Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Holidays!

Your Mama and the Dr. Cooter wish all the Children a Happy Christmas, Merry Kwanzaa, Joyous Chanukah or whatever damn holiday it is you celebrate this time of year.


  1. Merry Christmas, enjoy your break from the blog and keep up the GREAT work next year. Thanks for all the delightful reading.


  2. Thanks for all the great real-estate "porn" this year, Mama! Your children in Nova Scotia, Canada love you and wish you and Dr. Cooter a Happy Holiday Season!


  3. Thank You Mama, and the best of the season to you and the Dr. Cooter and all your loved ones! I'm looking forward to a New Year filled with all sorts of funny, shocking and downright celebutastic Real Estate mayhem!
    - one o' the loyal Children -

  4. HOORAY! You two do as well!

    Whose house is that in the picture? Those xmas lights and poor focus are blurring it out. Is it Britney's old Malibu home?

  5. Mama, your Southern children love you too! Best wishes for a great holiday season, and thanks for bringing us all the good real estate porn!

  6. Happy Holidays to you both as well!!!
    lots of hugs & kisses from las vegas

  7. Thanks Mama! I'm wet for you.

  8. Have a safe and delicious holiday, Mama! Wishing you and Dr. Cooter all the best for the new year as well.

    Thank you for all of the wonderfully juicy info, and the fabulous photos only a real estate lover could truly appreciate. :)


    P.S. LOL @ Anon 3:39pm

  9. I'm going to buy 2260 Sunset plaza mama to force you to write about it in the new year.

  10. Happy Holidays to the Wonderful Momma and her Dee-Vine Dr Cooter plus their Loooong bodied Bitches and all their friends and family and all us Children too. This blog brings me much joy and happiness throughout the year, plus i laugh my ass off!!! LOL Bisous to all...

  11. Happy Holidays to Mama, the ol' Coot, and all the little chillruns! Here's hoping Santa doesn't bring Svetlana the voodoo dolls she's been asking for...I am certain that nasty lil' pussy Sugar is really her familiar.

    And Anon 3:39? Put your glasses on and come in off the street, hon; you're standing in traffic.

  12. Happy Holidays to you and Dr Cooter! Hope you're taking a well-deserved break. We'll be good while you're away

  13. Thanks for your entertaining blog and Happy Holidays to you too.

  14. Happy holidays from Belgium and I had way too many French Bubbles.

  15. Ho ho ho, merry kwanza to you and yours too.

  16. Mama...the spawn of the snow country love you too! Thanks for the great work you do!

  17. Would someone please confirm if that was Scarlett Johannson dining at Holi Moli Ravioli in San Diego yesterday. Does she have a home there?

  18. That was not Scarlett Johannson. It was a female impersonator. I spent 3,000 on a night out with her and man was I suprised when she whipped out a bigger one than I have.

  19. Then you got your money's worth??

  20. My jaw still hurts, I can't sit down, and my wallet is empty.

    What do you think???


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