Monday, November 26, 2007


As Your Mama eases back into the world of celebrity real estate after our quasi-holiday, we would like to note that we are shocked and dismayed by the personal attacks and free floating hating in the comments sections.

As most of the children know, Your Mama does not typically involve ourself in the commentary section of the blog. That space belongs to the children and Your Mama just loves to hear the children bicker and banter about the properties we discuss, the market conditions and various other issues and ideas.

Obviously y'all are free to comment and speak as you see fit, but children, we respectfully ask that you not turn the comments section into a juvenile jab fest taking pot shots at each other and even worse making anti-Semitic and homophobic remarks.

So, to all of our regular and beloved commentating readers (even the doom and gloom ones), Your Mama asks that you simply ignore the haters and move on. Engaging them in "discussion" is only an invitation for them to spew more insanity, and please know that the outrageous and hateful comments are not a reflection of Your Mama's personal point of view.

And P.S., for the anti-Semite out there who so eagerly made disparaging comments about a real estate agent, if you insist on putting ethnic slurs in the comments section of our little blog, please at least do us all the favor of spelling the slurs correctly. Because hunny, you sound ignorant making statements like that, and we just can't imagine you want to look stoopid too.


  1. Children need to be scolded once in a while. Thank you, Mama.

  2. Any news on Ashley Olsen's reported new purchase?

    It seems a little overlooked and not very private for someone who is famously so private!

    Sneaky Pete

  3. Mama, I'm sorry you had to get up out of your easy chair and come all the way upstairs to knock heads. But since you're up, could you please give us a hint on how to make chipotle infused sweet potatoes? I'm intrigued. Thank you, Mama.

  4. that's right Mama, if you are a hater, don't come round here no more! if you do want to be bitchy at least be witty.

  5. Is this place really Ashley Olsens? For someone worth $150M it's kinda on the cheap end & for someone that drives around L.A with a team of bodyguards in the car behind it's not really the most secure of areas for someone so high profile ... Mama, do some digging b/c I'm not sure if I believe it.

  6. Just a few comments on bodyguards...

    As wealthy, extremely high-profile children, the Olsen twins were vulnerable to kidnapping, as I'm sure was pointed out to their parents by insurance companies and studio security. Hiring bodyguards would have been the smart thing to do.

    Now, as wealthy, high-profile young adults, they are used to bodyguards and the security they provide.

    If they had been my children, I would have hired bodyguards for them, too, and I'd be grateful they kept a few around as they became adults.

    Many (if not most) of the 'celebrities' Mama discusses live quite different lives from most of us, and have different security needs. I don't blame any of 'em for taking sensible precautions with their personal security.

    Of course, I don't think gated communities do much good at keeping a determined stalker out, but they are good at keeping the casual gawker away.

  7. I really had a good laugh with "Billionaire Joe" came in to battle "Average Joe".


  8. Why Ashley spend so little when their last house together was so nice - all white and new modern looking. Where is Hancock park is it nice?

  9. Lucy

    What is your point? We all know the Olsens have had security from a young age .. & those of us who live in L.A know they are 2 of the most protected stars .. My point about Hancock Park is that it's not the most secure area - the streets are grids, many ways in & many ways out of the area whereas in the hills you generally have a couple of ways in & out ... I think the Olsens security is more to do with paparazzi than anything else, there has never been reports in the media about plots to kidnap them.

  10. spell check #1.

  11. i tried to run you over!!!

  12. You're an Anti-Dentite!

  13. I grew up in Hancock Park. It's definitely not safe there and has been getting worse lately. I've found crackheads on the back porch, burglers running through the yard, was mugged walking to the 7-11 on highland and wilshire as a kid, had someone try to kidnap me from infront of my house also as a child. Then there were the murders in the 70's when things were really bad. One on Rimpau and one on Rossmore. Not only that but it is noisy as hell due to the fact that everybody's gardner comes on a different day.

    Many of the homes are very nice...and well constructed...but some are just big "cheapies".

    The house that Beck lives in is pretty much "new construction" and they lost a few lovely sycamores when they put in that stupid garage/poolhouse on 4th St.

    I could go on...but it looks like Mama has a "decent" handle on what's going on in the "hood".


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