Friday, August 31, 2012

Catch Up Friday: LiLo Leaving Los Angeles?

On the heels of famous and famously troubled but essentially homeless "actress" Lindsay Lohan (allegedly) skipping out on a $46,000+ bill at and being banned from* the boho-swank Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles, CA where she shacked up for a good portion of the summer, word comes down the celebrity real estate gossip grapevine that the always-in-some-kinda-legal and/or Showbiz tangle starlet may make a move to Manhattan.

The Confidential canaries at the Daily News reported this morning that the hard-charging bar-hopper is expected to bunk in the TriBeCa apartment of "her assistant/sometimes best friend Gavin Doyle."

Hmm. Doesn't sound like a very permanent solution for the perpetually peripatetic tabloid seller but then again, when has itchy-footed and often-scrambling Miss Lohan ever really stayed put anywhere for more than a few months?

Good luck Big Apple.

*A press release issued by the hotel's general manager says the ban will be lifted and Miss Lohan will be happily received back at the Chateau Marmont at such time she pays her outstanding bill.


  1. Maybe she should go room with Leann Rimes. At the rehab, that is.

  2. She's said this at least 4 times now. The same, "LA is being mean to me so I'm moving back to New York." And you know what... she NEVER does. Just more Lohan bullshit.

  3. NYC - before LiLo, a beautiful urban jungle. A LiLo, a barren wasteland.

  4. Why hasn't Hwood blacklisted her? Are they all in cahoots in her death pool? Because when she dies, the tabloids will sell and TMZ will get a ton of click$$$?

    What's the deal? Why hasn't the trashing of Liz Taylor's movie trailer been enough?

    Who is this chick sucking, seriously?

  5. Unfortunately a prime example of "a product of the environment"
    Her parents are exactly what every parent should strive NOT to's unfortunate that 2 real "winners" bred and brought more if themselves into the world..I only hope that the balance of the children seek some help and try to break the cycle.
    I'm always amazed by people who seem to think we are actually interested in them..I'm sorry Lohans we are just counting the days till the next family related restraining order/ theft/ unpaid bill/sentencing.!!!

  6. 9:33, everyone.

    This comment moderation system is even more ghetto than Mediatakeout's and that is saying a lot.

  7. This is how you leave us on a Holiday weekend Mama? No Hampton, Malibu, beach, real estate morsel?? Who cares where Lohan squats. Sigh

  8. Didn't she just lease a house in Beverly Hills? I doubt they would let her out of her lease so soon.

  9. Mama, I'm sorry but this isn't a story worthy of your blog and you know it. This is a lazy attempt to give more content, however, this isn't even remotely relevant. If there was an actual piece of property being discussed here it would make sense, but there isn't. This is a story about a HOTEL BILL. When did your blog go from celebrity real estate to just another typical tabloid? Shame on you, Mama. Shame.

    Also, the comment moderation is really out of hand now. I can't read the word ever, it's too garbled.

  10. To Chris Perkins..Yeah I am sure contractual and legal obligations are of the utmost importance to Lohan. I cant even type that without breaking out laughing. And 8:47 you need some Xanax and some lenses honey.

  11. Happy Labor Day Mama! xoxo

  12. Question: Who cares about Lindsay Lohan?
    Answer: No one.

  13. What I don't understand is why all you people who don't give a shit about LiLo would bother to look at a post about her and then, even more inexplicable, take the time to scold Mama for posting it.

    If you don't care about this tart, then don't look at the stories about her.

    She may be toast as an actress, but believe it or not, she still sells a lot of magazines and puts a lot of eyes on celebrity gossip websites and blogs like this one.


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