Thursday, February 6, 2014

Janet Jackson Puts Big Apple Pied-a-Terre Out for Lease

WHO: Janet Jackson
LOCATION: New York City, NY
PRICE: $35,000 per month
SIZE: 2,093 square feet, 3 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms

YOUR MAMAS NOTES: In 1998 Janet Jackson paid $2.8 for a three bedroom spread on the 34th floor of the Trump International hotel and condo tower that looms in all its smoked glass—ahem—glory over the southwest corner of Central Park in New York City. Just three days ago, much to this property gossip's surprise, the Grammy-winning music industry royal* put her Midtown pied-a-terre near Lincoln Center  up for lease at $35,000 per month.

Now, children, we know that there are scads and scores of famous people who own homes they lease out. Goldie Hawn, Pierce Brosnan, Leo DiCaprio, Pam Anderson, Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne and tons more have all done it out in Malibu. But, seriously folks, we would have fallen over dead with rigor mortis before we imagined Miz Janet Jackson If You're Nasty would make her Big Apple home base available for lease by the weatlhy hoi polloi who can and will spend $35,000 on rent at the Trump International.

Online marketing materials show the efficiently if unimaginatively configured 2,093 square foot condo has three en-suite bedrooms plus a half pooper that, according to the floor plan, opens just about directly (and potentially uncomfortably) off the 28-foot long, L-shaped living and dining area. Floor-to-ceiling windows throughout the apartment make a weak counterpoint the Miz Jackson's semi-opulent and dark-hued day-core but they do provide multi-million dollar views that sweep over the park to Fifth Avenue and Central Park South. The kitchen, accessible from from the living and the dining areas, isn't large—it's pretty small, actually—but it's well-equipped with a washer and dryer stacked in a closet and has an itty-bitty dining alcove in-front of a practically wall-to-wall and floor-to-ceiling north facing window.

Listing photographs indicate one of the two guest/family bedrooms—our best guess is it's the one between the living room and the master bedroom—was done over by Miz Jackson's team of lady and/or nice-gay decorators as an office/den with dark wood-paneled walls, industrial-style louvered shades, and a built-in entertainment center.

The smallest of the bedrooms is tucked behind the kitchen just off the living room and the master suite sits at the opposite end of the apartment with a total of four closets (one walk-in, two standard and one linen) and a windowless, five piece bathroom that isn't shown in listing photos but Your Mama would bet the farm was done up in a luxurious if purposefully generic high-end hotel style.

Listings show Miz Jackson is willing to let the apartment furnished or unfurnished but tenants are not allowed to bring their pets who might soil Miss Jackson's carpets or tear down the drapery in a fit of feline pique or canine separation anxiety.

Building residents—and we assume that means even renters—enjoy five-star hotel services such as health club access with pool and spa services, maid and valet parking services, a business center, and 24-hour room services from the acclaimed (and high-priced) eatery Jean-Georges, where an assortment of signature dishes selected by the chef runs—in the restaurant—almost two hundred big ones. Anyways...

Once upon a time Miss Jackson owned an ocean front house in Malibu and a mansion smack up on the fairways of the swanky Bel-Air Country Club. But those places are long gone and the only residences we're aware of her currently owning are a 2,400-ish square foot condo at along the Wilshire corridor near Century City and fairy large if perfectly ordinary tract house in a gated development in Henderson, NV.

NOTE: Oddly enough, the listing disappeared from the internets today sometime between four and five p.m.( East Coast time).

*Wikipedia says she has 13 Grammys, IMDB shows she has just one, and this site says she has six. One of the children says, in the comments, it's four. So who knows? Not Your Mama, that's who. She also may or may not have one Emmy (plus four more nominations), a Golden Globe, an Oscar nomination, 16 MTV Video Awards, 21 American Music Awards, 33 Billboard Music Awards, six NAACP Image Awards, and, since 1990, a star on the Hollywood Walk of fame. Whatever the specific numbers are the lady is clearly a decorated veteran of the music industry whether you like her brand of high-gloss pop/R&B or not.

listing photos and floor plan: Brown Harris Stevens


  1. I hate to correct you Mama, but Ms, Jackson only has four Grammys, not 13. Someone doctored h er wikipedia page to make it appear as if she is the recipient of 13 awards.

  2. Oh, child, you right. Somebody done doctored up Miz Jackson's Wiki page. But if you keep looking around there seems to be all sorts of confusion about just how many Grammys she has. Let's just call it more than one, okay? Thank you, kindly,

  3. Dammit LaToya!!!!!

  4. Actually, according to Grammy dot com she has won five. Still far from 13 but more than four.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. More due to its location than the building itself, this was one of the more successful office tower conversions in the city; the former Gulf+Western building has spectacular views & the services offered, as well as its proximity to both Central Park & Lincoln Center, nearly make up for the uninspired architecture.

