Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mitt and Ann Romney Get a California getaway

BUYERS: Mitt and Ann Romney
LOCATION: Dunemere Drive, La Jolla, CA
PRICE: $12,000,000
SIZE: 3,009 square feet, 3 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms
DESCRIPTION: Rare BEACHFRONT residence featuring direct access to sandy beach, a quiet cul-de-sac location, spacious oceanfront deck, numerous patio areas with manicured lawns and mature landscaping, lap pool & spa.

YOUR MAMAS NOTES: Last week Your Mama received an informative communique from Glenda the Good Witch down in San Diego who forwarded an article from the San Diego Union-Tribune that revealed former Massachusetts governor and failed Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney and his wifey Ann were in the process of purchasing a ocean front hideaway in La Jolla, a ritzy and divinely bee-yoo-ti-full beach town just north of San Diego.

It took Your Mama a few days to get the details sorted out, but property records do indeed reveal that the filthy rich Romneys purchased an ocean front house on La Jolla's Dunemere Drive. Listing information indicates the Mediterranean style house sits on a .42 acre lot, measures 3,009 square feet (approx.) and includes 3 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms. Other amenities include a 2-car garage, a land side lap pool and spa, a water side deck with panoramic views of the mighty Pacific Ocean and private stairs to the sugary sand.

Although the Republican operators live primarily in Massachusetts–and own vacation homes in Deer Park, UT and a lake front house in New Hampshire–they'll not be starved for conservative beach buddies. See puppies, not only is that neck of the woods crawling with right leaning well to do types, the new Romney residence happens to sit right next door to the famed and much ballyhooed Cliff Robertson estate, which was scooped up by John and Victoria Miller in March of 2008 for a reported $16,500,000. The Millers are not only friends of the Romneys, they also served as financial chairs for Mister Romney's failed run at the Whitehouse. Thick as thieves these four.

Listing information for the well located property with its dee-pressingly dated day-core indicates the seller was willing to entertain offers between $12,000,000 and $14,000,876. Yes babies, the listing really did include that silly number. Amongst real estate pee-pole, this sort of thing is called "range pricing," and quite frankly Your Mama thinks it's stoopid. Who in their right mind would offer a seller $14,000,876 for a property where the seller has made it perfectly plain they'd be just as happy to entertain an offer of $12,000,000? Who? Maybe in the brisk and blazing markets of a year or two ago that sort of thing encouraged multiple offers be tossed on the table. But those days are long gone for most areas and according to the records we accessed, Mister and Missus Romney paid exactly $12,000,000 for the ocean front property. Imagine that?

Clearly Missus Romney will need a talented team of nice gay decorators to get all up in there and works some shit out because this house looks like it has not been touched since 1980, the year it was built. It goes without saying all those hideous chairs and the beige rugs will be hauled out to the dumpster and Your Mama suggests that the Romney's spend a few hundred thousand doing over the kitchens and bathrooms in a style befitting someone of their financial stature. We hope the couple will bring in a local landscaper who knows a thing or two about indigenous vegetation and do something about the paltry and pathetic landscaping on the ocean side of the house that gives the rear facade the vague visage of an upscale mobile home. Your Mama would also consider opening up the ceilings to gain some volume, particularly in the living and dining rooms. This is a single story house and there's really no need to feel smashed down by vast planes of just slightly too low ceilings.

What we do like, of course, are the sensational views and how most of the rooms pictured open up to outdoor spaces, including the master bathroom. How nice would it be to brush and floss the choppers with the French doors flung open like that? We're also terribly fond of the lap pool and spa area. Not because Your Mama makes desires to break a sweat swimming laps, but rather we very much appreciate and enjoy a sheltered and quiet spot to get away from the strong winds that often sweep up off the ocean.

It probably goes without saying that Mister Romney's politics are not those of Your Mama, and we shiver and shudder at the notion mentioned in the San Diego Union-Tribune that he mightl like to establish California residency in order to step into the shooz of California Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger who leaves office in 2010. Oh dear Jeezis, please say it ain't so. In the meantime, Mister Romney and his heavily considered coiffure are rumored to be on Republican Senator John McCain's short list for Vee-Pee. No comment.


