Tuesday, September 2, 2008


1. Your Mama is allowed to take a few days off–it was a national holiday after all–and quite frankly we're tired of listening to some of you children whine about it. Try giving Your Mama a fucking break once in a while without turning into a sniveling six year old.

2. We have just uprooted our family and moved across the country, a laborious and emotionally draining process during which some of you children seem to think we having nothing else to do but write this damn blog. Pleeze! We are doing the best we can and if that ain't good enough for some of you, well, that's just too damn bad.

3. We believe in the power and freedom of speech and as most of the children well know, Your Mama is LOATHE to get involved in moderating and censoring the comments section. However, we have noted with disappointment and deep displeasure that lately there are a few rogue elements that seem to delight in spouting all manner of racist nonsense. We can not and will not tolerate that shit any longer. If you don't have anything fruitful or interesting to say about celebrity real estate and all you wanna do is spew your racist bullshit, please find another blog to infect with your unfortunate point of view. Don't like it? Well, again, that's just too damn bad.


  1. yay MAMA! THanks for all the hard work you put into this blog.

  2. Well said. Now will you purleeze tell us hungry children about the reality tv star who bought a house in the hills you teased us with in your bling item!

  3. You tell 'em, MAMA! You are absolutely right.

    (I'll bet they don't even click on your ad links so you get some money every once in a while.)

  4. Well said and keep up the execellent reporting

  5. Sometimes the children have to be put in their place! Keep up the good work and keep doing what you're doing because it works and it delights hundreds of thousands of people...if you need a vacay, a pitcher of sangria, a bottle of gin, a long walk with the long-bodies bitches or a break from the internets for a few days -TAKE IT! And pay no attention to the spoiled children! We just hang off every word from your gin-soaked mind is all.

    The racist & homophob children are a different matter. Delete. Delete. Delete.

  6. Didn't see any of the garbage MAMA mentioned, but it pisses MAMA off its gotta be really bad.

  7. You're so sexy when you're butch, mama.

  8. I appreciate you, Mama. You're so pretty when you're angry.

  9. Yes, mama! You spank them with the wooden spoon ;-)! Keep the good work up.

  10. yes no more mel gibson rants

    thank you

  11. you tell 'em!

    I'd have never thought I'd see a troll on a blog about real estate...but humanity never fails to disappoint me.

    Mama...hope you're getting all settled into the new digs.

  12. Oh, Mama sweetie, I'm sure it sucked the wind out of your sail to acknowledge the "problem."

    I back you 1,000-percent, while simulataneously praying the boy gets lots and lots of serious and majorly intensive help.

    Our family's goal is far too wonderful to be side-railed.


  13. I think you have an amazing blog and it's a shame a few people took the comments section as an open forum to discuss anything and everything but real estate.

    Keep up the amazing work and continued success! I hope you are settling ok and got some much needed rest this weekend!

  14. the weekend is over, joe.

  15. 1. You're right. I thought you were taking a little breather, hence the absence of me posting any begging comments.

    2. We do expect you to be super-human but for this time we'll understand.

    3. I don't even pay attention to those morons

  16. I love your blog--you make me laugh! And I miss you when you are gone, tho' I know you need to take care of business or just rest up for the next round.

  17. Friends....
    1] Love the blog. Its a free lunch.
    2] If some of the children have had too much sugar and are acting sassy, then they should be sent to bed without any supper.
    2] please do not feed the troll.

  18. I enjoy your posts, Mama (I can't believe I actually wrote that word.)

    Sorry you have to deal with those that don't appreciate your work and attempt to spoil it for all. Hopefully these and the other positive comments encourage you. Keep up the good work.

  19. Mama, I live in snory old York PA and you are my pipeline to delicious real estate news from places I may never get to see. Thank you - Thank you - Thank you. Not a day goes by that I don't check in with my Mama.

  20. I love you Mama. Pay no mind to those bratty children.

  21. i love you Mama, and in terms of those that don't appreciate you, clearly they're greedy newbies who have no idea all that you give us. tell them to do the damn research you do if they want-want-want so badly! take your breaks and i'll be here faithfully<3

  22. Can you hear it chillruns? The quiet little one who's always hanging in the back until you hear, "I'm telling!!!"

    It's a wonder Mama ain't left us in an Arby's parking lot with a note pinned to our collective asses……

  23. Griping about Mama's lack of recent posts is like the kids who whine about only getting one piece of candy at Halloween when they don't even bother to wear a costume. For something truly beautiful and to put the 70 million cement block to shame, check out the magnificent home of Gian Carlo Menotti in Scotland. It is on the market for less than half of the SF property. Go to www.knightfrank.co.uk/flash/search.aspx. Make sure you click on the property details and look at the photos. I apologize for not knowing how to embed but this is worth typing in the address. A closer look at the magnificent Adams interiors is found in the Country Life book "Great Houses of Scotland" Someone like LGB might want to track this down. Enjoy!

  24. lgb - we don't have many arbys out here. mama needs to drop some of the children at the intersection of the angeles crest hwy and the angeles forest hwy. the ones that make it back get dinner.

  25. Yo Mamma,

    I'm going to leave a big smelly turd on your lawn as a "welcome to L.A" gift.

  26. We live in Scotland mama! We love your blog x

  27. 3:03 - But then you wouldn't have anything left between your ears.

  28. Amen Mama! You tell em!

    Luv ur blog!

  29. Thank you for your work, Mama, and for reprimanding the misbehaving children. The bickering and name calling is getting really old!

  30. Yes Ma'am!

    But then again, I miss you when you're gone. And there ain't a damn thing new today. I may have to check into the Betty Ford to deal w/ my growing addiction here.

  31. I've never posted a response, but you go, Mama! I want to thank you for this site. I check it every day during my lunch break in the oh-so-boring upper midwest. Rest assured that your work is appreciated by many of us who are normally silent.

  32. Yay, Mama!! Go, Mama!! You rock, Mama!!

    I'm one of the hopelessly addicted and miss you when you're away - but R&R is important and moving takes up TONS of energy. Way more than we always think it will.

    I skim right past the small-minded petty bickering and zoom right into the well-crafted, intelligent, knowledgeable posts. I think probably most of us do that.

    Rest up, get all settled in with the family and come back when you're ready. We'll be waiting for you!

  33. Racism is a true indicator of ignorance and stupidity.
    Mama's blog is one of the most entertaining sites on the internets.

  34. Get your rest Mama.

    Kelly. You are smokin' hot. Don't let it go to your head however.

  35. I think Mama seriously needs to down a nerve pill & have the good Dr. Cooter whip up a pitcher of gin and tonics....I'm not being facetious....I'm dead serious! Drink Up, Mama!

  36. Well, I think you ought to show a little respect.


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