    Perhaps Ms Jackson's leasing is merely a toe in the water prior to sale?

  7. The Jacksons don't have the money they once did now that Michael is gone, he supported all of them at one time or another. Now all of his money goes to his kids.

  8. I have two things to say. First I don't think Janet is as rich as every thinks cause all her real estate that I have seen looks cheap. Most all her real estate that has been reported recently is in the $2 million range. She has a Malibu house that may be in the $5 million range but it looks like a fairly small home (by celeb standards). I think Janet may only be worth like $40 million to maybe $60 million max. Her best years were 1990 through 1993. I doubt she's worth the reported $150 million to upwards of $1 billion that's being reported. Also I think the Jackson family is getting just as much money if not more than they got when Michael was alive. Not more than they got in Michaels Thriller hey-day but definitely more than they got in Michael's last few years. Remember Michael never really helped his brothers anyway and Michael was fairly cash poor when he died. Michael wasn't paying his own bills and his mother's home was in disarray and in foreclosure or near foreclosure. Now all the upkeep of Hayvenhurst and the Calabasas home and all the kids chefs and security and everything is paid for and on top of that Katherine gets like $30,000 per month. That old lady doesn't need $30,000 per month. All her bills are already paid. She can live on $5,000 per month and divvy up the rest between her broke ass kids. I am sure the Jackson's are getting something which is probably more than Michael was giving them during the last few years when he was alive. The problem is they are greedy and want all the billions for themselves so they can blow all the money. That estate is worth billions. That estate owns EMI and Sony/ATV. Those are the two most powerful music catalogs in the world. Michael owned about 20 percent of the publishing in the United States. He owned his music, the beatles, Elvis, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Beyonce, Destiny's Child, Bruce Springsteen, every Sony artist and all of Sony Music's back catalog and then some. He owned over 700,000 songs and now its probably millions and millions of songs since his estate bought EMI. This estate will grow to be worth untold billions and they resent that don't have full access to all of that.

  9. Was I the only one who noticed Janet recently married a billionaire? And that at one point she lent the family money for part of the funeral on the condition she be paid back immediately? I think she may be just fine financially - now, taste in real estate is something else....

  10. Looks very masculine. Good point 12:29..she is probably leasing because she is smart, though she surely does not need the rent anymore.

  11. @12:29pm (BillinMI) I know Janet is just fine. I think she can live just fine with $40 million. I didn't say she had nothing. But if you live the celeb lifestyle and you are used to making huge money and suddenly your career goes to crap and you only have $40 million that's not a lot when you want to keep up that celeb lifestyle. Also I just don't think she is worth $150 million to upwards of $1 BILLION. I also don't believe that guy she married is a billionaire. I think he is probably worth hundreds of millions or his family is worth hundreds of millions and he works in his family's businesses and is wealthy and well off. But I think the media exaggerates his wealth. I think Janet married him because he is wealthy because she was going broke. Janet has very huge expenses even though she is thrifty and she doesn't have massive mansions she is still a celebrity and has to pay for chefs, private jets, fitness trainers, body gaurds, etc. And after Michael went broke she probably spent more helping out her family and she probably had to help broke ass Jermaine Dupri pay his bills when she was with him. That's probably part of the reason they broke up and then she immediately got herself a rich guy so she doesn't have to worry about money.

  12. Remember the multi million dollar auction in Beverly Hills that was canceled by cash-poor Michael Jackson?

  13. was at a big party there. started feeling really gassy and asked where the pooper was. she pointed to a door behind the couch. i flushed about 8 times so the living room wouldn't smell too bad when I came out.

  14. She is apparently living in the Middle East these days, no?

  15. Everyone is so worried about her wealth status, I don't get it. Twice in her career, she was the highest paid music artist in history, in 1991 being paid 30 million, and 1996 being paid 80 million for her respective record contracts. She has also have 4 large scale world wide tours that account for the bulk of her wealth. She also still holds the record for most successful, debut tour. I've heard that Janet is not a spend thrift, and simply doesn't go wild with her money on real estate. She owns property in the Los Angeles area, and this condo in NYC. She previously has has multiple homes, but I think as you get older, you need to downsize and its less of a headache to have multiple homes. High class problems, eh? Her primary residence is in UAE with her current husband, businessman billionaire Wissam Al Mana. I imagine her and her bank account are just fine. Also, I believe she has won 5 grammys.


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