Friday, February 28, 2014

In Case You Missed It: A Brazilian Giga-Mansion

Just for shits and giggles and the freakish absurdity of the whole thing we're gonna wind up this rainy Friday afternoon with a piggy on the back of the impressively focussed fellow at Homes of the Rich (via Veja São Paulo) who unearthed some recently published details about a 191,000+ square foot residential compound in Santana de Parnaiba, outside of São Paulo, Brazil. The recently completed hill top compound is owned by innovative Brazilian television executive Amilcare Dallevo Jr. and his t.v. presenter wife Daniela Albuquerque, a couple of unrepentant real estate size queens if this property gossip has ever seen one.

The high-walled and no-doubt heavily fortified property has a three-plus story main mansion with—so the scuttlebutt goes—a 13,000 square foot master suite that includes a private, roof-top swimming pool. No, butter cups, that is not a drunken typo, we really meant thirteen thousand square feet...a 13,000 square foot master suite. Think about that for a minute because it makes Your Mama need a nerve pill and a stiff, pre-cocktail hour gin & tonic to imagine a bedroom complex larger than some public schools. Anyways, somewhere on the property there's a cinema and spa—natch—as as well his and her offices of 1,000 or more square feet apiece and a 26-foot long fish tank because, let's be honest, what good is a 191,000 square foot giga-mansion without a 26-foot long fish tank that probably requires constant and expensive upkeep and maintenance by a team of fish wranglers, glass cleaners and tank decorators?

In addition to the main mansion the property also includes an entertainment pavilion that looks the offices of a financial services outfit in Manhasset, NY, along with a multi-storied complex next to the swimming pool, and a rather bizarre cylindrical blue glass structure (with adjacent parking lot) located outside the walls. Other features of note include three heliports—including one on the roof of the main mansion, hanger space for four helicopters, subterranean parking for 50 cars, and extensive formal gardens.

Frankly it looks to Your Mama more like a luxury training facility for top tier CIA executives and operative rather than a private residence, but we've never been a residential real estate size queen so what do we know?

photo: Gutho Galiano for Veja São Paulo


  1. He didn't unearth it...

    It was published on Veja, then some architecture and construction message boards, Virtual Globetrotting, where his friend Al saw it and then at Kenny's website.

  2. By the way, instead of promoting hideousness, perhaps it would have been better if you posted the works of Marcio Kogan, Bernardes + Jacobsem, Isay Weinfeld, to name but a few, who put their American colleagues to shame.

  3. One Main Helo-pad for the MAster of the House and of course, the maid and butler need their separate pads.
    13,000 ft for a master suite is decent sized. That is only 130 x 100. Not as big as it sounds when you have separate showers and closets.
    I REALLY LIKE the subterrainian-ian 50 carrrr my parrrkkk.

  4. Quaint and homey.

  5. Who's kidding who? Look at him. Look at her. Who brought more cash to the marriage? Who has most to gain? Tic. Tic. Tic.

    Call me a skeptic.


  7. I like how, when you click the pic to save > it saves as BigOlBrazilianHouse1 !! hahahah

  8. Guess your money goes a long way when you pay workers $15 a day or whatever they make in Brazil. I'm sure there is no workers comp insurance or health benefits for the workers. Get hurt and throw you off the property.


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