Sunday, September 2, 2007

Rent Faye Dunaway's West Hollywood Hideout

OWNER: Faye Dunaway
LOCATION: N. Spaulding Avenue, West Hollywood, CA
PRICE: $4,250 per month
SIZE: 2 bedrooms
DESCRIPTION: Completely Hidden from the Street by high walls and hedges a private oasis awaits the discriminating person or persons who desire peace, tranquility and anonymity. The Spanish house is wonderfully appointed with a grand master suite and French doors that open to the yard; an updated kitchen with viking stove and modern bathrooms. You get the look and feel of your own chateau...A rare opportunity, don't pass it up...

YOUR MAMAS UPDATE: It seems clear from all accounts that Miz Dunaway has inhabited this duplex for quite some time and is a well known neighborhood fuss budget. Oh, and the price was raised to $5,000/month.

YOUR MAMAS NOTES: A day or two ago, in the middle of trying to cat box train our new pussycat Sugar while simultaneously and frantically preparing for the in-laws to visit, Your Mama received a breathless email from the Tony the Tatler who informed us that a "For Rent" sign had recently popped up in front of Oscar winning actress Faye Dunaway's place on N. Spaulding Avenue in West Hollywood.

Everyone knows that Faye Dunaway, along with her tremendous teeth, is one of the great beauties ever to grace the silver screen, even if she brilliantly played a vile and ugly monster mommy in the still upsetting and unbelievable Mommy Dearest.

But did anyone know that the aging actress, who is well preserved for a woman in her sixties, lived in a modest bungalow in West Hollywood? We didn't either, until being contacted by Tony the Tatler. We have always imagined Miz Dunaway elegantly inhabiting a big colonial in Bel Air that is aging somewhat gracefully and is chock full of velvet furniture and silver picture frames that are kept shiny by an ancient housekeeper named Ingaborg who has been scrubbing Miss Faye's terlits and cooking up her meals since 1959. But alas...

Truthfully, Your Mama is not sure that Miz Dunaway actually does live at the petite and humble N. Spaulding Avenue property that was recently put up for rent on Craig's List for $4,250 per month. We are working on that confirmation, but the children will likely have to wait until after the Labor Day holiday for Your Mama to confirm. However, property records do indeed reveal that Miz Dunaway has owned the property since 1998 when she paid a shockingly low sounding $315,000 for the corner property which includes two separate structures that comprise the duplex.

Property records show the property as having 2,456 square feet with 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, but given that the unit being offered for lease has only 2 bedrooms, we imagine the 5 bedroom and 2 bathrooms are split between the two units.

Because the property is fully walled with high hedges to protect privacy, the mini-house would be perfect for an upcoming celeb like young Zac Efron, who probably does not yet have enough money in his pocket to purchase a sexy pad in The Birds, but still needs a centrally located, private, and secure home base that will ensure all the tween-age gurls and 50 something gay guys that go all wiggly and moist in his presence will not be able peer their prying eyes into the windows hoping to catch a glimpse of his skinny and shirtless torso.

Your Mama would like to think that having Miz Dunaway for a landlord would be something akin to a modern day Los Angeles version of Tales of The City with Dunaway swapped out for the mary jane growing Anna Madrigal, which would be fabulous. But somehow we can't imagine Miz Dunaway smoking a spliff and making dinner for Your Mama and the Dr. Cooter.

Sources: Craig's List


  1. This property is located at 901 N SPAULDING AVE, WEST HOLLYWOOD, CA.

  2. Ms Dunaway is a very rude woman.

  3. Funny piece today Mama :) Faye seems to be a woman of apparent contradictions. I never would have imagined her marrying a rocker like Peter Wolf from the J. Giles Band either, but she did.. for awhile anyways.

  4. It must be an investment property for her,no?

  5. Looks like the kinda' place she might have used for booty call with some young "just off the bus" type.Some older broad victimized me in just that way back in the day when I first moved to this humble village.Ah-the good ol' days.

  6. sole pole, lol @ 'victimized'.. wink wink nudge nudge

  7. Mama, Strapping Hunk reporting in. Yes in fact Faye does live in the property. Seems some years ago she had a beautiful house in Beverly Hills, and of course, she was involved in a deal that went bad or a business manager took all her money. Sad to say, Ms. Academy Award WINNER was then forced to down size. Mommy Dearest hit a rough patch, and then begain appearing on Televison. However, contrary to popular opinion, she is very nice, professional and a warm person. The property is actually two lots combined, behind hedges in a cute area. Live from the Sunset Strip "Strapping Hunk" reporting.

  8. Very informative & interesting Strapping Hunk. Many thanks.

  9. I would be afraid to rent this house, for fear of doing something very simple (e.g. moving a table) that would cause her to go into a fit of rage. I hear that she's quite neurotic and rude.

  10. Believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear.. comes to mind.

  11. I lived further down the road on Willoughby and noticed the renovations on this property took forever... thanks for confirming what I only heard rumoured.. that Miz Dunaway did live there... I'd been told she was just the owner... I'm sorry Strapping Hunk... but my observations of the woman are not as nice as yours...

  12. Strapping Hulk is correct. She does own and live in house. Fact 'o the matter is that she has lived in that hood for a while. She lived down the street from a friend of mine on one of those mid-city, very nouveau chic, streets. However, they weren't all that chic when she lived there.

    And, yes, she was terribly ripped off by her management. And had a little drug problem, from what I understand.

    If you saw the current property, you would not be surprised to find that a celebrity lives there. The walls and hedges were definitely designed to keep out looky loos.

