Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Teenager Hayden Panetierre Buys a Grown Up House

BUYER: Hayden Panettiere
LOCATION: Curson Terrace, Los Angeles, CA
PRICE: $2,635,000
SIZE: 3,120 square feet, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms
DESCRIPTION: ...Floor-to-ceiling windows in most rooms looking out to unobstructed 180-degree views of the city from downtown to the ocean. 3Br/3Ba including large master suite. Open floor plan w/ lots of natural light. Large living room and family room w/ fireplaces. Office, laundry room & recently upgraded kitchen w/ high end appliances. Pool and expansive deck areas w/ huge city views.

YOUR MAMAS NOTES: Thanks to the ever intrepid gentleman who compiles the extensive and impressive Celebrity Address Aerial database, we have learned that very bizzy teenage ack-turuss Hayden Panettiere recently forked over $2,635,000 for a very grown up mid-century modern style house in the foothills above Hollywood.

Although we've never paid much attention to Young Miss Panettiere, a quick search of the internets reveals that the 19 year old child has a long and varied resume that shows she worked on several soap operas before graduating to roles in films like Remember the Titans with Denzel W. and a starring role as a supernaturally empowered cheerleader on a boob-toob program called Heroes. Your Mama and the Dr. Cooter don't go for the sci-fi stuff so we've never set eyes on that particular program, but according to our research, it's very popular.

Other personal and professional tidbits the children might like to know about young Miss Panetierre include being nominated for a Grammy for singing a song in the animated blockbuster A Bug's Life, shamelessly shilling for corporations such as Neutrogena and Candie's (the shoo maker who fashioned those crazy clackety high heels favored by popular and kinda slutty high school gurls in the 1970s), recording a pop album to be released sometime in 2009, dating her much older Heroes co-star Milo Ventimiglia, speaking out about her lefty leaning political point of view and showboating as a globe trotting and dedicated animal rights activist. Good grief children, this gurl makes Your Mama feel like an indolent slab of beef jerky. It's a wonder Miss Missy has time to film her tee-vee program.

Anyhoo, property records indicate that back in February of 2008, young Miss Panettiere purchased a 3,120 square foot house in Los Angeles which sits down a long private driveway and happens to be di-reck-ly across the street from Tinseltown power chick Drew Barrymore's long time residence on Curson Terrace.

Listing information provided by one of our more generous tipsters indicates that the two story glass and wood box of a house was erected in 1962, sits on a sloping half acre lot and includes three bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. The loft like floor plan includes a large living and dining room with gleaming wood floors that look a little slick for dragging around in high heels, a fireplace and floor to ceiling windows that draw the eyeballs out towards the glittering carpet of lights below. Your Mama just hopes those windows have hidden and electronic shades hiding up in that itty bitty valance because those windows face due west and children, listen to Your Mama when we tell you, that the afternoon sun in Los Angeles can be a scorching nightmare that heats up your house like a damn oven.

The kitchen has been freshly renovated in a crisp modern style that won't win any dee-zine awards, but looks far better than many–if not most–of the colossally catastrophic and seizure inducing kitchens we run across. The children will please note that whomever planned this kitchen was wise enough to provide a cubby for the microwave so that it does not sit on the counter top like this is some college flop house. We can understand needing to plop the microwave down on the counter in an unrenovated kitchen, but there is zero reason in a $50,000 cooking room to have that thing competing for counter space.

A family room is adjacent and open to the family room which features a rather large skylight, a stone faced fireplace and another wall of floor to ceiling windows that gives out to a large deck that includes built in seating and stretches the entire length of the back of the house. A small, oddly shaped swimming pool sits at the other end of the property where, should they choose, Miss Panettiere and the much older Mister Ventimiglia can sun their bare buns in perfect privacy.

Upstairs, the master bedroom offers a wall of spine tingling and vertigo inducing floor to ceiling windows and an oddly placed and too small Fortuny chandelier. We recommend Miss Panettiere ring an electrician and a nice gay decorator to work out the kinks with that illumination issue.

Now children, the furniture shown in the photos is not that of Miss Panettiere, so don't any of you people start running at the mouth about how you don't cotton to her taste in Heywood Wakefield dining room tables, Eames molded plywood lounge chairs or Chinese cabinets for hiding the boob toob. She didn't buy that stuff, she bought the house. For what it's worth (and it ain't worth nuthin'), we are rather impressed with Miss Panettiere's real estate selection abilities. Not only is the house modest in scale and of an interesting (if not ground breaking) architectural design, it's also walking distance to Runyan Canyon were our long bodied bitches Linda and Beverly like to hike, frolic and poop among the rich and famous. We're sure some of you will skewer us for saying this, but truth be told, if something was done to make those slippery looking floors less lethal, Your Mama and the Dr. Cooter would be more than happy to move right into young Miss Panettiere's new crib.

We wish Miss Panettiere a happy home and we recommend that she slow down a little bit or she's gonna wear herself down and need to be pumping that crazy Botox crap into her face before she's 25.