  1. Gorgeous house. I can see past the horrid decorating palette...who thinks beiges and pastels are a good idea at the BEACH?

    Mitt as governor? Wouldn't that be a tad opportunistic of him? How many states does he want to be governor of? All of them?

  2. i guess he's gonna be president one state at a time.

    nice beach house

  3. Mama not to worry,I just called the dumpster company.

  4. Everyone needs a little beach shack. Bushie and I will pick one up soon but not in that dreadful Califorication where the homosexuals are gettin' out of the beauty parlor and into the wedding chapel.

  5. Where's a tidal wave when you need one.

  6. Wow anon upstairs, couldn't you tell that Pickles was being funny and satirical? Try no to take it all so seriously.

  7. Mama, you dispense your take on this property with the precision and knowledge of a billable consultation.

    The location has a high concentration of electoral votes. The terrain is generously flanked by riptide conditions, dangerous cliffs and other public encroachment limitations. To me(ow), sounds like a plan.

    The video tour helped me to better appreaciate some of the estate's attributes and dificiencies.

    RE the man and his aspirations: NO COMMENT.

  8. I like La Jolla. I don't like all the wacky subdivision around here, which leads to the odd siting of the house, which would annoy the hell out of me.

  9. Politics aside, I look forward to all 5 Romney sons purchasing homes as well and enjoying the surf.

  10. The house cost him less than his presidential run did. He should be able to raise a lot of money in his new neighborhood.

    We are hopeful that this means that he will be spending less time in Massachusetts.

    If elected governor of California I'm sure that he'll try to overturn gay marriage there too. And no, I think that there are enough daughters-in-law, Ann won't be hiring any gay decorators.

    And thank you for the video link, Sandpiper. The house is actually pretty nice.

  11. for 12 mill is better be nice.

    I like the house...looking beyond the beige on beige day-core.

  12. Love the house. Gorgeous location, love all that surf...just terrific.

    That being said, Romney is the ultimate tool with a face full of Botox and a wig that just can't be beat. If he wants to be Governor of California he better look forward to doing it without the endorsement of Arnold...Maria HATES Romney and you better believe the Hollywood sign will spontaneously combust before she lets Arnold say a kind word in Romney's direction.

  13. I wouldn't beat his wig ............inhabitants you know!

  14. Forget about the house...with a beach, lawn, and a lap pool, I don't care what the house looks like.
    I wonder if ol' Mitt will actually swim and get that hair wet?

  15. viva! - Thanks for the tidbit, I didn't know Maria hated Mitt. Suddenly I love Maria, who knew?!? Mitt lied to the people of Massachusetts so we here in California can see thru his slimey side-step ways. La Jolla is a fabulous piece of paradise, I am envious of this house.

  16. If this house is going for 12 mil, than what is the house three doors down worth? La Jolla and Pt. Loma areas are very, very expensive.

    Nice beach property. Google Earth shows public beach parks just to the north and south. He's got a private beach.

    Beach photo -

  17. Parker, if he gets his hair wet there will be a mile wide oil slick, call the coastal commission and hide the sea otters!

    I wonder if he is he doing anything with his other little house near Bean Town? -


  18. clearly, none of you live near this area

    being from l.a. and having made almost a hundred weekend trips down to coronado, it is clear to me why mr. baseball mitt would like to live in the lovely little enclave of la jolla:

    to be near this- http://farm1.static.flickr.com/54/178152339_42e71cb56d_m.jpg

    and no, kids, that a'int no dinneyland

    that's the mormon-monstrosity located next to the freeway in none other than la jolla, steps away from the romney beachside retreat

    mitt just wants to be able to wear his magic underwear straight from church to his private beach...

  19. clearly, none of you live near this area

    being from l.a. and having made almost a hundred weekend trips down to coronado, it is clear to me why mr. baseball mitt would like to live in the lovely little enclave of la jolla:

    to be near this- http://farm1.static.flickr.com/54/178152339_42e71cb56d_m.jpg

    and no, kids, that a'int no dinneyland

    that's the mormon-monstrosity located next to the freeway in none other than la jolla, steps away from the romney beachside retreat

    mitt just wants to be able to wear his magic underwear straight from church to his private beach...

