Friday, July 20, 2012

Mark Walhberg Rides the Real Estate Roller Coaster...Again

SELLER: Mark Wahlberg and Rea Durham
LOCATION: Beverly Hills (Post Office), CA
PRICE: $12,995,000
SIZE: 11,500 square feet, 7 bedrooms, 10.5 bathrooms

YOUR MAMAS NOTES: It's baaack! Ever since the fall of 2008, when it was first listed on the open market with an in hind-sight optimistic asking price of $15,900,000, two-time Oscar-nominated actor/producer Mark Wahlberg and his baby-making wife Rhea Durham—who may (or may not) be preggers with their fifth bambino—have been on a so-far-unsuccessful journey to unload their deluxe and fully-customized compound tucked into a fancy-pants hillside holler deep in the mountains above Beverly Hills, CA.

By September 2011 the asking price for the mini-resort-like spread had plummeted to $13,995,000 and yesterday the Wahlberg-Durham spread, around a few tight bends on the same street in the same Beverly Hills (Post Office) 'hood where Demi Moore lives, was de- and quickly re-listed with a new and lower asking price of $12,995,000.

Property records (and other online resources) indicate the Tinseltown power player acquired the Beverly Hills estate in November 2001 for $4,950,000.

Current listing information shows the mock-Med mansion-compound has a total of 11,500 square feet with 7 bedrooms and 10 bathrooms divided between the nearly 9,000 square foot main mansion, the two bedroom and two bathroom two-story guesthouse and wherever else on the property there might be a restroom.

The gated and landscaped 1.73 grounds, the proverbial, self-contained and very private, celebrity-style playground, come complete with with meandering putting green; lagoon style swimming pool with loopy waterfall and water slide; multiple poolside cabanas and tented lounge areas; a grotto spa; lighted, full-sized sunken basketball court; and a cavernous fitness facility—a giant shed really—with professional quality gym and regulation-sized boxing ring.

Presumably Mister and Missus Wahlberg's desire to sell their private paradise of 10-plus years has something to to with the posh pad they're (allegedly) set to build in the unapologetically (and almost cartoonishly) lavish, guard-gated Beverly Park community.

Back in May 2009, several sources snitched to Your Mama that Mister Wahlberg and wife spent $8,250,000 to purchase one of the few remaining vacant parcels in the architecturally steroidal community of mega-mansions.

Listing information for the 6-plus acre lot from the time of the sale stated plans were available for a "30,000 square foot Mediterranean Villa." We don't know if Mister and Missus Wahlberg opted to go with the 30,000 square foot Mediterranean Villa but we did receive unconfirmed reports through the celebrity real estate gossip grapevine the couple recently broke ground on whatever it is they've embarked to build.

As far as Your Mama knows—and, of course, we don't know a damn thing about anything—beside this Bev Hills compound and the big Beverly Park parcel Mister Wahlberg's property portfolio is otherwise empty.

listing photos: Hilton & Hyland


  1. Mama, they already began the construction in Beverly Park several months ago. The home is going to be well over 30,000-square-feet - I heard it might even end up being the biggest in the gated community overall.

    Not bad for a kid who came from the underwear commercials, huh?

  2. The number I recall seeing on the interweb awhile ago was 42,000 sq.ft.

    Another Richard Landry designed mega-manse

  3. I am designing a new house for myself to build and it will have an indoor pool, theater, gym and basketball court, 8 car garage, in-law area and a 1,000 sq.ft master bedroom suite and I am looking at 12,000 sq.ft, 15,000 is I finish the basement. How the hell and why the hell would you need 30,000 to 42,000 sq.ft?

    What on God's earth are you going to put in there? What could you possibly add that would double or triple the size of the home that I am planning?

  4. Hey, it's his money and he's doing his bit to stimulate the economy.

    Good for him!

