Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Perez Hilton Opens House

Much maligned, sometimes hated but always read Gossip Gangsta Perez Hilton does not normally give Your Mama the time of day. However, we're gonna give He of the Hair Don't a little shout out today because we're not bitter (much) and because the scuttlebutt queen recently opened the door to his Los Angeles apartment to the fine people at MTV Cribs. Let's be honest children, who is not at least curious as to how the hugely successful scuttlebutt spends his new found riches?

Our sources whispered in our big ear that Perezito makes his home in a large apartment complex on West 6th Street and the Cribs episode indicates his unit measures 1,300 square feet with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and from the looks of things includes a living room with vaulted ceilings, a lackluster little kitchen, and an additional loft space where all Perez's blog magic happens.

Your Mama will give Perez a pass on the beige carpet (it's a rental) and we'll freely give the props for going out on a limb with the shimmery wallpaper in his bedroom and for doing up his nicely organized closet in his signature pink. But I think we can all agree that most of Miss Hilton's abode could use the assistance of a nice gay decorator. Perhaps Perezito will ring Your Mama to help him come to terms with getting rid of that behemoth beige sectional sofa and jazzing up his space in a manner befitting a queen of his celebrity gossip stature.

Photo: Mister Smiley


  1. i think the complex is called Park @ Park La Brea. On the corner or 6th and Burnside. But, WHAT UNIT#??

    I see him riding his pink bicycle around town sometimes... always with a helmet, SAFETY FIRST! (or to protect himself from things being thrown at him?)

  2. The dog is friggin' cute!

  3. Here's my advice to Perez, for what it's worth: (1) lose 20, no make that 40 lbs. (2) Buy a new sofa and place it in front of the fireplace, NOT AGAINST THE WALL. Geez. (3) Start shopping for a condo. (4) Buy some clothes (5) Lay off the Smirnoff.

  4. Don't know much about him but saw a clip of him reviewing "The Dark Knight". He had nothing worthwhile to say and looked very unappetizing. He is so homely and looks like the kind of person who always has dry spit, or something, in the corner of his mouth. I would avoid even looking at the mess that must be his home.

  5. Does he live in Miami?

  6. Isn't Park @ Park La Brea where they filmed The Hills?

  7. All you bloggers always pretending to be poor. ;)

  8. Having seen his "clothing line" I wouldn't have much hope for his decor. The man has zero taste.

  9. Tacky with a capital "T". But that is Perez so fits. Was that a portrait of Hervé Villechaize (Tattoo on Fantasy Island) in the entry?

  10. kind people, the complex is called: Villas @ Park La Brea


    and yes, they did film THE HILLS there. which is funny, b/c where are the "hills" they talk about. lol

    anyway, we all know that Lauren moved to a west hollywood house. but the housing department(??) is on her ass because she has an illegal guest house (used to be garage) that audrina lives in.

    her daddy is taking care of that issue though......

  11. Lookit, all I wanna know is doesn't blogging make you a little money? His place looks like something I rented in Raleigh NC during college in the eighties! Surely he can afford to buy SOMETHING.

  12. I think Perez is on the rebound from a bankruptcy not too long ago so my guess is that this is his start-up pad as he builds his fortune.

  13. "Hilton has just one employee - his sister, Barbara, who is his personal assistant. His mother, Teresita, is about to move from Miami to live with him. What does she make of his bizarre life? "She's happy that I'm happy.

    There's a bit of disconnect because she doesn't have a computer. She doesn't email; she's old-school. But she loves going around telling people, 'I'm Perez Hilton's mum.'"


  14. Oh and by the way - that dumpy rental that Perez lives in? It's actually a step up compared to the rest of tacky, transient LA. The wealthy exist in a very different world. The majority of LA is very LMC.

  15. WTF?! Is that a picture of Walter Mercado in his entryway?

    Anyhow, just about the only thing that stood out for me was the wallpaper in the bedroom.

    Fabulously Yours,


  16. Yep it is a Park LaBrea Villa Unit... and my god are they crap. They are expensive yet build like cheap suburban condos. Have friends who live in one..
    I live next door in the original brick townhouses in PLB... so much nicer and more classy.

  17. The only thing to like about the apartment is the dog. But it can't make up for all the hideous remainder.

  18. My response to any news featuring the name "Hilton" - Yawn!

  19. It's all about that cute dog Teddy. The rest is super embarrassing.

  20. His hair is the same as Kate Gosselin's on Jon and Kate Plus 8.

    His home, rental or not, is fugly. Sectional? Works with the hair.

  21. Isn't his "office" at that coffee shop where he claims to run into everyone?

    Yet on the clip he says he spends 18 hours a day in the loft.

    Whatever happened to that $7M lawsuit over photo credits?

    He really may be ghetto fab and blogging from a cafe near you real soon.

  22. one would think that someone who gets read the way Perez does would have a desperate gay desecrator or two banging on his rented door to assist, gratis.

    I managed to live in more stylish digs when I was eating Ramen noodles as an undergrad.

  23. Also, Perez has been blogging about Real Estate news lately, using same pics as what's MAMA'S website, with no credit as to source.


  24. My worst nightmare come true……Perez Hilton opening a door in a bathrobe.


  25. After I watched that video I threw up in my mouth a little.

    That is one fugly dude with no taste whatsoever.

  26. he USED to blog at the coffee bean on sunset (and beverly?), but as you can imagine he started getting stalked/annoyed/etc with people. so he has to do it from home now.

    that is my guess anyway


  27. 5555 W. 6th Street
    Los Angeles, CA 90036

    Don't know the unit.

  28. I thought he made real money. Not good. Granted, his place is a big step up being street trash and all. But, still-- I guess you can't get rich being a blogger.

  29. I thought he made real money. Not good. Granted, his place is a big step up being street trash and all. But, still-- I guess you can't get rich being a blogger.

  30. I thought he made real money. Not good. Granted, his place is a big step up being street trash and all. But, still-- I guess you can't get rich being a blogger.

  31. I thought he made real money. Not good. Granted, his place is a big step up being street trash and all. But, still-- I guess you can't get rich being a blogger.

  32. I thought he made real money. Not good. Granted, his place is a big step up being street trash and all. But, still-- I guess you can't get rich being a blogger.

  33. omg anon. 4x!!???

  34. Umm, so now we know who's buying the entire Matel collection @ Wal-Mart.
    Mama, if Perez is so loaded, why's the boy/girl pimping a rental?

  35. Ultra tacky and tasteless, as expected. Isn't his 15 minutes over yet already?

  36. Sorry folks...seems the frightened "Gansta" has moved since his address became public knowledge. Wonder what he is afraid of?????

    The Management claims he left sometime in September after the only honest website around posted his address.

  37. RickyHanson says, when is he gonna move to a house?


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