  20. clearly, none of you live near this area

    being from l.a. and having made almost a hundred weekend trips down to coronado, it is clear to me why mr. baseball mitt would like to live in the lovely little enclave of la jolla:

    to be near this- http://farm1.static.flickr.com/54/178152339_42e71cb56d_m.jpg

    and no, kids, that a'int no dinneyland

    that's the mormon-monstrosity located next to the freeway in none other than la jolla, steps away from the romney beachside retreat

    mitt just wants to be able to wear his magic underwear straight from church to his private beach...

  21. clearly, none of you live near this area

    being from l.a. and having made almost a hundred weekend trips down to coronado, it is clear to me why mr. baseball mitt would like to live in the lovely little enclave of la jolla:

    to be near this- http://farm1.static.flickr.com/54/178152339_42e71cb56d_m.jpg

    and no, kids, that a'int no dinneyland

    that's the mormon-monstrosity located next to the freeway in none other than la jolla, steps away from the romney beachside retreat

    mitt just wants to be able to wear his magic underwear straight from church to his private beach...

  22. I have properties in the area (born in SD, work in LA-- Showrunner) & anon 9:07pm, you're quite right. The Temple is right off of Nobel Drive on HWY 5, approx 10 mins from Romney's LJ Shores property.
    That area stinks of old (really really old) Republican bank.
    McCain just had a $2,300 per lunch
    @ the La Jolla Marriot & every La Jolla GOP slag showed (The Hoehn Family, as an example, big time car dealers in town who are behind the voter initiative to stop gay marriage, were there).

    There's no way on Earth GOP's will achieve any leverage in Cali after Arnold's gone. Especially not some soulless oil slick like Mitt Romney.
    Jerry Sanders may be SD's newly re-elected Republican mayor (who also was the mayor who backed the SD City Council decision to support same-sex marriage before the state Supreme Court because his daughter's a lesbian), but that's because he's made great strides in getting the city out of its pension fund mess (for details, google "Enron by the sea").

    PS: This is my first time posting, Mama. I'm a big fan of your site.
    Thanks for letting me express.

  23. 9:07, try not to get so worked up next time, ya Enter Key lead finger.

  24. 9:07 = ed/joe/et al. He's soooo easy to spot.

  25. 5:30,

    Ya think? Losing his touch then, IMHO.

  26. Jealousy abounds.

    This is why America is so great.

    Don't worry, if Obama gets in we will all have houses like this and it won't cost anyone a dime.

    Bonus: Obambi can control the oceans, we never need to fear riptides, storms, or cold water temps.

  27. $12 MIL??!! That's $500,000 on the Outer Banks.

  28. Finally someone with class is moving into California. If America would get it's head out of it's rearend, alot of good things would start happening again in America. Romney has accomplished with his own hard work and intelligence, and the rest of America is waiting for the Liberal Government just to give it to them. The founders would be disappointed in how we have ruined the American dream.

  29. The temple is a good cruising spot. Hope to hook up with the Romney boys there. I'll be tapping my shoe - you know what to do.

  30. Heh, my servant's quarters are bigger than this place.

    Fernando! Quit staring at the view and get back to the lawn you lazy cur!

  31. I'll take the old fridge off their hands if they don't want it.

  32. 8:34, Somebody with class? The guy needs a lie-detector every time he speaks.

  33. Being my first visit I am hesitant to judge a blog by one post. But the tone, pettiness, jealousy, class envy, disrespect, and all around infantile statements makes it rather hard not do to so.

    Then reading the comments to get an idea of the readership compounds the problem as it is full of bigots, whom also have the same traits as the owner/poster of the blog.

    This will be my only visit to your blog. Best of luck to you, & hope you enjoy the quality of people your blog seems to attract.

  34. re: voidseeker..

    Oh NO SHE DIDN'T! (hey, I know it's kind of old school thing to say... but that's how I do it).

    No one can talk shiz about Mama. She's the sacred keeper of all things fun about celebrity real estate!

    Obviously, miss voidseeker doesn't understand sarcastic and snarkyness (shut up! it's so a word). So shove off.

