Monday, December 15, 2008

UPDATE: Michael Jackson

Oh dear.

Poor Michael Jackson. Not only does the man feel the need to go out in public looking like a damn fool, he must be in need of money again because thanks to our Irish comrade Weezy, we've learned that The White Lady has decided to auction off a whole mess of memorabilia including, yes children, the gates of his once beloved and now crumbling Neverland Ranch in Los Olivos, CA

Pleeze. What moron wants those stoopid things? As our friend H.W. would say, "Honestly!"

As far as we know, Mister Jackson, his three children and whatever retinue he can still afford are living up in Las Vegas.


  1. is he selling his boy porn and toy collection?

  2. ... that's what Michael said...

  3. Selling his Neverland front gates is interesting idea. Leave it to Michael to do things no one else even imagines. And no, that's not a complement.

  4. Makes perfect sense. The last story mentioned a name change in the works to distance the property from it's past. Jackson has a few fans that could scrap up the funds to buy the gates but not the whole property. I bet a bulldozer and wrecking ball can't be far behind.

  5. That crest looks like my Marlboro packs.

  6. Is he also selling his new Zorro costume?

  7. Poor Michael, victim of white obsession oppression. All the kid ever really wanted was to be born white. That couldn't be so all the rest followed.....To be pitied, not hated.

  8. Sad...just...sad..A living legend,now; a living tragedy.

  9. "white obsession oppression"


    If he is a victim of anything, it is of an abusive parent and an industry that wasn't willing to confront him and tell him he had gone off the deep end until it was too late.

  10. The Zorro mask is a much healthier alternative to O/C plastic surgery, so I won't fault him for it. Any improvement in his self-destructive behavior is a good thing.

  11. o/c plastic surgery is damn good for the economy!

  12. For a moment I thought he was auctioning off the children.

  13. As Ann Richards once said... "No child's behind is left."

  14. re: Anon 12/16 11:34am

    "If he is a victim of anything, it is of an abusive parent and an industry that wasn't willing to confront him and tell him he had gone off the deep end until it was too late."

    WELL SAID!!!

  15. how to moonwalk,shows a step by step guide on giving you the true fundamentals so you can do it like the king, Michael Jackson.

  16. But does it show one how to walk off a cliff like MJ has?

  17. When police raided the place back in the 2005 there was 5 boxes of porn DVDs.

    He also had little boys soiled undies

  18. I've been looking for my home movies.


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