  5. the big problem with those HUGE houses (greater than 20K for example) is that most of them look like crap and have no redeeming value in terms of design, art, perspective, architectural 'history' or Interior design worth (= millwork, murals, windows/doors etc)

    it is a person's money yes..

    problem comes in via Environmental issues re: HEATING/cooling AND maintaining* these monstrosities. (For usually avg 3 family members).

    THEN year/s later.... the Younger generation does not want to/ does NOT have the MONEY to maintain these tacky monstrosities.

    then ,, the younger generation -or the Original owner,, decides to sell.. and NO ONE with any taste/or their 'own' taste ;/

    wants to spend the exhoribitant/over inflated price the Owners insist they are worth.

    then guess what?
    it becomes the City/County's problem at some point as many of these WILL be abandoned

  6. 9:52 - Hunny, are you new around these parts? It's ego space. Like keeping up with the Joneses, but taken to a whole new level by extreme wealth.

  7. no Petra
    i am not new around these parts. and one can have a small/big ego and *still have some modicum of taste.

    Candy Spelling's "Flocked" "Panels" jammed onto all that Dry-walled 'Entry Hall" at the manor is the epitome of this egregious crap.

  8. LOL -- I don't think any house in Beverly Park is going to become the city/county's problem because they have been abandoned. Hilarious.

  9. Nobody is going to abandon Beverly Park. Wahlbergs house is designed by Biglin Group, not Landry. Also not the biggest in the subdivision.

  10. Whatever he builds I hope he has a better interior designer for the new house.. The house he is in now is VERY pedestrian, cheap, cheap, cheap everything. And the living room fireplace, OMG worse than a Riverside double wide.

  11. i did say 'those huge houses' in my comment above. (eg this is happening all over the USA.)

    as for B-Park houses specifically, when the owner does not want it any more,
    they sit empty for years while owners try to sell them at inflated prices=(i mean for the house/structure itself).

    for years! (think Tim and his wife /country singers)
    They get broken into :/

    and i wouldn't say that this would never happen to a house in Beverly Park

    tho yes much more likely that they sit for sale for Years
    and then the next buyer
    tears down house
    and builds His dream house.

  12. No, the house the previous owners had was 30k sq.ft. designed by Biglin. Wahlberg has not used those plans and hired Landry to design a 42k sq.ft. place

  13. All that money he and his wifey have clearly does not buy good taste...tacky.

  14. Maybe that's true for the rest of the country, but here in LA (and Beverly Park in particular) that will never be the case, as long as we continue to see the influx of new money immigrants we've been seeing constantly for the past decades. Remember that almost half the homes in BP are now owned by foreigners, and that amount is only going to continue to grow. The size, security factors, and the attention they receive from making a purchase there tends to be attractive to these people.

    Of course sales slowed during the recession, but they're back in full swing now and houses are going pending faster than ever. The last few sold homes in BP went for very close to their asking prices, and their are zero on the market right now, so...

    Also remember that LA's largest, most famous, and most extravagantly conceived and realized estate (The Manor) went for $85 million in cash to a foreign buyer. Of course I am a bit biased in this regard, but the huge sale of a future historic monument will only continue to encourage foreign investment and these extravagant purchases.

  15. Mr. Wahlberg and his wife have 4 children and may (as Mama mentioned) have another one or more. If I had 4 or 5 kids and were a multi-millionaire, it might be nice to have 20 - 40 thousand square feet to spread out in. The conspicuous consumption could also have something to do with Mr. Wahlberg's impoverished childhood. While I personally admire the consumption model of equally wealthy but more conservative Hollywood types, I can see that it might be easy to get caught up in the hype and indulge yourself.

  16. Who cares! Tell us about The Knoll!
    For the love of God tell us about the huge 10 acre Beverly Hills home of Eric Smidt instead of some half-built Florida tract house or some lame 1000 sf house in Hollywood.
    I'm tired of looking at that blue roof on google maps and some dumb Hablinski Manion models. I want some answers!!!