    Even with all of this, I am a little shocked the rental is on Craig's list. For a woman who likes her privacy, Craig's list?

  13. Today this property is posted on Craigslist at $5,000 per month.

  14. She does in fact live there.

  15. She does in fact live there.

  16. I can't believe this house is advertised on Craigs' list.
    They even give an email address.
    This is an hoax

  17. This is the house for a woman as old as Faye Dunaway.

  18. I don't think that the email is Faye's, but her agent's.

    I wouldn't call that a renovated kitchen. She should consider a counter-depth refrigerator and a stainless panel for that dishwasher.

  19. i had to google faye dunaway to figure out who the hell she is, still not sure, i thought she was my first hwood crush but that turned out to be jessica lange, (king kong) omg was she hot, jeezass effin christ, where the hell does she live, cuz i'll be stalkin, well after marsha brady of course.

  20. Rumors were going around a few years ago that she was flat-broke. Faye, always a clothes horse, began to unload her wardrobe to select vintage stores in Hell-Ay.

    She's a very strange woman, make no mistake. For years she tried to claim that she'd given birth to her son, turns out he'd been adopted. Her ex-husband finally outed her on that one.

    But I actually like the interior, but you know how we Southern Belles are.

  21. Strapping Hunk reporting in, Have her call me please. I handled a number of celebrities and high end leases. I could get her $10,000 per month easily. Mama, you know the sercet phone number. Whoever is her Agent email Mama and she will get ahold of me. Live from the Sunset Strip - Strapping Hunk out.

  22. Ms. Dunaway has indeed lived here. She and I have had words, as she found it intrusive that I would walk on her area of the public sidewalk. She had a sign in her own handwriting to leave the flowers alone, and thought that I was picking them. I saw her as recently as last week, as she was moving out. I asked nicely, "Moving?", and she replied, "to the North Pole." What a quack!

  23. I love all of these insider comments and stories. If half of them are true, we are lucky to have them shared here!

    I believe she must be quite eccentric, and not surprised she's not living the high life anymore. But Craigslist - how gauche!!!

  24. IMHO, needs a little work (new shrubs and wall needs painted) before demanding that kind of rent. So she moved out? I guess that takes away the excuse for the high rent she asked a few years back when she reportedly claimed it was reasonable for someone to have the privilege of living next to "an award winning actress".

  25. Several years ago, my friend lived across the street. Scuttlebutt was that she rehabbed the house for her son. My friend saw her helping him move in. There is absolutely NO street parking.

  26. If you look closely you will see a projector hanging from the living room ceiling.

  27. I also live in the neighborhood and can assure you Faye Dunaway had lived there up until a few days ago. Why she sold her house in Beverly Hills to join us hoi poloi in West Hollywood is anyone's guess.

    Her son lives in the smaller unit on the property and she occupied the larger. She was pretty infamous in the neighborhood for standing in front of her property in the mornings and yelling at the gardners, dog walkers, school kids...just about anyone within shouting range.

  28. What did I tell you?

  29. She used to have signs painted in her own hand that said, "Please don't pick the flowers. Love, Faye". But people kept stealing the signs and auctioning them off on eBay, because they were movie star memoribilia.

    And you know what? She may be rude, but we have no idea what people do to her or project on to her. She may be a nut but there may also be a reason. Walk a mile in her clogs first.

  30. This is actually a very, very nice property. I would rather live there than some tacky, Aaron-Spelling wannabe McMansion. West Hollywood is a very cool town (the only west coast equivalent of Greenwich Village we have) and this street is quiet, shaded, with many vintage small homes. There is a dog park about 10 blocks away, usually you pass friendly people walking to or from there with their pets. Whenever I walk past there the house seems inactive...I only spotted Her Fayeness once. She was getting into a long black car, wearing a conservative sweater and slacks, with her long hair loose. She was quite thin, and the shocking thing is, although I KNOW her age, the first thing that came to mind was, "She's old." I didn't think that in a critical way, just in a surprised way. She looks quite fragile in person.

  31. This is my favorite listing on this blog. Does anybody have more pictures or information about this property? Does Dunaway still own this place?

  32. I live on this street and have seen her numerous times. She definitely lives there!

  33. Ms. Dunaway is my fahter's step sister and I have always wanted to meet her. I was intrigued when I was little girl. I remember hoping I would see her at her father's funeral, John Dunaway, but I never did. I know she sent flowers and there was a big to do about it. My grandmother, Catherine loved him very much. I got to spend alot of time with her father as a little girl. I loved him very much. Tammy Jo "Staigerwald" Jackson

  34. So it's March 2011. Is Ms. Dunaway's rental available. $5000 would be worth the thrill to rent and possibly chat with one on the most beautiful women created.

  35. @ Anonymous: Ms.Dunaway lives on the corner lot of Spaulding and Willoughby. ALL of Willoughby is street parking. So tired of people whining "is there parking?" when mentioning West Hollywood. There IS parking, maybe not the rock star parking you'd like and you may have to park half a block from where you're going but deal with it. geez.

  36. I, too, live on Spaulding and have enjoyed a couple brief conversations with my movie-star neighbor. She has a bit of a reputation for being not-so-friendly to some of our neighbors; however, she has always been entirely pleasant to me and goes out of her way to compliment our little garden space when she finds me working on my property. She used to walk around the neighborhood, but I have not seen her out-and-about for some time now. Her property is not large, but it is genuinely pleasant. Very green and charming. If more of our neighbors showed the same care for their properties as Ms. Dunaway does, we would all enjoy a far nicer neighborhood.

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