  1. I really like this house... and it seems very rare for me to say that about any house in LA under the $5m mark.

    I agree with Mama about the microwave cubby. I do not understand why soooo sooo many Californian homes don't have a place for the microwave. Else where in the country they are just about always build in or in a cubby or over the range in any house that isn't a rat shack, yet in LA you'll see multi-multi million dollar manse's with a microwave on the countertop? Why?!?! I know "true" cooks don't use microwaves, and truth be told, I rarely use mine but maybe once every other month... but when I want popcorn its soo much easier than gettin out a pan and sitting there over the range poppin' some kernels

  2. Another personal tidbit to add to your list is that she is HOT with all caps....

  3. Does it not look like she shares a driveway with the house next door, and the neighbor has to drive past this house to get to get to their house?

  4. I usually loathe modern architecture as uninteresting and without soul.

    This I really like. The walls of glass int the living spaces, the skylight, the pool off the main home and the decks.

    Wonderful. Good for her!!

  5. 1) Anon 10:49: Agreed.

    2) Mama, current dermatological wisdom is to start with the Botox early to prevent the muscles of the face from building up enough strength to cause the wrinkles in the first place. Wacky yes, but true.

    3) Correct me if I am wrong, but this looks to be the house that was used in the movie Heat. Toward the end of the film when DeNiro breaks the floor-to-ceiling window of the family room and shoots another villain dead on the couch. Am I right?

  6. Good first home. It has enough of a mid-century appeal to be interesting, the location is decent, the interior isn't hideous, the views are divine.

    All in all, she did well.

  7. Great house. Surprising when one considers that she's so'd figure she'd have no taste.

    Speed, too true, Botox is done best when it's started in the mid 20s, prevention is the point of it.

  8. crazy to buy such an expensive house so young. especially when your tv show ratings has jumped the shark and ratings are dropping and you have nothing else coming. in this economy, better to get something modest rather than try to overextend yourself as a teenager. make the money, save the money, then buy the mansions.

  9. This is hardly a mansion in LA, and I'm sure she's made enough money to pay for it already.

  10. How far we have come and how old I have I look eagerly at young teens buying exquisite, expensive houses.............then.........I eagerly looked at what was going on beneath Annette Funicello's mouseketeer sweater.

  11. This is one way celebrities go broke. Buying too much house that they really won't be able to afford.

  12. To the last comment "This is one way celebrities go broke. Buying too much house that they really won't be able to afford."

    She did not take a mortgage to get this house.

  13. She only made $2M last year. Back out taxes and expenses and that ain't much. And who knows what the future holds. Many have gone bankrupt with much more.

  14. Yes, you share the drive way with her house. I was at a house party on 4th of July at the house next door. She's lived there for quite a while so I don't know why its just making the news that she bought this. The house isn't really huge... but her's is designed very well!

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Does it not look like she shares a driveway with the house next door, and the neighbor has to drive past this house to get to get to their house?

  15. Spectacular! Five stars!

  16. "…Miss Panettiere and the much older Mister Ventimiglia can sun their bare buns in perfect privacy…"

    Not with the proximity to the neighboring house, as others have pointed out. A shared driveway? Ew.

    But such is the price one must pay for an otherwise very beautiful late mid-century modern ––– all in all a very shrewd investment for the young'un.

  17. Not a shrewd investment. Lohan is almost broke.

  18. All the comments about how she cannot afford such a home. She can't afford not to buy this house! Property taxes and insurance should be in the $65K range. So for the same amount of money she would need to rent a 3 bedroom house of far less significance, she can maintain this one quite easily. Even after Heroes is yanked off the air, she can pick up enough gigs to pay keep this home and a modest lifestyle intact. I like Hayden very much, and don't find that she is fat or "big-boned" in the least. As for Botox... well... yes, I would have started my restoration project earlier but there was no such thing as Botox when I was in my 20s. No, it was strictly chain saws and chisles to return me to my new found glory.

  19. Why do I always think of the Hayden Planetarium when I hear this actress's name?

  20. Chainsaws and chisels.........give us a break.

  21. 9:27 that Forbes article is very old - 06.14.07. I'm sure she is making WAY more than 2 mil a year now. She is doing a ton of movies$.

    I like the view this house has of LA. However, I do not like the neighbor's two story house built right next to the pool. No privacy. However, the neighbor's property value probably went up with their view.

    And that "Celebrity address Aerial Database" steals all their views from Virtualglobetrotting. Do a search on "Panettiere", it is the same view from

  22. In response to the above comment, I believe in giving credit where credit is due. Note that posts a lot of celebrity homes (not all, not even half, but a lot) that I provided over there, but a link to is not given due to the fact that I provide the actual address, whereas they do not; but that address is easily obtainable from what provides. This particular home, Hayden Panettiere on Curson Terrace, was stubled upon by myself alone and that is where it originated.

  23. Good for you, aerialdave ––– love the site.

    Hippie: "…chainsaws and chisels…" ––– well I guess that beats mammoth tusks & bronto bones anyday……


  24. >She can't afford not to buy this house!

    spoken like a true realtwhore.

  25. Hi Aerialdave. I've been aware of your captures for a long time. You rock! :)

  26. Aerialdave.

    Why give the personal property address? The map shows the location well enough. Even this blog leaves off the address on the headers for privacy sake.

  27. her new place is so gorgeous!

  28. This is pretty damn nice house.

    I don't see how people really know her income level to be forecasting financial doom.


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