    And as for the comments on this particular entry... well..... it's apparent that we have visitors from the Left and the Right.

  35. Good lord, where did these loopy comments come from today? lol

    It's called a life - find one, and you won't feel the need to drag others into your voids with you.

    Best wishes.

  36. Hey gene, America is pulling it's head out of it's ass by kicking the corrupt Republican party to the curb. 2006 was just a warmup.

  37. C'mon, romney isn't gonna waste $'s trying to become gov of CA...If mccain wins, he will either be veep or in the cabinet, if mccain loses, he will run for prez again in 2012. As for his real estate holding, 4 houses in pretty extreme, so maybe he will be selling one of his current pads now that he bought this house...probably unload a house to his kids.

  38. to an earlier comment about the outer banks, everyone should check it out, its a great secluded place

  39. Voidseeker, thanks for weeding yourself out. Some people fit here better than others. Good luck with your constipation problem. Must be a drag.

  40. gene, speaking of ruining the American dream, what's a little warmongering, outing of Secret Service agents, hitting on underage congressional pages, diaper wearing romps with hookers, and wide stance I wanna suck you off bathroom antics among Family Values 'friends'.

    In other news, the housing crisis is worsening, gas prices and the resulting cost of delivering food continues to skyrocket, and the recession is deepening - all against the backdrop of a Fed interest rate that can't go any lower, a phoney war that's created the largest national deficit in history, steeply rising unemployment rates, and an American dollar that's barely worth the paper it's written on as far as the world is concerned.

    Meanwhile, George W. continues breezily cracking tasteless jokes and farting for fun in the presence of guests around the White House, adamantly insisting none of it is his fault.

    Ruining the American dream indeed.

  41. Anonymous said...

    Hey gene, America is pulling it's head out of it's ass by kicking the corrupt Republican party to the curb. 2006 was just a warmup.

    America is pulling its head out of its ass by not voting for corrupt Republicans but by voting for the Obamissiah? A guy who is chums with Tony Rezko - convicted of 16 counts of fraud and bribery?

  42. In other news, Obama hired a staffer who worked for one of the mortgage companies he himself railed against.

    The democrats answer to oil prices is to tax oil companies.

    Thank God Obama is black, otherwise he would be John Edwards. Where IS Edwards these days?

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  44. gary, Rezko was convicted, not Obama. I had a good friend who was arrested for a heinous crime I had no knowledge of or part of, and I'm no criminal, not even close. The guilt by association thing dosen't fly in the face of things like every single Family Values Senatorial Republican giving diaper wearing, hooker banging Republican Sen. David Vitter a damn standing ovation upon his return to the Senate. Face it - the Republican party has not only become thoroughly corrupt, but grossly incompetent too. They need to be put out to pasture to rethink things, and find their souls again.

  45. Yeah right anon 12.39,you're guilty you did it and with magic underpants on!

  46. lol polly.. I'm 12:39. Thanks ;)

  47. There may be beach properties like this in La Jolla but I have sure missed seeing any of them. They must be very very concealed. Most of central La Jolla is not very attractive. Nice climate, but lousy beach front. And the U. of San Diego next door is a terrible campus for anyone who is interested in learning. Impossible to walk around; you need to drive your car just to get from building to building.

  48. A standing ovation? Really? I wonder if it was loud as the standing O that Barney Franks received from his party of zero ethics.

    Do you get more applause from visiting a brothel or actually operating one?

  49. Massachusetts says F-CK ROMNEY.

    We hate that a-hole for ruining our public school system with his bs MCAS idea.

    You Reagan worshiping dipsh-ts in Southern California can keep that greaseball mother f-cker.

  50. I can't find my pills.

  51. I'll help you look. Was it your nerve pills or the poison ones for average ho?

  52. It looks like houses are all right on top of eachother. For that type of money I'd have bought something much, much more private.

  53. I know it's a little late, but anon 11:46 a.m. (June 11):
    well f-ing said! I'm gonna print your post and give it to anyone I know who's thinking of voting for McCain, because deep down, every Republican knows that Bush has bankrupted our country, both financially and morally. McCain wants to continue the war - that's enough said for me.

  54. a talented team of nice gay decorators could always do some good =D


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