Thursday, January 2, 2014


  1. Somebody woke up on the wrong side of 2014. Wow.

    Happy New Year Mama and Dr. Cooter!

  2. All the best of health and happiness to Mama and Dr. Cooter for all of 2014! Happy New Year with many more to come!

  3. Happy, Happy New Year to you, sassy Mama, your handsome Dr. Cooter, Mama's Mama, Sister Woman (& crew), and of course to The Good Dr.'s clan !!!

  4. I just love love that this bozo has nothing better to do today than troll around here and yell "fuck you" at everyone who posts a comment? Does this person know that the more he or she comes to this site and pushes the buttons the more money Mama makes? Go Mama go!

    Happy New Year to Mama and everyone!

  5. HNY!
    You have brought me much joy and laughter, and I thank you Mama.


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