Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Jensen Ackles and Danneel Harris List in L.A.

SELLER: Jensen Ackles and Danneel Harris Ackles
LOCATION: Los Angeles, CA
PRICE: $3,495,000
SIZE: 2,636 square feet, 3 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms

YOUR MAMAS NOTES: Over the years Your Mama has toiled and typed our fingers to the bloody nubbins discussing the (often capricious) real estate activities of famous folks we've come to discover some fairly reliable markers and patterns.

For example, we learned that Tinseltown types—as a generalized group—frequently have a powerful attraction to Buddha statues, regardless of whether they practice or know anything about Buddhism. We've also figured out when a property goes up for sale on the open market as being owned by a celeb it's pretty much a slam-damn-dunk, take-your-money-to-the-bank gare-uhn-tee the celebrity isn't much of a celebrity and/or Your Mama ain't never heard of said celeb home owner.

Case in point, a mini-estate just south of Sunset Boulevard, in the Brentwood area of Los Angeles, CA, that just hit the market as "Celeb Owned" with an asking price of $3,495,000.

Natch, we bit the "Celeb Owned" bait and five seconds spent poking around the property records turned up evidence the property in question is owned (by a trust controlled) by a 30-something year old actor we've never heard of named Jensen Ackles who is married to actress Danneel Ackles, née Harris. We'd never heard of Missus Harris Ackles before today either but, for what it's worth to anyone, she ranked #72 on Maxim magazine's 2010 Hot 100 list,

Anyhoo, just because we couldn't pick him out of a line up if our next bottle of top-shelf gin depended on it does not mean Mister Ackles isn't a successful, working actor with legions of fans, which he is. As a youngster, he spent a few years in the late 1990s on the soap story Days of Our Lives where he earned three Daytime Emmy nominations. Since then Mister Ackles has worked frequently and steadily on boob-toob programs that include (but are not limited to) Dark Angel, Dawson's Creek, and Smallville. For the last seven years, he's starred with Jared Padalecki on a sci-fi program we've never heard of nor seen called Supernatural.

Like her hubby, Missus Harris Ackles has also worked steadily since she first appeared on a soap story (One Life to Live) in 2003. Her list of subsequent credits include roles in Joey, One Tree Hill, Friends With Benefits and a couple of those silly, money-making Harold and Kumar stoner comedies.

Property records reveal Mister Ackles acquired the .29 acre property in September 2009 for $2,435,000. Current listing information shows the single-story main house measures 2,636 square feet—modest by celeb standards—with 3 bedrooms and 3.5 bathrooms. A renovated, semi-Tuscan-style two-story, detached guest house offers significant additional living space.

Listing information from the time of the 2009 purchase suggests Mister Ackles (along with, one imagines, input by Missus Harris Ackles) has made a number alterations and improvements that include exterior paint; new flooring in the voluminous foyer; and a complete kitchen redo; a swimming pool overhaul with new tile work. The guest house was also fixed up with a darker, more dramatic color palette.

A library loft with custom wrought iron railing overlooks the main living room with rich brown hardwood floors, a vaulted and sky-lit ceiling and a fireplace set enough off-center to cause Your Mama's burrow to crinkle with consternation.

The shiny wood floors continue into the over-sized dining room (with well-stock bar and sitting area) as well as into the recently renovated, galley-style kitchen outfitted with dove grey Shaker-style cabinetry, top-grade, commercial-style stainless steel appliances, shimmering tile back splashes and a two-seat snack and booze bar.

The master bedroom has direct access to the backyard through a wide row of dark-framed French doors and the attached bathroom has twin sinks, jetted tub set into tiles plinth, separate stall shower and built-in shelving for towels, terlitries, and even books.

The dark-bottom swimming sits between the main house and detached two-car garage. The stone terracing around the pool steps up and wraps around the back of the house where a large outdoor entertainment space with built-in barbecue station shaded by a pergola.

A arched pathway of randomly shaped stone pavers cuts across a flat lawn and connects the outdoor living spaces to the sizable, two-story guest house done up in a kind of contemporary faux-Tuscan style. The guest house includes a voluminous, double-height living/dining area with soaring windows and buff-colored tile floors laid at a 45-degree angle, a simple but fully equipped kitchen, and a wood staircase that winds up to a wood-floored loft bedroom.

