Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday Afternoon Odds And Ends: Matt Damon

According to the always industrious kids at Curbed Matt Damon has allegedly and reportedly paid around $15,000,000 for a hulking, three-story, 13,508 square foot contemporary mansion in Pacific Palisades, CA with 7 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, 35-foot mahogany ceilings, a "serious gym," two staff rooms.

Maybe he did and maybe he didn't.

As of today, the 7 bedroom and 10 bathroom residence remains on the open market with an asking price of $15,950,000 and two days ago a trusty real estate insider we'll call Mister Platinum Triangle told Your Mama that he heard Mister Damon wanted to lease not buy the mansion in order to be close to b.f.f. Ben Affleck.

All just celebrity real estate rumor and gossip at this point, puppies. Make of it what you will.

listing photo: Coldwell Banker / Pacific Palisades


  1. Forever is a long long time. I hope he gets on with whatever he's doing so we can catch a glimpse of the home's interior. So modern, so hunk 'o hunk 'o burning ... pool party. The place is a party palace at first glance.

  2. I am not a believer. Matt & wife & co tend to stay in the NYC, Miami areas. I can see maybe leasing if he had a few projects lined up.

  3. Petra's Potty Poop PickerMay 1, 2012 at 4:44 PM

    Listen, I love me a contemporary residence or two, but this is just terrible! The exterior is hideous, the paint scheme is revolting (two-tone chocolate brown and white with grey trimmings?!?!), and the pool design is all wrong.

  4. Don Juan's Wreckless DaughterMay 1, 2012 at 5:56 PM

    I agree with Petra's... uh.. yeah.

    'haps it could could serve as metaphor for one of one of Mama's famous Gin 'n' Tonics:

    - cold
    - stiff
    - doesn't flow fast enough...

    ... well, at least for this boozy kitten. You'd need to open the fire hydrant to get me on board for this ;)

  5. Most likely a lease.

    Doesn't he own a place in LA already?

    Lady J

  6. Huh? I doubt a grown man like Matt Damon would move to a new city to be closet to his friend. Is he gay or something?

  7. We aren't "kids at Curbed" please don't call us kids... Thanks.

  8. Nice mama, approve the comment but keep the post the same. How rude.

  9. Hence forth ALWAYS reference the "kids" when mentioning the Curbed site. I know I will. Maybe "babies" at Curbed would be better. GET OVER IT!

  10. I imagine he's definitely leasing. No way would someone who's not even going to live here full-time be foolish enough to spend that much money on this dump. No chance of a return on investment whatsoever.

  11. ...the old farts at Curbed...

  12. I'm shocked someone at Curbed would have such a stick up their butt about something that is so obviously a term of endearment.

  13. To the itty-bitty widdle Curbed baby: Hunny, looks like Mama got yer panties all in a twist! Now skedaddle, but don't let the door bang yer cute little bottom on the way out, schnookums! Ya herd?????

  14. Definitely a rental.

  15. How do all you people know it was the "people" at Curbed?
    Surely it could be just any old body pretending to be Curbed.
    Even I could be Curbed except I am and remain

    The Aussie

  16. 10;12 Well, yes, I've always wondered bout Matt and Ben. Exactly how "close" are they? Both married, but that doesn't necessarily mean.....or does it?

  17. It's more likely a property would be rented for the period of the upcoming "Liberace" movie, rather than purchased.


  18. Ann Romney Stay At Home MomMay 3, 2012 at 9:35 AM

    He could have found a better home to lease than this one.

  19. what happened to the SoHo loft post that disappeared? I almost never see Mama do that!

  20. Dam thats a crap load of money just to be close to his BFF, lmao.

  21. Yep, he bought it. Sold for exactly $15 million in June and the trustee is a guy named Gary Kress - Damon's longtime business manager.

  22. Listen, I love me a contemporary residence or two, but this is just terrible! The exterior is hideous, the paint scheme is revolting (two-tone chocolate brown and white with grey trimmings?!?!), and the pool design is all wrong.


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