of the blogosphere that is a lot or a little, but it far exceeds ANY expectation Your Mama ever had.

Now then, we're off to see our luddite Big Daddy who not only refuses to hook up the internet in his house that looks like a barn but lives a good 15 miles or more from the nearest any, well, any place at all let alone an establishment where we could hook up our trusty laptop computer.

So sit tight until next week when we'll be back in the civilized world with more of the celebrity real estate gossip and sassy commentary.

And for the love of Mary quit fighting and bitch slappin' with each other in the comments section or we're gonna get our our wooden spoon and let y'all have it. Hard. And if you don't think we will, well, as Your Mama and Sister Woman's peach tree switch wielding grandmother used to say when we were acting like hooligans, "You just try me."


  1. Mama........I am delighted for you and don't want to burst your bubble..........but I am probably responsible for a good chunk of those "non-unique" visits. My visits are a constant source of enjoyment and education.........thanks a zillion!

  2. Well done, Mama! You should be crowned Queen of the Blogosphere -- I've got a tiara that would put Queen Elizabeth to shame. 2009 will be better for all, but especially for you and the Dr. Cooter. Love ya, Mama!

  3. Good stats, Mama ––– can I lick the "bowl" now?


    But I could have sworn the last time someone made an unwanted pass at your sweet ass you made it quite clear that "...very bottom of our cold dark hard..." was strictly the Ol' Coot's domain.


  4. Mama ... to think that just a short few years ago (just over two now, right?), this concept was simply a passing fancy twirling in your brilliant little noggin!

    I can't wait for the next level! 2009 has got to be the year!


  5. next stop - TV SHOW!!!!!!!!!

  6. stats & sandpiper give me wood.

  7. I started reading this blog about five months after it was brought forth into this world kicking and screaming. I also admit to being responsible for many non-unique visits - its totally addictive.

    But like they say, listen to your Mama, she always knows what best for you.

  8. Thanks Mama, for all you do! and happy new year to all the chil'rens out there!


  9. Congrats, Mama. Those are great stats in the saturated blogosphere.

    More than anything, I am hoping that the Google AdWords are getting clicked enough to give you enough monetary incentive to continue publishing this great blog!

    the Real Estalker is, by far, the most entertaining blog I read. Sure, one can acquire the same information from any number of blogs, but none offer up the hysterical commentary that yours does!

  10. Mama, if you want to know how successful your blog is compared with other sites, you may consider this link:


  11. I love this website. I found it very early in it's existence. I think what Mama has done is very impressive. To have that much information on celebrity homes is remarkable. It wasn't very long ago when the only bits you could get on your favourite celebrity were maybe the front gate of his/her house. Now you can access virtual house tours. I remember how thrilling it was to see the inside of my fave Ellen DG's home. Seeing their homes gives you a bit more insight into their personality. I wish I knew how Mama accessed all her information. I find it amazing that there is so much information available online if you just know where to search it out. I hope that your website visit numbers allow you to make some money for your time. I appreciate that you've kept your advertising low key and that is why I come back daily. If the page took awhile to load, I doubt I would. I also appreciate the good quality information and I feel that I can trust you as a reliable source. Thanks for the entertainment.

  12. Congratulations, Mama.

    To paraphrase: "If you give the children what they want, they will come".

  13. So pleased & happy for you Mama! I recall way back when there were only about 3 of us who commented, and am amazed but not suprised by your success. Without question, the subject matter handled with your distinct and highly addictive style make this my Numero Uno favorite web site. Gotta luv ya :) Thanks Mama. phx

  14. Impressive stats indeed, and of course well deserved - congratulations Mama! I have set this blog as my homepage so that I don't miss a single bit of gossip, sass, and real estate commentary, which always brightens my day. And I am always spreading the word as all the good children should!

    As a UK based reader who avidly "google-walks" LA on an all too regular basis, this blog will remain my all time favourite!

    Thanks Mama!

  15. Mama-I want to offer you a sincere Thank you - I start every morning off checking out your blog. I can't get enough realepornography. Next to Miss Cher, you are one of my role models.

    You know I love ya,
    -The Nashville House Whore

  16. This and Perez Hilton are the only webites I check every morning and night, and I am always happy to see you on Perez when he links to your site.

  17. The site is full of interesting info, but what makes it unique above all competitors is your sassy commentary. Even without any houses, that would be worth reading. Thanks for all the hours of fun.

  18. You are very welcome.

  19. You're my first hit of the day!

    Thanks for all your hard work!

  20. I read Mama's write ups for the first year without even realizing there was a place to comment (silly me). Then, started to comment for about six months as anon because it was easy and I didn't know better.

    It took my dear, dear Aunt Mary who one day said something like, "Hey, all of you anons, get a name so I know who's who." That's when I became Sandpiper.

    P.S. Caveman, you're still my favorite strumpit.

  21. My mother used a switch and Grandmother used a spoon
    I'll be good, really good.

    Congratulations Mama!
    I wish you the very best for the New Year!

  22. You deserve the best, your writing is so fabulous, it always brings a smile to my face! All the best in 2-0-0-9, may all your wishes come true! :)
    xoxo from las vegas

  23. New Year Greetings from Sydney, Australia.

    I discovered this site in January 2008 and have looked in almost every day since. My first post is to thank you for all the laughs and gobsmacking sights (good and bad). God willing I'll be with you everyday in 2009 as well.

    Mama you brighten my day, thank you.

  24. Mama, any skinny on this? 38 mill is a really significant transaction. None the less, I enjoy your site totally and wish you and the Dr. a fantastic 2009.

    "Los Angeles Mansion Sells for $38 Million
    A mansion in Los Angeles' Bel Air neighborhood, once owned by a key film-production figure, has sold for $38 million, records show, making it one of the area's biggest sales of the year.

    The 11,400-square-foot Mediterranean-style home, built in 1926, once belonged to the family of Herbert Kalmus, whose Technicolor Motion Picture Corp. provided the hues on many classic movies. Later, Verna Harrah, the widow of hotel and casino magnate Bill Harrah, and a film producer (the 1997 horror film "Anaconda" and its sequel), owned the home. On about 1.5 acres, the house has six bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, a pool and city and ocean views. The buyer in the private transaction was Gacac LLC and the seller Malibu Colony Trust, which bought the home from Ms. Harrah in 2005 for $14.9 million, records show."


  25. Dear Mama,

    Thank you for a great year. There maybe imitators but you are definitely in a class all by yourself.
    Looking forward to 09.
    Your friend and admirer....Beth in Houston

  26. Mama, you are such a doll. Funny, smart, and good lookin'. Thanks for the party. I'll be good and I'll tell you who isn't.

  27. brooklawn dr. glad you brought that up. I was wondering about it too. I viewed the property online, and don't understand what prompted someone to pay a 'must have' $38,000,000 for it. That's well above it's actual value, comparables on the street, and in the area. It's located at 671 Siena Way in Bel Air.

  28. Found your blog in 2006 and it is the first thing I do in the morning along with my coffee! So happy for you and cannot wait for Bravo to approach you for your own television show. Congratulations to you and my the New Year bring you health happiness and joy!

  29. Nice one, Mama. Give 'er in 2009!

  30. 10:03 & 6:46 -

    Mr. Big Time Listings is speculating the buyer was Tom Gores. Looking at the house on Windows Live maps (not Google) shows the house in a state of renovation so the old facts about the house may not be valid anymore.

  31. Thanks Gaybuoy. Paul Newman looked better than anyone smoking a cigarette and he lived to a ripe old age of eighty-three. I am sure Brad Pitt will do the same.



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