Behind the guest house, tucked into the tight point of the triangular-shaped parcel, Mister and Missus Ackles maintain a raised-bed kitchen garden (and orange tree). We can only hope they have more luck than Your Mama has keeping critters from snatching tomatoes off the vines before they get quite ripe.

listing photos: Keller Williams Studio City


  1. I know you dont care much about sports stars, but I would LOVE it if you could discover where Albert Pujols has decided to live. Hes the guy who just signed a 254 million dollar deal with the Angels. Just really curious.

  2. Okay... Help me here. Why are there two lounge chairs in the entry hall?

  3. The house is nice enough, but I'm absolutely devastated to learn that my fantasy gay boyfriend is married. Hag.

  4. @Anon 2:06 PM: Why are there lounge chairs in the entry hall? Same reason there are books on the shelf in the master bath: overzealous decorator.

    Supernatural shoots out of Vancouver, and Padalecki and his wife have already settled north of the border, so maybe Jensen is doing the same.

  5. I'd never heard of these two, either, so a "Google" was in order. Google turned up 8.4mil results for a pic of Mr. Ackles. It would seem there is interest in this guy by more than a few.

    After seeing a pic of the Mr., I went to check out the Mrs. Well, if I was to win the lottery and decide to bestow these two with a new vehicle (as you do with strangers when you win the lottery)
    my choice would be a big lifted diesel Dodge RAM pickup. This couple also looks like they'd enjoy a "Why Stroke it when you can RAM it?" bumper sticker and I'd gladly toss it into the deal. I'm never judgemental*rolls eyes* but, these folks just look like a pair who'd be happy living a rowdy life in an oil patch trailer park.

  6. Beautiful house and Supernatural rules. May it last forever.

  7. Mama, how is it even remotely possible you could have not heard of the fabulous Jensen Ackles who has been on TV forever with equally fabulous Jared Padalecki on Supernatural. Get on Netflix Miss Mama, you can't miss this show! Now the wife I've only heard of in the capacity of her hot husband.

  8. Jensen, is that you at 7:52? Keep your manties on!

  9. If you are going to blog about celebrity homes it might help if you are into pop culture. Otherwise you look like a downtown tramp trying to talk about Vonnegut to passerby.

  10. I like the house, Mama, probably going to buy it...
    Do you know who's the realtor ?

  11. You can be into pop culture and still not have heard of this guy or his wife. He's been on a few crappy shows that are watched mainly by tween female teenyboppers. Don't hate just because Mama keeps up her good taste with her Mexican soap operas!

  12. Rationalization for failure based on the lie that the show is only watched by tween female teenyboppers is all well and good but since it's a lie can we move on to the truth? It's a cult hit that is currently in the biggest hall in Comic Con. Clearly it's known by more than tween female teenyboppers.
    Stick to blogging about homes and stay out of pop culture grandmas. Your time has clearly passed. Still think cat macros are cute and rick rolling is neato no doubt.

  13. To be honest, I vaguely recognized him by looks alone (a good-looking man is a good looking man); as for her, um, not so much.

    Do you even realize how foolish you look referencing Comic Con in your argument? Perhaps you missed your nap today...

    There may be a legion of fans, but in the pantheon of world-class talent, celebrity & notoriety, they're still nobodies. Mama knows that; we know that; the question is why don't you know that?

  14. Can't argue with people on their 56k modems blogging from 1997. They still think celebrities are only made from films. How quaint. It's like a look into the dinosaur era. Should I have sent my reply by fax?

  15. Mmmm, lovely house!!!I agree if you're gonna make a post on celebrity houses you should be on par with your pop culture...

  16. 12:40 owes me a new keyboard, I spit out all my soda when I read 'biggest hall in Comic Con'. Thanks.

