Saturday, January 11, 2014

We can't help it...

As a celebrity property gossip it's just too deliciously degenerate to pass up...

All the loud parties, the drag racing in the streets, and the spitting on neighbors hasn't made bubble gum pop superstar Justin Bieber many friends in his upscale gated enclave in suburban Calabasas (CA) and Your Mama highly doubts news of his most recent (alleged) shenanigans will make him any more popular at the next neighborhood bake sale.*

Are you ready for this, puppies?

Last night at around 7:30 p.m. young Mister Bieber (allegedly) launched an egg attack on his next door neighbor's house. That's right, a goddamn egg attack. Seriously? Who does that? The neighbor's reaction was—somehow—caught on a cell phone video that was—somehow—obtained by TMZ. The neighbor told TMZ he estimates The Beebs hurled about two dozen eggs in total, some while the two of them threw profanities at each other and the neighbor's teen aged daughter rang the po-po.

Presumably the local police will conduct some sort of investigation paid for by tax payers and, if the neighbor's allegations prove to be true, will likely result in little more than a meaningless slap of the hand and a day or two of bad press in by the otherwise adoring celebrity media machine.**

For months the celebrity gossip grapevine has swirled with rumors that Mister Bieber might like to decamp his suburban community. There have even been reports that The Beeb's momma would like her fast-living teen aged son to move to the Hollywood Hills because, for some reason, she imagines residents will not be bothered by his douche bag antics. But anyways...

*Your Mama really has no idea if Mister Bieber's neighborhood holds a bake sale.
**The latest reports say detectives may try seek a felony charge but does anyone really think that's gonna happen?


  1. That one is a rumor mama, he's not moving to Hollywood Hills anytime soon at least.


  2. JB was a boy who was ace
    his songs heard all over the place
    he found fortune and fame
    with little talent to claim
    and now there's egg all over his face

  3. 1:39 that would be the best thing that could actually happen to him. the bad influence of his wanna be rapper friends would dissipate. then again you could consider it canada papparazi employment act :P

  4. Mamma, you don't need to take the lord's name in vain.

  5. 5:07, I agree. Maybe Mama doesn't realize how much it strikes a chord, even for the sake of brevity, which she does so gosh darn well. I'm not a weekly church goer but still ...

    I still luvs the Mama.

  6. Romans 3:23: "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God".

    Our Mama know not what she do. That little Justin Beiber needs the wooden spoon. But, just like my little brother did, he would probably turn it around on our Mama. The horrors.

    He really is like a mini wanna be thug...he needs anger management. And, the worse part is, he can actually sing etc. but he has no writers or producers who give him anything good. Ever hear his music on the radio or anywhere else--NO!

    Like our Mama says, who can guess the ways of the rich and famous. But, this little tike may be in handcuffs one of these days. Keep trippin'!!

    Mama's Black Sheep in WeHo,

    Still here!

  7. You're kidding about the taking the lord's name in vain, right? hahaha

  8. Taylor Swift is fixin' to buy a new townhouse in NYC

  9. I never understood what the big deal was about this Bieber kid anyway. I mean granite I get the whole teen idol deal but as someone said all ready they don't play his songs on the radio, and for a "phenomenon" I can't even name one of his songs. What is he actually famous for?. Is it all a teenage girl deal? ... Or as I have heard the removes maybe a teenage boy thing. Maybe that's why he's acting out the way he is, sexual frustration. I mean no disrespect but it would make sense if you really think about it. Just a thought.

  10. 12:18 radio is no longer relevant, everyone is watching youtube, and there he is a star. as long he gets views he is relevant. its like with tv ratings. nielsen doesnot represent real ratings, nor does radio these days

    also robbie williams broke his boyband cause of alcohol and in the end he is the one with the mega career, while other members fell into oblivion.

  11. The rumor is that Usher turned Bieber out! Allegedly. And allegedly L.A. Reid and Diddy turned out Usher as a young teen. Don't believe me? Just Google it!!

  12. Well LASD woke up the little shit this morning with a search warrant. Doubt if it will change his attitude, but at least 1 of his "guests" did a perp walk because of cocaine.

  13. Los Angeles detectives are indeed investigating. Among evidence to be discovered, the Rabbi predicts eggs will be found in Mr. Bieber's refrigerator.

    Rabbi Hedda LaCasa


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