  17. The exclusivity and notoriety that living in Beverly Park brings means homes there will always be in demand by the attention-craving types. The RE market up there is hotter than ever. The last home on the market sold for $22M a few months ago, WAY more than it was worth.

  18. In the last year there have been 6 sales in Beverly Park.

    Lisa Vanderpumps now fire ravaged home and Martin Lawrence's house both sold off market.

    56 Beverly Park Way sold for $21,750,000.

    34 Beverly Park Circle was on the market days.

    There is no lack of interest in Beverly Park anymore... it seems hotter than ever to be honest.

    PS - 72 Beverly Park is still on the market for $25m. I would be surprised if there was not other homesbeing shopping.

  19. Carla In CaliforniaJuly 22, 2012 at 7:05 PM

    I checked out the Biglin website and saw and pending project for a 47,300 sq.ft. home. Is that Wahlberg's place-to-be? I believe it was titled, "Maison Colline".

    Main House:
    Basement...10,480 sq.ft.
    1st Floor...14,850 sq.ft.
    2nd Floor...11,570 sq.ft

    Guest House 1...2,500 sq.ft.
    Guest House 2...1,200 sq.ft.
    Guard House...350 sq.ft.
    Club House...2,500 sq.ft.

    Gym & Spa House:
    1st Floor Spa...2,500 sq.ft.
    2nd Floor Gym...1,350 sq.ft.

    Shazaaaamm!!! What a fabulous estate! Who knew this was Wahlberg's taste? It is nothing like his brother Donnie's taste. Donnie likes a lot of white with black accents-very "clean" look.

    Congratulations to Mark for having the $$$ to afford this kind of living since growing up in poverty.

    As for Rhea...lucky b*tch!

  20. How can the children congratulate Marky Mark for his successes or think any kind of warm fuzzy thoughts about him? Yes, he grew up in poverty. He also tried to murder a Vietnamese man in a racist assault and left him permanently blind in one eye. Mark Walhberg is scum. I hope his new house burns to the ground, just like Lisa Vanderpump's old BP estate did.

  21. No, Maison Colline is something else. It's simply called Beverly Park Estate on Biglins website.
    But those plans are old and were mentioned in the listing when the Bisnos were selling the lot. Apparently Marky Mark hired Landry to do up something fierce BUT, no proof of that so really nobody knows.

  22. Mama you need to do another, new house. Marky Mark's place is as boring as he was and is. Spare us. Give us something nice for a change.

    Your devoted admirer,


  23. I'm not going to say what he did is "right" but clearly Mark was in a very different life situation then he is today.

    We've all done something really bad at some point in our lives, maybe not this bad but still.

    The question I have is has Mark ever reached out to the man he attacked to make things right now that he has wealth etc.

    If he hasn't then yes he is scum.

    Beyond that it looks like a really nice house, especially the pool.

  24. Not a bad looking house. But no one needs, or should want for that matter, a 30-40 thousand square foot home. Hell, 10 thousand is somewhat too much.

    Sorry, charlies. I hope he doesn't end up in poverty again after his more marketable Hwood days are over.

    Candy, you're delusional!

  25. He really lookin to sell or just reminding everyone he owns a big house

  26. Hamilton Realtor,

    No, he has never tried to reach out to the man he attempted to murder. He says that since he (Mark) has "forgiven himself" for his actions, there would be no point to it. Yes Marky Mark, who cares what your victim has to say, as long as YOU can forgive yourself and still sleep soundly at night in your atrocious megamansions! Like I said, he is scum. And I'm afraid this particular aunty does not buy "we've all made mistakes" when it comes to things like this!

  27. Re the last line of the article indicating that his portfolio is 'otherwise empty'. That's not true. Word is he recently (last yr) purchased a major penthouse condo in a to-be-built building (actually the new build will attach to an original beautiful older building) in Canada.

  28. That is a rather larger property he is selling. Its kind of nice to know that even celebrities are affected by the housing market.

  29. What a huge house! I don't know why he is selling it if he can just walk out onto any set and earn enough money to pay it off.

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