  17. My friend told me to check out this blog. Reading it I see there are some clueless snobs who think Comic Con is irrelevant to celebrity despite the fact major movie studios are desperate to have their trailers debut there and casts to have booths to hype their movies knowing it puts the movie in front the largest movie going audience. Comic fans who have helped the Avengers become the 3rd highest grossing film of all time. Harry Potter and Lord of the rings are also in the top 10. In fact none of the top 10 highest grossing films of all time feature many american so called "a-list" celebrities save perhaps Pirates of the Caribbean with Johnny Depp. To spit on Comic Con is to spit on fantasy movies is to spit on the most successful films of all time. Your credibility is as solid as swiss cheese.

  18. Don't know Jensen Ackles? You don't get out much, do you? Must be nice and comfy under that rock.

  19. I am shocked Mama doesn't know Jensen Ackles? If not for his talent, which happens to be fairly considerable and quite varied believe it or not, then at least for his looks, which are mind-bogglingly handsome. I can assure certain isolated cave dwellers here he's not a teenybopper idol and is admired by both genders, and people within his profession, not just for his looks. ;)

    Supernatural won the People's Choice Award for BEST DRAMA(not Best Sci Fi show which it won in a previous year, but best overall drama). It's been on the cover of TV Guide a couple of times. The average age for Supernatural fans per Nielsen is around 36 years old, not a teenybopper show, it just happens to be stuck on a loser network.

    San Diego Comic Con is THE place to be to promote tv shows and films that have any kind of fantasy/supernatural direction, no matter how tenuous, it's a huge industry event now, it's often written into actors' contracts that Comic Con is considered one of the promotional events they have to take part in, unless work itself keeps them from it. Having the main hall is a big deal.

    I do wonder if Mama isn't exaggerating her lack of knowledge, because every other article I've read about the house hasn't even mentioned Ms. Harris-Ackles? :D Even if Mama discovered he was married after looking up his name, why bring her up at all if she had no idea? Harris-Ackles name isn't even listed on Block Shopper as one of the owners, only Mr. Ackles. Sounds more like someone was upset Jensen Ackles was the one getting all the attention, which unfortunately for Ms Harris-Ackles is often the case.

  20. Not only have I barely heard of Jensen Ackles, but I can't imagine how the hell is wife pronounces her first name.

  21. Mama acknowledged that they were successful, even if she wasn't familiar with them. And really, there's a difference between CW/genre famous and Famous famous. It hardly means one is living under a rock.

    I myself am familiar with these boys because I enjoy following especially crazy fan wank on the internet. The contingent of fans that 'ship the two brothers/actors together has provided many years of entertainment.

  22. Jensen Ackles is a fabulous actor, known quite well. If you have never seen or heard of the show, you have missed seven great seasons so far. The president of the CW loves the show and moved it to a better night. He and his costar are Texas boys. He's not the type to go over glamourous. We as fan appreciate that about him. I'm not surprised at the garden. Before you act like he's a nobody, ask around more.

  23. Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki are on a little tv show called Supernatural...a little tv show that beat out other 'big' shows on 'big' networks for The People's Choice award for favorite network tv know, the BIG tv award in the People's obviously, people have heard of it. If the blogger hasn't...I truly feel sorry for you. Supernatural is the best show on tv...Jensen and Jared are extremely talented actors....very classy, kind, funny guys who are head and shoulders above the so called A-listers who think they are better than everyone else. And their wives are beautiful, kind people too.

  24. JENSEN ACKLES is such an amazing talented actor and an amazing person just because u dont know the wonderful and an awesome show he's on doesn't mean he is a nobody. Supernatural has been on for 7 yrs with only two main leads Jensen and Jared. SPN has won 2 PCA's and is known around the wrld they also do conventions around the wrld. Lastly, the fans are not "tweens" im in my early 20's and i love the actors and the show.

  25. Wow you people are a bunch of judgmental arrogant snobs. Not every one has to have the biggest and best. Some people like modestly. Jensen Ackles has been on Television since 1997 and 4 movies. His Wife, Danneel been in several movies as well. These are kind hearted people you are talking about, who have many of fans who adore them because they are not selfish snobs like you. You need to get your facts straight your opinion is null and void!!

  26. Oh my lord! Some people get so stupid when it comes to famous people.

  27. You don't know Jensen Ackles? Supernatural?? Hello!!
    And Danneel Harris played Rachel on One Tree Hill.


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