Thursday, May 15, 2008

We're Back!

After much ballyhoo, brouhaha and a very expensive trip to The Apple Store, Your Mama is back online and ready to start feeding the children some good old fashioned celebrity real estate gossip.

Just give us a bit to sift through our dozens and dozens of email correspondence and see what's surfaced in our absence.

Your Mama thanks all the children for your patience, kind thoughts and generous words.

Now send us some money so we can pay for this shiny new ma-sheen.

Stay tuned.


  1. If we send you money, can we deduct it as "child support?" ;)

  2. Congrats, Mama - you won't be sorry . . .

    Glad to have you back - it was getting close to "wooden spoon time."

  3. Glad you're back!!!

    Any reports on The Donald's sale of his 100 million $ "medical-dental" building slash house in Palm Beach? He told a news program today that he got his asking price.

  4. what kind of Apple did you get? Macbook Air?

  5. sorry mama, all my money goes to court ordered therapy sessions.

  6. Yay, Mamas home!
    Welcome back Mama, I plumped up the cushions on your favorite chair.
    Come sit and be comfortable, and tell me if its true that John Cleese really sold his Ranch at $11 mill less than he was asking.

  7. Mama, glad you're back. Crank up that new masheen and let's git er dun. Technology is a bitch. Where will all the digital information go when all the machines crash? Pffftt! Gone forever. The next new thing? Clay tablets.

  8. Mama,
    I'm doing somersaults ... and the happy dance.

  9. Brou-ha-ha?

    Is that a pickle in a brown paper bag?


  10. Thank Gawd you're back. The nerve pills were starting to wear off and there are not enough gin and tonics to survive the dog days...
    Lurv you Momma!!!


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